
Relicario Dominicano Superior rum
Relicario Dominicano Superior review posted 2 months ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Sladká, dřevitá, karamel, vanilka, malinko, rozinky, koření - klasika
Chuť: Sladší, lihově štiplavá,staré dřevo, koření, pepř, bylinně nahořklá
Dochuť: Nahořklá, špinavě sudová, kratší

Ochutnal jsem jednou Peated a je to jedna z mých nejhorších rumových zkušeností.
Toto je proti tomu POHODA.

RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year rum
RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year review posted 2 months ago by The Sipping Pirate 🇳🇱 | 84 ratings

If Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva had a whisky variant this would be it. From the smell to taste I experience my favorite rum, however when it goes down then I taste a light smokeyness I get from a whisky.

It is too expensive for what the rum does in my opinion.

Cubaney Selecto 18-Year rum
Cubaney Selecto 18-Year review posted 2 months ago by The Sipping Pirate 🇳🇱 | 84 ratings

This rum reminded me of Admiral Rodney Great Oak but softer, much softer. On the nose I get a little sweet smokeyness, taste is mild sweet mix of rum&whisky with and it goes down smooth and leaves a little tingle on your tong.

A nice sipper but a bit expensive (round 40 euro's) I would give it a 6.7 because I expected more from Oliver & Oliver after tasting the other ones which I rated much higher.

Depaz Cuvée Château Des 100-Year, 6-11 Years rum
Depaz Cuvée Château Des 100-Year, 6-11 Years review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Tento rum byl vyrobený na počest 100. výročí destilerie Depaz v roce 2022.*
Master blender Nora Carrion-Martinez vybrala celkem z deseti 200l sudů ročníky 2011, 2013 a 2016. Tyto vybrané rumy zrály 6 - 11 let. Většina vybraných sudů jsou z amerického dřeva (2/3 červené, 1/3 nové).
Tohoto cuvée bylo nalahvováno 1400 očíslovaných lahví, z nichž jen 300 bylo určeno pro export.

* V roce 1902 bylo panství Depaz zničeno společně s městem Saint-Pierre při sopečné erupci. V roce 1922 započal Victor Depaz s obnovou sídla i destilerie.

Aroma: Čerstvě nařezané dřevo s pryskyřicí, med, travnatost se špetičkou pepře, starý nábytek, lesní plody.
Chuť: Whisková (sladová), medová, opět se špetkou pepře.
Dozvuk: Trochu dřeva, nálož medu, travnatosti a ještě více sušeného ovoce (rozinky, fíky). Působí jako sherry výluh. Delší, velmi jemný,
Sladkost: /
Ochutnán vzorek
Krásná vůně, chuť jak skotská whisky a dozvuk se nese v duchu sherry. Velmi zajímavá směska.

Vigia 12-Year rum
Vigia 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by The Sipping Pirate 🇳🇱 | 84 ratings

On the nose, taste and when it goes down it is nothing but alcohol. It doesn't burn but for a 12y I expect some taste. In my opinion this needs a lot of work.

Pusser's Select Aged 151 Green Label 3-Year rum
Pusser's Select Aged 151 Green Label 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Rum se destiluje celkem na pěti destilačních zařízeních v Guyaně a Trinidadu, odkud také pochází cukrová třtina. Zrání probíhá v tropech minimálně 3 roky ve vypálených sudech po bourbonu.
Select 151 Overproof se lahvuje v sudové síle tak, jak se v sudech posílal do centrálních skladů Britského královského námořnictva. Sklady byly v Deptfordu, Gosportu a Devonportu. Tam se také rum míchal a ředil na sílu "proof" čili 54,5%.
Aroma: Velmi štiplavé v nose - síra, skořice, slanost, pražené ořechy, opálené dřevo.
Chuť: Nálož dřeva, koření a velmi hořké čokolády. Pachuť síry je také stále znát.
Dozvuk: Opět pachuť síry a pekanové ořechy se dřevem, % jsou nekompromisní a brutálně pálí. Dlouhý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Nad Gunpowderem jsem si pomlaskával, tady vůbec. Nepříjemná pachuť síry prostupuje úplně celým rumem.

S.B.S. 1997 Guyana SWR 26-Year rum
S.B.S. 1997 Guyana SWR 26-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 1997 / leden 2024

S.B.S Guyana 1997 SWR (Skeldon William Ross) zrál 26 let v sudu po bourbonu.
Vyrobeno bylo 195 lahví.

Aroma: Spálený karamel, opálené dřevo, skořice, pikantní koření s vanilkou.
Chuť: Nejprve nasládlá, lehce eukalyptová, poté hořknoucí a kořenitá s příměsí pražené kávy.
Dozvuk: Hořké kakao, zemitost, zase pikantní kořenitost a závan dřeva. Hořkne.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Klasický Skeldon - tudíž dost dobrý rum, kde je na můj vkus až přílišná hořkost v chuti i dozvuku. Tento Skeldon je o fous lepší než velmi podobné plnění z roku 2021.

Plantation 2018 Single Cask Guatemala VSOR 3-Year rum
Plantation 2018 Single Cask Guatemala VSOR 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2018 / 2022
Těkavé látky: 142 g/hLAA
Estery: 33 g/hLAA
Fermentace: 3 dny
Doslazování: 15 g/l

Rum zrál 2 roky v tropech v sudu po bourbonu, 1 rok kontinentálně v sudu po koňaku Ferrand a 4 měsíce kontinentálně v sudu po červeném víně Pineau des Charentes.
Rum pochází z Destiladora de Alcoholes y Rones.

Aroma: Mokré dřevo, vínová zatuchlina, cukrový sirup, kokos a lesní ovoce (ostružiny, borůvky).
Chuť: Nasládlá a jemně pikantní, mléčná čokoláda, koření (skořice, hřebíček), lehce dřevo.
Dozvuk: Skořice, zemitost, třešně a spousta sušeného ovoce (rozinky). Delší.
Sladkost: 1/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Příjemný, jemně nasládlý a hebký kousek od Plantážníka. Odpočinkový rum za hodně dobrou cenu.

Habitation Velier 2021 Foursquare LFT White rum
Habitation Velier 2021 Foursquare LFT White review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováono: 2021
Estery: 555 g/hlpa

Tento FQ LFT ( Long Fermentation Type) je směsí dvou rumů: první je vyrobený z melasy fermentovaný řízeně po dobu 72 hodin, druhý pochází z čisté šťávy cukrové třtiny fermentovaný divokými kvasinkami po dobu několika týdnů.

Aroma: Zasmrádlé - kyselý lák od okurek, zapařený skleník, citrony, třtina, zázvor, dotek ředidla.
Chuť: Nálož esterů, tinktury, třtiny a ředidla. Po chvíli velmi pálivá.
Dozvuk: Ředidlo, tinktura, dotyk shnilého ovoce a decentně hořknoucí travnatost. Velmi dlouhý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Nestařený FQ, první svého druhu, který je od clairinů skoro nerozeznatelný. Estery zase připomínají jamajské nestařence. Chutná zajímavost.

Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior rum
Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

For the price of $51.99 USD and the fact that it's easily accessible domestically, this rum stays at the front of my cabinet.

tasting notes - black olives, anis, cinnamon, clove, caramel, peppercorn and vanilla. Warm finish, complex.

Havana Club 7-Year rum
Havana Club 7-Year review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

A friend of mine was in Cuba recently and brought this back home. He sampled a good portion of it, but then donated the remainder to my bottle collection. For as widely produced as it is, this rum is more palatable than bottles 4 times its price.

sweet tree fruit flavors (plums, dates, etc.), low acidity.

Dos Maderas Seleccion rum
Dos Maderas Seleccion review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Aging in different sherry give very complex and long taste.

Dos Maderas PX 5+5 rum
Dos Maderas PX 5+5 review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Aging in Pedro Ximenez and Cortados Sherry, good but not so comlex as Dos Maderas Selection.

Dos Maderas 5+3 rum
Dos Maderas 5+3 review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Good, young rum perfect for mixing but simple and sharp from alcohol for sipping

Rhum JM 2021 Terroir Volcanique 3-Year rum
Rhum JM 2021 Terroir Volcanique 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

this is my number one bottle of rhum. I am a Agricole fan, and this rhum takes everything I love about a agricole and then dials it up to 11.

Dirt, Licorice, Smokey fire, freshly cut grass, oak, lime.

Straight, and in a Mai Tai or Daiquiri . I need more!

Admiral Rodney HMS Princessa 5-Year rum
Admiral Rodney HMS Princessa 5-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

For ~$60 USD, this is a great introduction to sipping quality rum.

It's a deep amber color. The nose is hot and smokey, with a some honey trailing behind.

Tasting this is a treat. It's sweet but not too much. It's smokey with more pronounced tobacco flavor in the mouth. There is a lot on presence in the mouth, which is good as the finish is rather short for this bottle.

I would buy another and am excited to explore more St. Lucia Rum.

Don Q 2009 Signature Release Single Barrel 10-Year rum
Don Q 2009 Signature Release Single Barrel 10-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

This is my go to "wow someone with a Dairuri" rum.

Sweet brown sugar, banana, pleasant nose, and long finish.

Don Q Reserva De La Familia Serralles 20-Year rum
Don Q Reserva De La Familia Serralles 20-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

Had the luxury of attending a Don Q tasting event at our local Tiki bar. A representative from Don Q came a long to share the bottle's lore. It made for a excellent memory.

This rum is smooth, and deep. Butterscotch and oak come along with light fruit and raisin. Everything was perfectly balanced, which was a pleasant surprise for Rum being in the barrel for so long.

Would I buy a bottle if I could find one and afford it. No. I am so glad I got the chance to taste this bottle.

Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

For the price, I love this bottle. Is it sweet? Yes, but not overly so.

In a Daiquiri. it is divine.

Plantation 2003 Jamaica Clarendon Mmw 16-Year rum
Plantation 2003 Jamaica Clarendon Mmw 16-Year review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

Out of everything in my cabinet, this one has by far the most complex flavor profile. I've heard of the Jamaican funk created by high ester content and such. I don't know if that's what it is, or if it's more due to the 49.5% ABV, but this is a really fascinating blend. It has way more floral notes than anything else I own. It's botanical, grassy. Also hints of burnt orange peel and elderflower. There's the familiar bite of oak, but not in the traditional sense where it fills your nose with it.

Diplomatico Mantuano rum
Diplomatico Mantuano review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

I needed to replace my (frequently consumed) Reserva Exclusiva and the store only had the Mantuano so I gave it a try. Months later, it's still pretty much a full bottle. I won't say it's bad, but it reminds me of a Kinder Bueno Mini, Nutella, or at least something very similar to hazelnut coffee creamer mixed with graham crackers.

Botany Bay Estate Reserve rum
Botany Bay Estate Reserve review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

Bought this one in St. Thomas USVI for $42.50 USD at the LURYX downtown. Still haven't cracked it open - just need a placeholder with a photo for when I do.

Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

At $39.99 USD, this rum is a great stand-in for enjoying a Dominican sipping rum with your friends and not having to worry about the next time you'll be in the Caribbean to replace it if you end up going through the whole bottle. It's great to have on the shelf.

Brugal Leyenda rum
Brugal Leyenda review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

I bought this rum in Puerto Plata, DR at the Monkeyland gift shop for $45 USD. It was recommended to my by a local who had worked in the Brugal distillery for 17 years. I had originally planned to visit the Macorix distillery while in port, but several people discouraged me from it. As a result, I bought two other rums while I was there (Barceló and Club Puntacana) for a very reasonable price. All in all, my visit to Puerto Plata yielded an excellent opportunity to buy Dominican rum that I don't usually see in the United States.

The Leyenda has a beautiful presentation - nice bottle and lovely color. And despite its lower 38% ABV, it has a longer (and pleasant) after burn than I wasn't expecting. Notes of cacao, caramel, coffee, oak and sweetgrass.

A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare rum
A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

Truly one of my favorite rums and one that I rarely get an opportunity to buy due to it being unavailable to buy in the United States. i expected to find it in the A.H. Riise shopping district in St. Thomas USVI, but I have only been able to find it in The Netherlands or Denmark.

I was so excited about this rum that I tried for months to get someone locally to import it. I corresponded with Bjørn Jensen at AH Riise and made introductions for him with a few regional distributors, but nothing ever transpired. Bjørn also recommended that I try their Non Plus Ultra Dark rum, which tasted exactly like vanilla extract.

Regardless, if I could only ever have one rum, I would probably choose this one every time. For my palette, it suits me perfectly. From the decanter-style bottle to the illustrious color, it stands out amongst any other bottles on the shelf. And this rum doesn't need to air out before sipping. It's ready for sipping right away. Apricot, green bananas, drum tobacco, clementine - it's all right there.

Relicario Dominicano Superior rum
Relicario Dominicano Superior review posted 2 months ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Sladká, dřevitá, karamel, vanilka, malinko, rozinky, koření - klasika
Chuť: Sladší, lihově štiplavá,staré dřevo, koření, pepř, bylinně nahořklá
Dochuť: Nahořklá, špinavě sudová, kratší

Ochutnal jsem jednou Peated a je to jedna z mých nejhorších rumových zkušeností.
Toto je proti tomu POHODA.

RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year rum
RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year review posted 2 months ago by The Sipping Pirate 🇳🇱 | 84 ratings

If Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva had a whisky variant this would be it. From the smell to taste I experience my favorite rum, however when it goes down then I taste a light smokeyness I get from a whisky.

It is too expensive for what the rum does in my opinion.

Cubaney Selecto 18-Year rum
Cubaney Selecto 18-Year review posted 2 months ago by The Sipping Pirate 🇳🇱 | 84 ratings

This rum reminded me of Admiral Rodney Great Oak but softer, much softer. On the nose I get a little sweet smokeyness, taste is mild sweet mix of rum&whisky with and it goes down smooth and leaves a little tingle on your tong.

A nice sipper but a bit expensive (round 40 euro's) I would give it a 6.7 because I expected more from Oliver & Oliver after tasting the other ones which I rated much higher.

Depaz Cuvée Château Des 100-Year, 6-11 Years rum
Depaz Cuvée Château Des 100-Year, 6-11 Years review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Tento rum byl vyrobený na počest 100. výročí destilerie Depaz v roce 2022.*
Master blender Nora Carrion-Martinez vybrala celkem z deseti 200l sudů ročníky 2011, 2013 a 2016. Tyto vybrané rumy zrály 6 - 11 let. Většina vybraných sudů jsou z amerického dřeva (2/3 červené, 1/3 nové).
Tohoto cuvée bylo nalahvováno 1400 očíslovaných lahví, z nichž jen 300 bylo určeno pro export.

* V roce 1902 bylo panství Depaz zničeno společně s městem Saint-Pierre při sopečné erupci. V roce 1922 započal Victor Depaz s obnovou sídla i destilerie.

Aroma: Čerstvě nařezané dřevo s pryskyřicí, med, travnatost se špetičkou pepře, starý nábytek, lesní plody.
Chuť: Whisková (sladová), medová, opět se špetkou pepře.
Dozvuk: Trochu dřeva, nálož medu, travnatosti a ještě více sušeného ovoce (rozinky, fíky). Působí jako sherry výluh. Delší, velmi jemný,
Sladkost: /
Ochutnán vzorek
Krásná vůně, chuť jak skotská whisky a dozvuk se nese v duchu sherry. Velmi zajímavá směska.

Vigia 12-Year rum
Vigia 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by The Sipping Pirate 🇳🇱 | 84 ratings

On the nose, taste and when it goes down it is nothing but alcohol. It doesn't burn but for a 12y I expect some taste. In my opinion this needs a lot of work.

Pusser's Select Aged 151 Green Label 3-Year rum
Pusser's Select Aged 151 Green Label 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Rum se destiluje celkem na pěti destilačních zařízeních v Guyaně a Trinidadu, odkud také pochází cukrová třtina. Zrání probíhá v tropech minimálně 3 roky ve vypálených sudech po bourbonu.
Select 151 Overproof se lahvuje v sudové síle tak, jak se v sudech posílal do centrálních skladů Britského královského námořnictva. Sklady byly v Deptfordu, Gosportu a Devonportu. Tam se také rum míchal a ředil na sílu "proof" čili 54,5%.
Aroma: Velmi štiplavé v nose - síra, skořice, slanost, pražené ořechy, opálené dřevo.
Chuť: Nálož dřeva, koření a velmi hořké čokolády. Pachuť síry je také stále znát.
Dozvuk: Opět pachuť síry a pekanové ořechy se dřevem, % jsou nekompromisní a brutálně pálí. Dlouhý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Nad Gunpowderem jsem si pomlaskával, tady vůbec. Nepříjemná pachuť síry prostupuje úplně celým rumem.

S.B.S. 1997 Guyana SWR 26-Year rum
S.B.S. 1997 Guyana SWR 26-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 1997 / leden 2024

S.B.S Guyana 1997 SWR (Skeldon William Ross) zrál 26 let v sudu po bourbonu.
Vyrobeno bylo 195 lahví.

Aroma: Spálený karamel, opálené dřevo, skořice, pikantní koření s vanilkou.
Chuť: Nejprve nasládlá, lehce eukalyptová, poté hořknoucí a kořenitá s příměsí pražené kávy.
Dozvuk: Hořké kakao, zemitost, zase pikantní kořenitost a závan dřeva. Hořkne.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Klasický Skeldon - tudíž dost dobrý rum, kde je na můj vkus až přílišná hořkost v chuti i dozvuku. Tento Skeldon je o fous lepší než velmi podobné plnění z roku 2021.

Plantation 2018 Single Cask Guatemala VSOR 3-Year rum
Plantation 2018 Single Cask Guatemala VSOR 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2018 / 2022
Těkavé látky: 142 g/hLAA
Estery: 33 g/hLAA
Fermentace: 3 dny
Doslazování: 15 g/l

Rum zrál 2 roky v tropech v sudu po bourbonu, 1 rok kontinentálně v sudu po koňaku Ferrand a 4 měsíce kontinentálně v sudu po červeném víně Pineau des Charentes.
Rum pochází z Destiladora de Alcoholes y Rones.

Aroma: Mokré dřevo, vínová zatuchlina, cukrový sirup, kokos a lesní ovoce (ostružiny, borůvky).
Chuť: Nasládlá a jemně pikantní, mléčná čokoláda, koření (skořice, hřebíček), lehce dřevo.
Dozvuk: Skořice, zemitost, třešně a spousta sušeného ovoce (rozinky). Delší.
Sladkost: 1/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Příjemný, jemně nasládlý a hebký kousek od Plantážníka. Odpočinkový rum za hodně dobrou cenu.

Habitation Velier 2021 Foursquare LFT White rum
Habitation Velier 2021 Foursquare LFT White review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováono: 2021
Estery: 555 g/hlpa

Tento FQ LFT ( Long Fermentation Type) je směsí dvou rumů: první je vyrobený z melasy fermentovaný řízeně po dobu 72 hodin, druhý pochází z čisté šťávy cukrové třtiny fermentovaný divokými kvasinkami po dobu několika týdnů.

Aroma: Zasmrádlé - kyselý lák od okurek, zapařený skleník, citrony, třtina, zázvor, dotek ředidla.
Chuť: Nálož esterů, tinktury, třtiny a ředidla. Po chvíli velmi pálivá.
Dozvuk: Ředidlo, tinktura, dotyk shnilého ovoce a decentně hořknoucí travnatost. Velmi dlouhý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Nestařený FQ, první svého druhu, který je od clairinů skoro nerozeznatelný. Estery zase připomínají jamajské nestařence. Chutná zajímavost.

Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior rum
Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

For the price of $51.99 USD and the fact that it's easily accessible domestically, this rum stays at the front of my cabinet.

tasting notes - black olives, anis, cinnamon, clove, caramel, peppercorn and vanilla. Warm finish, complex.

Havana Club 7-Year rum
Havana Club 7-Year review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

A friend of mine was in Cuba recently and brought this back home. He sampled a good portion of it, but then donated the remainder to my bottle collection. For as widely produced as it is, this rum is more palatable than bottles 4 times its price.

sweet tree fruit flavors (plums, dates, etc.), low acidity.

Dos Maderas Seleccion rum
Dos Maderas Seleccion review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Aging in different sherry give very complex and long taste.

Dos Maderas PX 5+5 rum
Dos Maderas PX 5+5 review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Aging in Pedro Ximenez and Cortados Sherry, good but not so comlex as Dos Maderas Selection.

Dos Maderas 5+3 rum
Dos Maderas 5+3 review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Good, young rum perfect for mixing but simple and sharp from alcohol for sipping

Rhum JM 2021 Terroir Volcanique 3-Year rum
Rhum JM 2021 Terroir Volcanique 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

this is my number one bottle of rhum. I am a Agricole fan, and this rhum takes everything I love about a agricole and then dials it up to 11.

Dirt, Licorice, Smokey fire, freshly cut grass, oak, lime.

Straight, and in a Mai Tai or Daiquiri . I need more!

Admiral Rodney HMS Princessa 5-Year rum
Admiral Rodney HMS Princessa 5-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

For ~$60 USD, this is a great introduction to sipping quality rum.

It's a deep amber color. The nose is hot and smokey, with a some honey trailing behind.

Tasting this is a treat. It's sweet but not too much. It's smokey with more pronounced tobacco flavor in the mouth. There is a lot on presence in the mouth, which is good as the finish is rather short for this bottle.

I would buy another and am excited to explore more St. Lucia Rum.

Don Q 2009 Signature Release Single Barrel 10-Year rum
Don Q 2009 Signature Release Single Barrel 10-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

This is my go to "wow someone with a Dairuri" rum.

Sweet brown sugar, banana, pleasant nose, and long finish.

Don Q Reserva De La Familia Serralles 20-Year rum
Don Q Reserva De La Familia Serralles 20-Year review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

Had the luxury of attending a Don Q tasting event at our local Tiki bar. A representative from Don Q came a long to share the bottle's lore. It made for a excellent memory.

This rum is smooth, and deep. Butterscotch and oak come along with light fruit and raisin. Everything was perfectly balanced, which was a pleasant surprise for Rum being in the barrel for so long.

Would I buy a bottle if I could find one and afford it. No. I am so glad I got the chance to taste this bottle.

Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva review posted 2 months ago by inuparadise 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings

For the price, I love this bottle. Is it sweet? Yes, but not overly so.

In a Daiquiri. it is divine.

Plantation 2003 Jamaica Clarendon Mmw 16-Year rum
Plantation 2003 Jamaica Clarendon Mmw 16-Year review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

Out of everything in my cabinet, this one has by far the most complex flavor profile. I've heard of the Jamaican funk created by high ester content and such. I don't know if that's what it is, or if it's more due to the 49.5% ABV, but this is a really fascinating blend. It has way more floral notes than anything else I own. It's botanical, grassy. Also hints of burnt orange peel and elderflower. There's the familiar bite of oak, but not in the traditional sense where it fills your nose with it.

Diplomatico Mantuano rum
Diplomatico Mantuano review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

I needed to replace my (frequently consumed) Reserva Exclusiva and the store only had the Mantuano so I gave it a try. Months later, it's still pretty much a full bottle. I won't say it's bad, but it reminds me of a Kinder Bueno Mini, Nutella, or at least something very similar to hazelnut coffee creamer mixed with graham crackers.

Botany Bay Estate Reserve rum
Botany Bay Estate Reserve review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

Bought this one in St. Thomas USVI for $42.50 USD at the LURYX downtown. Still haven't cracked it open - just need a placeholder with a photo for when I do.

Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

At $39.99 USD, this rum is a great stand-in for enjoying a Dominican sipping rum with your friends and not having to worry about the next time you'll be in the Caribbean to replace it if you end up going through the whole bottle. It's great to have on the shelf.

Brugal Leyenda rum
Brugal Leyenda review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

I bought this rum in Puerto Plata, DR at the Monkeyland gift shop for $45 USD. It was recommended to my by a local who had worked in the Brugal distillery for 17 years. I had originally planned to visit the Macorix distillery while in port, but several people discouraged me from it. As a result, I bought two other rums while I was there (Barceló and Club Puntacana) for a very reasonable price. All in all, my visit to Puerto Plata yielded an excellent opportunity to buy Dominican rum that I don't usually see in the United States.

The Leyenda has a beautiful presentation - nice bottle and lovely color. And despite its lower 38% ABV, it has a longer (and pleasant) after burn than I wasn't expecting. Notes of cacao, caramel, coffee, oak and sweetgrass.

A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare rum
A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

Truly one of my favorite rums and one that I rarely get an opportunity to buy due to it being unavailable to buy in the United States. i expected to find it in the A.H. Riise shopping district in St. Thomas USVI, but I have only been able to find it in The Netherlands or Denmark.

I was so excited about this rum that I tried for months to get someone locally to import it. I corresponded with Bjørn Jensen at AH Riise and made introductions for him with a few regional distributors, but nothing ever transpired. Bjørn also recommended that I try their Non Plus Ultra Dark rum, which tasted exactly like vanilla extract.

Regardless, if I could only ever have one rum, I would probably choose this one every time. For my palette, it suits me perfectly. From the decanter-style bottle to the illustrious color, it stands out amongst any other bottles on the shelf. And this rum doesn't need to air out before sipping. It's ready for sipping right away. Apricot, green bananas, drum tobacco, clementine - it's all right there.
