
Isautier 2006 L' Audacieux 15-Year rum
Isautier 2006 L' Audacieux 15-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Viz. Isautier L'Audacieux Agricole Brut de Fût 2006 15yo 73%
Vyrobeno bylo 469 lahví.

Aroma: Příjemná zatuchlina, lesní ovoce (ostružiny, borůvky), pryskyřice, čerstvě nařezané dřevo (piliny), mikrozávan travnatosti se štiplavým kořením. Nádherná vůně.
Chuť: Travnatost s hutně hořkou dřevitostí s příměsí pepře.
Dozvuk: Pepř, travnatost, silná dřevitá nahořklost, poté na chvíli stopa sušeného ovoce, která je vzápětí nekompromisně překryta opět velmi hořkou dřevnatostí. Hořkost úplně drhne na patře.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
V porovnání s verzí Brut de Fût toto plnění prohrává díky opravdu extrémní dřevité hořkosti, která zvláště v dozvuku dominuje. Velmi slabých 8/10.

Compagnie des Indes 2003 Trinidad 20-Year rum
Compagnie des Indes 2003 Trinidad 20-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: duben 2003 / srpen 2023

Tento single cask z destilerie TDL (sud PS20) nalahvovaný při příležitosti 20. výročí belgické společnosti Premium Spirits zrál 20 let v tropech a ve Francii.
Vyrobeno bylo 245 lahví.

Aroma: Bylinky (máta velmi výrazná), vanilka, medová nasládlost, ovoce (lesní plody), mokré zatuchlé dřevo.
Chuť: Hutná - máta, travnatost, mírná kořenitost s nahořklou dřevitostí.
Dozvuk: Nálož máty, trochu medu, travnatosti a na závěr sušené ovoce (meruňky). Máta se neustále vrací.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Porovnával jsem přímo s RdL Trinidad (2002) 20yo a oba jsou skvělé a trochu se od sebe liší. CdL je o dost více mátový, cítil jsem zde lesní plody namísto citrusů a nezaznamenal jsem žádnou nemocniční dezinfekci. Pocitově o chlup zvítězilo právě plnění CdI.

The Nectar Of The Daily Drams 2021 Ecuador Unaged rum
The Nectar Of The Daily Drams 2021 Ecuador Unaged review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2021 / 2022

Základ tohoto nestařeného rumu z destilerie Romero & Sons pochází z čisté šťávy cukrové třtiny a třtinového medu.

Aroma: Zasmrádlé a nakyslé - tinktura, spařená zelenina, pikantní koření, lák od okurek, kardamom. Objevuje se i závan zkvašeného ovoce a travnatosti.
Chuť: Silně tinkturová, lehce pálivá, nahořklá.
Dozvuk: Tinktura, závan citronů s nahořklou travnatostí. Střední.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Očekával jsem lihového smradlavce, ale nakonec je to ten nejlepší rum, co jsem ze Salvadoru zatím pil. Lihový ani alkoholový není vůbec a úplně jednoduchý také není - v chuti i vůni se toho dá najít dost. Lehce nadhodnocuji a dávám slabých 8/10.

Worthy Park Single Estate Reserve WPL Port Cask Finish Warehouse 1 Exclusive rum

Jedná se o blend rumů, které zrály v sudech po bourbonu 6 - 10 let. Toto speciální plnění pro WH#1 dozrávalo ještě další 3 roky v sudech po portském víně. Lahvován v roce 2021.
Vyrobeno bylo 500 kusů.

Aroma: Pronikavé, ostřejší - vínová zatuchlina (portské opravdu dominuje), přezrálé trop. ovoce, zasmrádlost (lepidlo), nemocniční dezinfekce. Vše se hezky prolíná.
Chuť: Hutná - vínová, ovocná, mediciální, hořce dřevitá, velmi štiplavá.
Dozvuk: Ovoce s medem, nahořklé dřevo, jód a veliká nálož rozinek. Velmi dlouhý, šťavnatý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Moc dobrý WP s výraznou stopou po portském, které se ale hezky prolíná s ostatními atributy.

Ron Zacapa XO rum
Ron Zacapa XO review posted 2 months ago by Ebatista 🇺🇸 | 1 rating

The taste is good and sweet but tu priced is too much for the taste

Planteray Cut & Dry Coconut 3-Year rum
Planteray Cut & Dry Coconut 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

If almond joy made a rum, nose is a bit artificial like chocolate and coconut but that taste is solid and tastes of quality ingredients like plantation is known for. These guys squeeze tons of pineapple for their pineapple version so wondering how they infused this.

Ron Zacapa 23 Solera rum
Ron Zacapa 23 Solera review posted 2 months ago by CowboyGini 🇺🇸 | 1 rating

This stuff is fine, I don't agree with the reviews that say it's too sweet...it certainly ain't no Bumbu but honestly I got more of a whiskey taste from it...? I mean, the box claims that it was aged in whiskey barrels but the taste is almost too much like whiskey. That being said, it's pretty nice and smooth and actually works well mixed in a punch. The after taste is quite nice too...and that's coming from a guy that doesn't normally like whiskey! Or whatever the hell this is!

Romero Dark Sugarcane Spirit rum
Romero Dark Sugarcane Spirit review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable and a great sipper to be sure. not quite as good as the dark rum but a totally different taste experience. amazing flavors and after my 4th tasting im so impressed with these guys. Cheers

Romero Sherry Finish Cask Strength rum
Romero Sherry Finish Cask Strength review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable and a great sipper to be sure. ive tried many sherry finished rums and this wasn't overly sweet like some can be. smooooooth! Cheers

Romero Dark rum
Romero Dark review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable! for the 3 of us that did the tasting, this rum was our favorite and a great sipper to be sure. if i was to choose one word to describe this bottle, it would be "balanced" . it was all about the taste and the finish. both highlighted by a combination of spices but felt vanilla and cinnamon shined through. Loved it!

Romero Amber rum
Romero Amber review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable. this rum was not our favorite but it was a high flyer and a great sipper to be sure. not very assertive on the nose but the taste was very enjoyable. sweeter than some but not overly. finish was weaker than expected but very pleasant and not aggressive with alcohol

Caribu Selection Solera rum
Caribu Selection Solera review posted 2 months ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

Chocolate and leather from this aged rum. Astringent a wee bit but great for the price. Im impressed by the solera blend and would purchase again. Best served on a hot summer night riverside in the mountains, but then again what isn't?

Engenhos do Norte Branca 50 rum
Engenhos do Norte Branca 50 review posted 2 months ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted thanks to Admiral Bill
July 19 2024
Appearance: Clear
Aroma: Musty paper
Flavor: Bread and paper
Notes: This is a hot agricole that tastes a bit like you've bitten into a sourdough baguette without taking off the paper wrapper.

Dos Maderas PX 5+5 rum
Dos Maderas PX 5+5 review posted 2 months ago by Jleveille 🇨🇦 | 27 ratings

Experimenting with some new and unique rum. Molasses and sherry don’t seem to be anywhere near my tastes. There is a bit of sweetness that comes through which is enjoyable. It’s not in my top shelf but for some this might be their top choice.

Engenhos do Norte Agrícola da Madeira Dourado 3-Year rum
Engenhos do Norte Agrícola da Madeira Dourado 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Thanks to Admiral Bill for the taste!
Sampled July 19 2024
Appearance: golden wheat
Aroma: brown sugar
Flavor: bandaid, orange
Notes: this reminds me of rums aged in casks of rare wood, ala zebra wood. It starts out hot but ends smooth

Kirkland Port Cask Finished Panama 12-Year rum
Kirkland Port Cask Finished Panama 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Not a bad rum, expected a bit more for 12 years and port finish. The finish is very subtle and adds a bit of complexity, but it's still kind of one note overall. Overall perfectly acceptable for the price but I don't think I'd go out of my way for it.

Don Q Seleccion Especial rum
Don Q Seleccion Especial review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Wow, this tastes like nothing. My wife and I just stared at each other when we tried this. It is one of the lightest rums I think I've ever tasted thus far. It doesn't taste bad, per se, it just doesn't have a really strong flavor. The 2007 special release is the only other Don Q special release I've tried and it's far better than this one. I won't be too sad to use this as a mixer, but I'm a bit disappointed overall.

Don Q 2007 Signature Release Single Barrel rum
Don Q 2007 Signature Release Single Barrel review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

I'll be honest, I have a soft spot for Don Q. Don Q Gold is my base starting point (6) when rating rums since I consider it a nice, light, cheap inoffensive mixer. Anything I rate a 5 or below I probably wouldn't buy again. So I was kind of excited to try something aged from Don Q. This is a very nice tasty rum. Still pretty light on flavor and definitely has more characteristics but is still a bit one note.

Cihuatan Sahumerio 12-Year rum
Cihuatan Sahumerio 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Grabbed this in the bargain bin. Couldn't resist for the price. Not really disappointed but I don't think I would pay full price for it. It has a bit of uniqueness compared to a classic Spanish style rum, but it is sort of one note. Probably going to use as a mixer rather than for sipping.

Plantation Isle Fiji rum
Plantation Isle Fiji review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Excellent, especially for the price. Light but flavorful. Great notes of fruit and caramel. More notes of fruit but not funky like a Jamaican rum. Definitely a bit of sweetness but a really nice balance. Could definitely sip this on its own. Not quite a 9 but a strong 8.5.

Diplomatico Distillery Collection No 3 Pot Still rum
Diplomatico Distillery Collection No 3 Pot Still review posted 2 months ago by F.Sellera 🇧🇷 | 31 ratings

Good for Collectors
Dry and Sharp ; 47% abv
Pomelo and Grapefruit notes in the nose
Complex !
Powder chocolate and a bit spicy in my opinion
The balance between Dryness and Sweetness is the key component of this Rum

Don Papa Baroko 3-Year rum
Don Papa Baroko 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by LeSneuque 🇳🇱 | 16 ratings

The vanilla flavour is too powerfull. It is so powerfull that you don't taste any other subtle tones of this rum. If you like vanilla, like REALLY love vanilla you won't be disappointed. For me it's too much.

Swell de Spirits 2021 Easy Peasy Series Grand Arome Le Galion 3-Year rum

8,7:On the nose, the first impression we get is smoky plum fruit schnapps.😉, that gets some funky tones with varnish and quickly becomes estery, overripe, even rotten tropical fruits like flambeed banana, going into caramelized yellow fruits pastry, marzipan, bourbon, dried apricots, spicy notes, Madagascar vanilla.Aeration brings out herbal, vegetal notes with olive, brine, earthiness, flowery notes with geranium... Very complex, but balanced and round, delicious.
8,7:On the palate, there is nice, sweet, all spice strawberry marmelade, with overripe banana added, becoming a bit metallic, salty, Whisky like with brine and olive notes and acidic with a minimal bitterness, all balanced.
Woodiness says 'Hi' with pepper, is a bit toasted, smoky, a bit roasted and yellow fruits come with pastry, fruit cake, gingerbread. The rum is drier now, grapes are felt also. After a while, we meet flowery notes. All is round, tasty.
8,3:The finish is medium, with dried fruits, still strawberry present, woody, a bit roasted, dry, acidic, round, with warm spices and olive notes.

Clement Blanc 40 rum
Clement Blanc 40 review posted 2 months ago by Reeb Barbill 🇮🇲 | 69 ratings

Legit white rhum. Coconut, grass, dragon breath. Maybe agricole is a little less dependent on aging? Something to think about.

English Harbour 5-Year rum
English Harbour 5-Year review posted 2 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 262 ratings

7,4:The nose opens with a fairly light rum, underlined by a strong toasted woodiness. Some fruit rests at the heart of the glass, with a little orange peel bringing precision and a certain hold. Vanilla and other sweet spices, like cinnamon and nutmeg, retain their liveliness and freshness.There are some medicinal notes and roastedness, mocha.
The aeration brings more freshness and the fruit takes advantage to deliver a rich, sweet juice. Orange peel is the first to emerge, paving the way for more exotic fruits, ripe to the point of ripeness, without exaggeration. American oak follows in classic fashion, with luscious notes of vanilla, coconut and blond tobacco, dried fruits.
7,5:The palate is soft and entirely devoted to the American oak cask. After a slight bite of dry wood, vanilla, sweet spices and toasted coconut quickly invade the palate, taking us into familiar territory, some metallic notes. The wood becomes more toasted on the mid-palate, approaching caramelized and roasted nuts such as pecan.
7:The finish is light, with luscious coconut and orange peel returning to service.

Isautier 2006 L' Audacieux 15-Year rum
Isautier 2006 L' Audacieux 15-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Viz. Isautier L'Audacieux Agricole Brut de Fût 2006 15yo 73%
Vyrobeno bylo 469 lahví.

Aroma: Příjemná zatuchlina, lesní ovoce (ostružiny, borůvky), pryskyřice, čerstvě nařezané dřevo (piliny), mikrozávan travnatosti se štiplavým kořením. Nádherná vůně.
Chuť: Travnatost s hutně hořkou dřevitostí s příměsí pepře.
Dozvuk: Pepř, travnatost, silná dřevitá nahořklost, poté na chvíli stopa sušeného ovoce, která je vzápětí nekompromisně překryta opět velmi hořkou dřevnatostí. Hořkost úplně drhne na patře.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
V porovnání s verzí Brut de Fût toto plnění prohrává díky opravdu extrémní dřevité hořkosti, která zvláště v dozvuku dominuje. Velmi slabých 8/10.

Compagnie des Indes 2003 Trinidad 20-Year rum
Compagnie des Indes 2003 Trinidad 20-Year review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: duben 2003 / srpen 2023

Tento single cask z destilerie TDL (sud PS20) nalahvovaný při příležitosti 20. výročí belgické společnosti Premium Spirits zrál 20 let v tropech a ve Francii.
Vyrobeno bylo 245 lahví.

Aroma: Bylinky (máta velmi výrazná), vanilka, medová nasládlost, ovoce (lesní plody), mokré zatuchlé dřevo.
Chuť: Hutná - máta, travnatost, mírná kořenitost s nahořklou dřevitostí.
Dozvuk: Nálož máty, trochu medu, travnatosti a na závěr sušené ovoce (meruňky). Máta se neustále vrací.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Porovnával jsem přímo s RdL Trinidad (2002) 20yo a oba jsou skvělé a trochu se od sebe liší. CdL je o dost více mátový, cítil jsem zde lesní plody namísto citrusů a nezaznamenal jsem žádnou nemocniční dezinfekci. Pocitově o chlup zvítězilo právě plnění CdI.

The Nectar Of The Daily Drams 2021 Ecuador Unaged rum
The Nectar Of The Daily Drams 2021 Ecuador Unaged review posted 2 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2021 / 2022

Základ tohoto nestařeného rumu z destilerie Romero & Sons pochází z čisté šťávy cukrové třtiny a třtinového medu.

Aroma: Zasmrádlé a nakyslé - tinktura, spařená zelenina, pikantní koření, lák od okurek, kardamom. Objevuje se i závan zkvašeného ovoce a travnatosti.
Chuť: Silně tinkturová, lehce pálivá, nahořklá.
Dozvuk: Tinktura, závan citronů s nahořklou travnatostí. Střední.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Očekával jsem lihového smradlavce, ale nakonec je to ten nejlepší rum, co jsem ze Salvadoru zatím pil. Lihový ani alkoholový není vůbec a úplně jednoduchý také není - v chuti i vůni se toho dá najít dost. Lehce nadhodnocuji a dávám slabých 8/10.

Worthy Park Single Estate Reserve WPL Port Cask Finish Warehouse 1 Exclusive rum

Jedná se o blend rumů, které zrály v sudech po bourbonu 6 - 10 let. Toto speciální plnění pro WH#1 dozrávalo ještě další 3 roky v sudech po portském víně. Lahvován v roce 2021.
Vyrobeno bylo 500 kusů.

Aroma: Pronikavé, ostřejší - vínová zatuchlina (portské opravdu dominuje), přezrálé trop. ovoce, zasmrádlost (lepidlo), nemocniční dezinfekce. Vše se hezky prolíná.
Chuť: Hutná - vínová, ovocná, mediciální, hořce dřevitá, velmi štiplavá.
Dozvuk: Ovoce s medem, nahořklé dřevo, jód a veliká nálož rozinek. Velmi dlouhý, šťavnatý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Moc dobrý WP s výraznou stopou po portském, které se ale hezky prolíná s ostatními atributy.

Ron Zacapa XO rum
Ron Zacapa XO review posted 2 months ago by Ebatista 🇺🇸 | 1 rating

The taste is good and sweet but tu priced is too much for the taste

Planteray Cut & Dry Coconut 3-Year rum
Planteray Cut & Dry Coconut 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

If almond joy made a rum, nose is a bit artificial like chocolate and coconut but that taste is solid and tastes of quality ingredients like plantation is known for. These guys squeeze tons of pineapple for their pineapple version so wondering how they infused this.

Ron Zacapa 23 Solera rum
Ron Zacapa 23 Solera review posted 2 months ago by CowboyGini 🇺🇸 | 1 rating

This stuff is fine, I don't agree with the reviews that say it's too sweet...it certainly ain't no Bumbu but honestly I got more of a whiskey taste from it...? I mean, the box claims that it was aged in whiskey barrels but the taste is almost too much like whiskey. That being said, it's pretty nice and smooth and actually works well mixed in a punch. The after taste is quite nice too...and that's coming from a guy that doesn't normally like whiskey! Or whatever the hell this is!

Romero Dark Sugarcane Spirit rum
Romero Dark Sugarcane Spirit review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable and a great sipper to be sure. not quite as good as the dark rum but a totally different taste experience. amazing flavors and after my 4th tasting im so impressed with these guys. Cheers

Romero Sherry Finish Cask Strength rum
Romero Sherry Finish Cask Strength review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable and a great sipper to be sure. ive tried many sherry finished rums and this wasn't overly sweet like some can be. smooooooth! Cheers

Romero Dark rum
Romero Dark review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable! for the 3 of us that did the tasting, this rum was our favorite and a great sipper to be sure. if i was to choose one word to describe this bottle, it would be "balanced" . it was all about the taste and the finish. both highlighted by a combination of spices but felt vanilla and cinnamon shined through. Loved it!

Romero Amber rum
Romero Amber review posted 2 months ago by DesT9656 🇨🇦 | 134 ratings

what an experience. very enjoyable. this rum was not our favorite but it was a high flyer and a great sipper to be sure. not very assertive on the nose but the taste was very enjoyable. sweeter than some but not overly. finish was weaker than expected but very pleasant and not aggressive with alcohol

Caribu Selection Solera rum
Caribu Selection Solera review posted 2 months ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

Chocolate and leather from this aged rum. Astringent a wee bit but great for the price. Im impressed by the solera blend and would purchase again. Best served on a hot summer night riverside in the mountains, but then again what isn't?

Engenhos do Norte Branca 50 rum
Engenhos do Norte Branca 50 review posted 2 months ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted thanks to Admiral Bill
July 19 2024
Appearance: Clear
Aroma: Musty paper
Flavor: Bread and paper
Notes: This is a hot agricole that tastes a bit like you've bitten into a sourdough baguette without taking off the paper wrapper.

Dos Maderas PX 5+5 rum
Dos Maderas PX 5+5 review posted 2 months ago by Jleveille 🇨🇦 | 27 ratings

Experimenting with some new and unique rum. Molasses and sherry don’t seem to be anywhere near my tastes. There is a bit of sweetness that comes through which is enjoyable. It’s not in my top shelf but for some this might be their top choice.

Engenhos do Norte Agrícola da Madeira Dourado 3-Year rum
Engenhos do Norte Agrícola da Madeira Dourado 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Thanks to Admiral Bill for the taste!
Sampled July 19 2024
Appearance: golden wheat
Aroma: brown sugar
Flavor: bandaid, orange
Notes: this reminds me of rums aged in casks of rare wood, ala zebra wood. It starts out hot but ends smooth

Kirkland Port Cask Finished Panama 12-Year rum
Kirkland Port Cask Finished Panama 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Not a bad rum, expected a bit more for 12 years and port finish. The finish is very subtle and adds a bit of complexity, but it's still kind of one note overall. Overall perfectly acceptable for the price but I don't think I'd go out of my way for it.

Don Q Seleccion Especial rum
Don Q Seleccion Especial review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Wow, this tastes like nothing. My wife and I just stared at each other when we tried this. It is one of the lightest rums I think I've ever tasted thus far. It doesn't taste bad, per se, it just doesn't have a really strong flavor. The 2007 special release is the only other Don Q special release I've tried and it's far better than this one. I won't be too sad to use this as a mixer, but I'm a bit disappointed overall.

Don Q 2007 Signature Release Single Barrel rum
Don Q 2007 Signature Release Single Barrel review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

I'll be honest, I have a soft spot for Don Q. Don Q Gold is my base starting point (6) when rating rums since I consider it a nice, light, cheap inoffensive mixer. Anything I rate a 5 or below I probably wouldn't buy again. So I was kind of excited to try something aged from Don Q. This is a very nice tasty rum. Still pretty light on flavor and definitely has more characteristics but is still a bit one note.

Cihuatan Sahumerio 12-Year rum
Cihuatan Sahumerio 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Grabbed this in the bargain bin. Couldn't resist for the price. Not really disappointed but I don't think I would pay full price for it. It has a bit of uniqueness compared to a classic Spanish style rum, but it is sort of one note. Probably going to use as a mixer rather than for sipping.

Plantation Isle Fiji rum
Plantation Isle Fiji review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Excellent, especially for the price. Light but flavorful. Great notes of fruit and caramel. More notes of fruit but not funky like a Jamaican rum. Definitely a bit of sweetness but a really nice balance. Could definitely sip this on its own. Not quite a 9 but a strong 8.5.

Diplomatico Distillery Collection No 3 Pot Still rum
Diplomatico Distillery Collection No 3 Pot Still review posted 2 months ago by F.Sellera 🇧🇷 | 31 ratings

Good for Collectors
Dry and Sharp ; 47% abv
Pomelo and Grapefruit notes in the nose
Complex !
Powder chocolate and a bit spicy in my opinion
The balance between Dryness and Sweetness is the key component of this Rum

Don Papa Baroko 3-Year rum
Don Papa Baroko 3-Year review posted 2 months ago by LeSneuque 🇳🇱 | 16 ratings

The vanilla flavour is too powerfull. It is so powerfull that you don't taste any other subtle tones of this rum. If you like vanilla, like REALLY love vanilla you won't be disappointed. For me it's too much.

Swell de Spirits 2021 Easy Peasy Series Grand Arome Le Galion 3-Year rum

8,7:On the nose, the first impression we get is smoky plum fruit schnapps.😉, that gets some funky tones with varnish and quickly becomes estery, overripe, even rotten tropical fruits like flambeed banana, going into caramelized yellow fruits pastry, marzipan, bourbon, dried apricots, spicy notes, Madagascar vanilla.Aeration brings out herbal, vegetal notes with olive, brine, earthiness, flowery notes with geranium... Very complex, but balanced and round, delicious.
8,7:On the palate, there is nice, sweet, all spice strawberry marmelade, with overripe banana added, becoming a bit metallic, salty, Whisky like with brine and olive notes and acidic with a minimal bitterness, all balanced.
Woodiness says 'Hi' with pepper, is a bit toasted, smoky, a bit roasted and yellow fruits come with pastry, fruit cake, gingerbread. The rum is drier now, grapes are felt also. After a while, we meet flowery notes. All is round, tasty.
8,3:The finish is medium, with dried fruits, still strawberry present, woody, a bit roasted, dry, acidic, round, with warm spices and olive notes.

Clement Blanc 40 rum
Clement Blanc 40 review posted 2 months ago by Reeb Barbill 🇮🇲 | 69 ratings

Legit white rhum. Coconut, grass, dragon breath. Maybe agricole is a little less dependent on aging? Something to think about.

English Harbour 5-Year rum
English Harbour 5-Year review posted 2 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 262 ratings

7,4:The nose opens with a fairly light rum, underlined by a strong toasted woodiness. Some fruit rests at the heart of the glass, with a little orange peel bringing precision and a certain hold. Vanilla and other sweet spices, like cinnamon and nutmeg, retain their liveliness and freshness.There are some medicinal notes and roastedness, mocha.
The aeration brings more freshness and the fruit takes advantage to deliver a rich, sweet juice. Orange peel is the first to emerge, paving the way for more exotic fruits, ripe to the point of ripeness, without exaggeration. American oak follows in classic fashion, with luscious notes of vanilla, coconut and blond tobacco, dried fruits.
7,5:The palate is soft and entirely devoted to the American oak cask. After a slight bite of dry wood, vanilla, sweet spices and toasted coconut quickly invade the palate, taking us into familiar territory, some metallic notes. The wood becomes more toasted on the mid-palate, approaching caramelized and roasted nuts such as pecan.
7:The finish is light, with luscious coconut and orange peel returning to service.
