
Black Tears Spiced rum
Black Tears Spiced review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

strange artificial taste, not horrible but not interesting either

Companero Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year rum
Companero Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

strong chocolate flavour, but very tasty, does not feel 54%, quite smooth

Companero Jamaica Elixir Orange rum
Companero Jamaica Elixir Orange review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

too much sugar, i like sweet rums but this was impossible to drink.

Bumbu XO rum
Bumbu XO review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

lacks the original banana flavour of original, not bad but nothing special.

Bumbu Original rum
Bumbu Original review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

hard to believe its not artificially flavoured (probably is) but this does not change the fact that i love the taste. Somewhere between liqueur and rum, sweet but not too sweet, strong banana taste. I do not normally like such strongly artificially flavoured rums, and I do understand why a lot of people may hate it, but somehow i find it great.

Plantation XO 20th Anniversary rum
Plantation XO 20th Anniversary review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

one of my favourites, along with reserva exclusiva

Rhum JM Jardin Fruité 2-Year rum
Rhum JM Jardin Fruité 2-Year review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

rum that surprised me most recently - very unique, rather dry, taste of dried fruits, highly recommendable

Diplomatico Mantuano rum
Diplomatico Mantuano review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

ok, but not great, rather far from reserva exclusiva, bit boring.

Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

Sweet, but not too sweet, full of flavours, one of my favourites

La Mauny Le Nouveau Monde rum
La Mauny Le Nouveau Monde review posted 2 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 260 ratings

8,7:On the nose, the first impression we get, is an agricole rhum, that's dry, a bit astringent, with red fruits as grapes, raspberries... and herbal with tea notes. The next layer is woody/roasted with dried fruits, prunes, medicinal(metallic and smoky), toasted notes and milk chocolate. The rhum becomes spicy, is now fresh, flowery and round, elegant. When we air it, the touch of orange peel joins the game and caramelized candied nuts, vanilla and a pinch of cinammon. Tropical fruits are mildly present with passion fruit... Rich and complex rhum.
8,7:On the palate, round, syrupy, quite sweet and balanced rhum is waiting, first with spicy/pepper and dry attack, a bit waxy, with banana, tea, grass, cocoa, leather. . Agricole with medicinal notes are quite noticable. Prunes are juicy, the wood is toasted, roasted and caramelized with toffee, warm...and a touch of bitterness. Very complex.
8,4:The finish is long and dry, some spiciness is here, dominated with dried, tropical fruits, medicinal, nicely balanced with toasted, roasted palate, chocolate, caramel, vanilla and tobacco...

Havana Club TWE Exclusive 11-Year rum
Havana Club TWE Exclusive 11-Year review posted 2 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 260 ratings

8:On the nose, at first we get roasted and woody notes with burnt sugar, caramelized, buttery,cookie, solvents, roasted nuts, mocha, the wood is toasted and resinous. Aeration brings leather and tobacco, then more fruity side of this rum with dried fruits, peaches, prunes and its dryness.So, complex and well balanced.
8,2:On the palate, syrupy tropical fruits burst out intensively with spiciness, nutmeg.When it calms down, the wood is toasted, fruits are bourbon yellow-peaches, with honey, dried apricots and dates, the rum becomes dry and more roasted with burnt sugar, caramelized, is charred and dark, chocolatey, leathery, becoming even metallic.Later a bit acidic with citruses, lemon peel. Tasty and round.
8:The finish is long, filled with honey, dry with tropical, dried fruits, roasted nuts, toasted wood and citrusy. Some mineral notes come later...

Blackwell Black Gold Special Reserve rum
Blackwell Black Gold Special Reserve review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Wow, this hits a really special spot. I picked up this rum for 2 reasons. First, it was the last bottle on the shelf and my fomo kicked in, and two, reading the back I noticed that it was distilled by J. Wray & Nephew. I've long wanted to try a non-overproof W&N rum because that bottle sits in kind of an awkward spot for me on my rating scale. It's a bit too funky and unaged for me to enjoy sipping, and it's really powerful in cocktails where it sometimes overpowers certain drinks, but I do really love the funky flavor profile. This has a light Jamaican funk with the same flavor profile, and a sort of sweet base that reminds me of a Barbados rum. Really good. If you enjoy Coruba or Smith & Cross, this has a similar balance of flavors, but more in the realm of Wray & Nephew funkiness. At this price point I almost want to give it an 8, amazing value. Probably still not in the sipping category, but almost. For now I'll leave it at a strong 7.5.

El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year rum
El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Very complex and long taste. You filling all this years in barrel, not to sweet and sipper easier than El Dorado 21

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold rum
Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold review posted 2 months ago by Administrator 🇸🇰 | 40 ratings

I was going to name my rating "Cheap booze", but it is not cheap. With the price 16.50EUR for seasoned liquor and only 35% of alcohol, it is daylight robbery. It is not a rum. You can afford real rum for that money.
Unbelievable high score 4.2. Somebody gave 9, even over Zacapa with 7, good Lord. Am I missing something?

Doorly's ABV43 12-Year rum
Doorly's ABV43 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Improved version of Doorly's XO, dry with long aftertaste

Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White WPE rum
Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White WPE review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Strong banana and pineapple aroma with estery, solvent notes. Sweet start turning dry, with a fruity, slightly bitter finish. Smooth for its strength.

Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White NYE/WK rum
Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White NYE/WK review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Strong acetone and solvent notes blend with overripe bananas and green walnut. Long, technical finish with a hint of citrus and herbs.

Trois Rivieres Cuvée Bois d'Inde rum
Trois Rivieres Cuvée Bois d'Inde review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Smooth with a mix of curry, anise, and sweet notes. Grassy palate with hints of oak and peppery finish. Complex and aromatic.

Foursquare 2007 12-Year rum
Foursquare 2007 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Rich notes of orange, vanilla, and chocolate on the nose. Palate boasts oak, bourbon, cinnamon, and tropical fruits. Smooth and warming.

Zafra Master Reserve 30-Year rum
Zafra Master Reserve 30-Year review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak with hints of pipe tobacco and baking spices. Perfectly balanced, sweet yet refined, with a long, smooth finish.

Zaya Cocobana 16-Year rum
Zaya Cocobana 16-Year review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

The bottle hints there are added spices and flavors, but if they are there, they were subtle to me. There is a suggestion of a chocolate flavored pipe tobacco I once enjoyed. That memory brought a smile, and bumped the rating up to almost a 6. 

Wright & Brown Barrel Aged rum
Wright & Brown Barrel Aged review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Nice oaky flavor straight, but strong. I suspect a few more years aging would mellow it. Mixed was not as good, and the oak did not come out as much.

Bombarda Falconet (Black Bottle) 8-Year rum
Bombarda Falconet (Black Bottle) 8-Year review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Better than the Bombarda Culverin by three years. More oaky in flavor, but the burn remains. Bottle remains pretty cool.

Hamilton Lost Voyage rum
Hamilton Lost Voyage review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Bought this one twice, a year apart. First time, it had the usual nice molasses flavor that I have come to expect from Hamiltons. The second time, the molasses was very, very faint, which was a bit disappointing. Some burn straight, and okay mixed.

Kuleana Agricole rum
Kuleana Agricole review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

This is the only white rum I own and I use it almost exclusively in mojitos. It's really quite good for that.

Black Tears Spiced rum
Black Tears Spiced review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

strange artificial taste, not horrible but not interesting either

Companero Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year rum
Companero Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

strong chocolate flavour, but very tasty, does not feel 54%, quite smooth

Companero Jamaica Elixir Orange rum
Companero Jamaica Elixir Orange review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

too much sugar, i like sweet rums but this was impossible to drink.

Bumbu XO rum
Bumbu XO review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

lacks the original banana flavour of original, not bad but nothing special.

Bumbu Original rum
Bumbu Original review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

hard to believe its not artificially flavoured (probably is) but this does not change the fact that i love the taste. Somewhere between liqueur and rum, sweet but not too sweet, strong banana taste. I do not normally like such strongly artificially flavoured rums, and I do understand why a lot of people may hate it, but somehow i find it great.

Plantation XO 20th Anniversary rum
Plantation XO 20th Anniversary review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

one of my favourites, along with reserva exclusiva

Rhum JM Jardin Fruité 2-Year rum
Rhum JM Jardin Fruité 2-Year review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

rum that surprised me most recently - very unique, rather dry, taste of dried fruits, highly recommendable

Diplomatico Mantuano rum
Diplomatico Mantuano review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

ok, but not great, rather far from reserva exclusiva, bit boring.

Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva review posted 2 months ago by qula 🇵🇱 | 13 ratings

Sweet, but not too sweet, full of flavours, one of my favourites

La Mauny Le Nouveau Monde rum
La Mauny Le Nouveau Monde review posted 2 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 260 ratings

8,7:On the nose, the first impression we get, is an agricole rhum, that's dry, a bit astringent, with red fruits as grapes, raspberries... and herbal with tea notes. The next layer is woody/roasted with dried fruits, prunes, medicinal(metallic and smoky), toasted notes and milk chocolate. The rhum becomes spicy, is now fresh, flowery and round, elegant. When we air it, the touch of orange peel joins the game and caramelized candied nuts, vanilla and a pinch of cinammon. Tropical fruits are mildly present with passion fruit... Rich and complex rhum.
8,7:On the palate, round, syrupy, quite sweet and balanced rhum is waiting, first with spicy/pepper and dry attack, a bit waxy, with banana, tea, grass, cocoa, leather. . Agricole with medicinal notes are quite noticable. Prunes are juicy, the wood is toasted, roasted and caramelized with toffee, warm...and a touch of bitterness. Very complex.
8,4:The finish is long and dry, some spiciness is here, dominated with dried, tropical fruits, medicinal, nicely balanced with toasted, roasted palate, chocolate, caramel, vanilla and tobacco...

Havana Club TWE Exclusive 11-Year rum
Havana Club TWE Exclusive 11-Year review posted 2 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 260 ratings

8:On the nose, at first we get roasted and woody notes with burnt sugar, caramelized, buttery,cookie, solvents, roasted nuts, mocha, the wood is toasted and resinous. Aeration brings leather and tobacco, then more fruity side of this rum with dried fruits, peaches, prunes and its dryness.So, complex and well balanced.
8,2:On the palate, syrupy tropical fruits burst out intensively with spiciness, nutmeg.When it calms down, the wood is toasted, fruits are bourbon yellow-peaches, with honey, dried apricots and dates, the rum becomes dry and more roasted with burnt sugar, caramelized, is charred and dark, chocolatey, leathery, becoming even metallic.Later a bit acidic with citruses, lemon peel. Tasty and round.
8:The finish is long, filled with honey, dry with tropical, dried fruits, roasted nuts, toasted wood and citrusy. Some mineral notes come later...

Blackwell Black Gold Special Reserve rum
Blackwell Black Gold Special Reserve review posted 2 months ago by ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 130 ratings

Wow, this hits a really special spot. I picked up this rum for 2 reasons. First, it was the last bottle on the shelf and my fomo kicked in, and two, reading the back I noticed that it was distilled by J. Wray & Nephew. I've long wanted to try a non-overproof W&N rum because that bottle sits in kind of an awkward spot for me on my rating scale. It's a bit too funky and unaged for me to enjoy sipping, and it's really powerful in cocktails where it sometimes overpowers certain drinks, but I do really love the funky flavor profile. This has a light Jamaican funk with the same flavor profile, and a sort of sweet base that reminds me of a Barbados rum. Really good. If you enjoy Coruba or Smith & Cross, this has a similar balance of flavors, but more in the realm of Wray & Nephew funkiness. At this price point I almost want to give it an 8, amazing value. Probably still not in the sipping category, but almost. For now I'll leave it at a strong 7.5.

El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year rum
El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Very complex and long taste. You filling all this years in barrel, not to sweet and sipper easier than El Dorado 21

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold rum
Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold review posted 2 months ago by Administrator 🇸🇰 | 40 ratings

I was going to name my rating "Cheap booze", but it is not cheap. With the price 16.50EUR for seasoned liquor and only 35% of alcohol, it is daylight robbery. It is not a rum. You can afford real rum for that money.
Unbelievable high score 4.2. Somebody gave 9, even over Zacapa with 7, good Lord. Am I missing something?

Doorly's ABV43 12-Year rum
Doorly's ABV43 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by termitboss 🇺🇦 | 53 ratings

Improved version of Doorly's XO, dry with long aftertaste

Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White WPE rum
Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White WPE review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Strong banana and pineapple aroma with estery, solvent notes. Sweet start turning dry, with a fruity, slightly bitter finish. Smooth for its strength.

Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White NYE/WK rum
Warehouse #1 Overproof Unaged White NYE/WK review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Strong acetone and solvent notes blend with overripe bananas and green walnut. Long, technical finish with a hint of citrus and herbs.

Trois Rivieres Cuvée Bois d'Inde rum
Trois Rivieres Cuvée Bois d'Inde review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Smooth with a mix of curry, anise, and sweet notes. Grassy palate with hints of oak and peppery finish. Complex and aromatic.

Foursquare 2007 12-Year rum
Foursquare 2007 12-Year review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Rich notes of orange, vanilla, and chocolate on the nose. Palate boasts oak, bourbon, cinnamon, and tropical fruits. Smooth and warming.

Zafra Master Reserve 30-Year rum
Zafra Master Reserve 30-Year review posted 2 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak with hints of pipe tobacco and baking spices. Perfectly balanced, sweet yet refined, with a long, smooth finish.

Zaya Cocobana 16-Year rum
Zaya Cocobana 16-Year review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

The bottle hints there are added spices and flavors, but if they are there, they were subtle to me. There is a suggestion of a chocolate flavored pipe tobacco I once enjoyed. That memory brought a smile, and bumped the rating up to almost a 6. 

Wright & Brown Barrel Aged rum
Wright & Brown Barrel Aged review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Nice oaky flavor straight, but strong. I suspect a few more years aging would mellow it. Mixed was not as good, and the oak did not come out as much.

Bombarda Falconet (Black Bottle) 8-Year rum
Bombarda Falconet (Black Bottle) 8-Year review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Better than the Bombarda Culverin by three years. More oaky in flavor, but the burn remains. Bottle remains pretty cool.

Hamilton Lost Voyage rum
Hamilton Lost Voyage review posted 2 months ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Bought this one twice, a year apart. First time, it had the usual nice molasses flavor that I have come to expect from Hamiltons. The second time, the molasses was very, very faint, which was a bit disappointing. Some burn straight, and okay mixed.

Kuleana Agricole rum
Kuleana Agricole review posted 2 months ago by Boulderado 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings

This is the only white rum I own and I use it almost exclusively in mojitos. It's really quite good for that.
