
Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year rum
Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year review posted 1 month ago by Shokas 🇱🇹 | 41 ratings

Not bad actually, I was surprised. Pretty smooth, no unpleasant burning. Sweetness is also on the lower side. Might aswell be a sipper on the rocks. Adequate anejo rum.

Navy Island Navy Strenght rum
Navy Island Navy Strenght review posted 1 month ago by ReMan 🇷🇺 | 11 ratings

Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: Ямайка
Дистиллерия и боттлер: бленд 11 спиртов дистиллерий Hampden Estate, Worthy Park Estate и Clarendon/Monymusk (Navy Island Rum Company, Амстердам, Нидерланды)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: перегонные кубы ямайского типа с ретортой
Бочки: из-под бурбона
Выдержка: от 3ёх до 7ми лет
Добавленный сахар: отсутствует
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 57%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 16.09.2022

Насыщенный и яркий аромат с типичными ямайскими «причудами», типа нот компоста из прелой травы и перезрелых или печёных фруктов (яблок, цитрусов, папайи), жареных бананов с пеканом, копи-лувак; сильны также ноты кожи, табака, ванили, белого перца, мускатного ореха, солёной карамели, какой-то тон гуаши или лакокраски, активированного угля, небольшие нюансы бурого изюма. Не скажу, что аромат прям приятный, он довольно-таки специфический, но не отталкивающий. Что-то новенькое и любопытное.
Вкус взрывной и глубокий, начиная с кислых нот тёмных ягод, мандаринов Клементины, зелёных яблок и винограда и переходя в травянистые землистые, банановые, табачные, кожаные, кофейные, ореховые и карамельные оттенки, заканчивается тонами специй и соли. Добавление воды чуть облегчает вкус и аромат, делая ром более фруктовым и карамельным, хотя ноты чего-то жаренного, затхлого, солёного и переспелого никуда не деваются.
Послевкусие. Среднее или дольше продолжительностью. Тёмные ягоды, цитрусовые, изюм, жареные бананы с солью, белый перец, мускатный орех, кожа.
Ямайский ром – это всегда интересный, необычный и специфический продукт на своего любителя и я, думаю, справедливо полагаю, что, перед нами далеко не самая экстремальная его экспрессия. Я люблю открывать для себя что-то новое и мне ром понравился - несмотря на свою странность, он обладает хорошей крепостью, насыщенностью и глубиной вкуса и аромата, несмотря на сравнительную молодость и резкость спиртов, присутствующее в нём фруктовые и карамельные нюансы удачно оттеняют «фанковые» черты.

Angostura 7-Year rum
Angostura 7-Year review posted 1 month ago by Hellwig 🇬🇧 | 15 ratings

I only get higher alcohol on the nose, sweet and fruity like, mostly towards methanol.

Initial nondescript sweetness, perhaps some honey, giving away to burnt plastic.

Not for me

El Dorado 12-Year rum
El Dorado 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by Hellwig 🇬🇧 | 15 ratings

Molasses and mead, ethanol giving away to higher fruity alcohol notes that blind the nose for further notes.

Again molasses and mead, slight ethanol burn on the tongue, giving away to a sweet finish reminiscing of Stevia sweetener.

The first smell I thought, well this is nice. It is a simple rum well made, I'll be getting a bottle of that as I think it will pair well with mixers and cocktails.

Rumbullion Spiced rum
Rumbullion Spiced review posted 1 month ago by Hellwig 🇬🇧 | 15 ratings

On the nose:
Immediate notes of medicinal herbs, some sweet vanilla together with ethanol. There is also a strong note of some kind of citrus, I'd say something between lemon and grapefruit, perhaps going towards ripe banana.

On the tongue:
Immediate strong medicinal, reminding me of Jaegermeister. Giving away to cloves and a modest ethanol bite on the tongue. The taste is less complex then the nose.

Subjective opinion:
It is a nice drink to have meat, but I wouldn't buy a bottle for that, mixing I'd would probably pair it with ginger ale instead of anything else but I haven't tried that.

Shakara 12-Year rum
Shakara 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings

I saw this one on the shelf of my favorite liquor store and had to research the two reviews on here first before plunking down $45 US. It is a 12-Year aged rum from Thailand and specifically states that it has no added sugar or coloring. It is also bottled at a higher ABV% which amounts to 91.4 proof.

And yes, it burns on the tongue and I needed to add some spring water to calm it down. Given that situation, the flavors are quite pleasant and a bit exotic. Don't ask me about the notes, especially this one that was aged in the tropical climate of Thailand.

I have been reviewing rums on this site for almost seven years and I immediately rated it as a 7. Further tasting could not move it up to an 8, nor could it go down to a 6. Overall, it ranks in my top 30% for both taste and recommended buys. It is a good buy, but there are many other aged rums that are better buys. If you want to try a rum from Thailand, I can recommend this one. However, that was my only reason for buying it. It is uniquely exotic.

Havana Club Pacto Navio rum
Havana Club Pacto Navio review posted 1 month ago by Rum & Co 🇩🇪 | 3 ratings

it's a nice one
for afternoon, after work, like a friend to go with

Havana Club 15-Year rum
Havana Club 15-Year review posted 1 month ago by Rum & Co 🇩🇪 | 3 ratings

it makes me happy
it will get my 9 if it will get under 100 Euro

4x50 4x7 X.O. Single Vintage Prime rum
4x50 4x7 X.O. Single Vintage Prime review posted 1 month ago by Rum & Co 🇩🇪 | 3 ratings

It's first of all ALCOHOL...
and/but not much more.
all the tastes and aroma are getting lost fast, the main impression, and the last are... just alcohol.

Tiki Lovers Dark rum
Tiki Lovers Dark review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Nose is sweet gingerale nose, the. Gies to hell quickly on the taste with a burn that is artificial and sugary

Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 3 Barbados rum
Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 3 Barbados review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

A watered down foursquare, solid robust taste with a wood forward finish. A hint of butterscotch on the finish a burn that lingers

Sazerac Jung And Wulff No 2 Guyana rum
Sazerac Jung And Wulff No 2 Guyana review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Nose is alcohol forward, but then on taste its rubber on the taste and then a bitter burn

Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 1 Trinidad rum
Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 1 Trinidad review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

A hint of wine on the nose, a bit too sweet on the taste for my taste, slight burn, think a watered down dominican rum that’s too sweet

Second Sights Bourbon Barreled rum
Second Sights Bourbon Barreled review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Wood notes on the nose, heavy velvety flowery taste with a bourbon burn that tastes a bit of rubber slight caramel on the finish

Robert James Distillery Light Rum rum
Robert James Distillery Light Rum review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Smells like glue, sweet taste, medium burn, with a slight sweetness on finish, probably good to mix

Foursquare 2007 Sagacity 12-Year rum
Foursquare 2007 Sagacity 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by cmpopp1 🇺🇸 | 26 ratings

This is such a nice mix of flavors. Hints of chocolate and caramel accompany the front-loaded bourbon note, which gives way to the subtle Madeira. Proceed with confidence! 👍🏻

Foursquare 2004 Zinfandel Cask Blend 11-Year rum
Foursquare 2004 Zinfandel Cask Blend 11-Year review posted 1 month ago by cmpopp1 🇺🇸 | 26 ratings

…but it’s definitely for me! Subtle, but definitely present!

Faraday West Indies rum
Faraday West Indies review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Vanilla on the nose, smooth vanilla on the taste with a hint of cinnamon, light toffee bourbon burn finish. Really impressed with this find

Sugarfield Spiced rum
Sugarfield Spiced review posted 1 month ago by LCCG 🇺🇸 | 1 rating

Sugarfeild has a delicious spiced rum. During a tour I was told that they use whole spices that the get from a local spice market. It's only lightly sweetened synthetic spices stand out. During my tasting, found a nice taste of red hot cinnamon candy, although there is no cinnamon in the spice blend.

Mount Gay Eclipse rum
Mount Gay Eclipse review posted 1 month ago by DiscoStu 🇬🇧 | 1 rating

Easy drinking sipper, one ice cube is perfect. Great value for money. A must have in any home bar.

Mhoba American Oak Aged rum
Mhoba American Oak Aged review posted 1 month ago by Simson 🇨🇿 | 138 ratings

The rum comes from South Africa and the entire production is entirely handmade. The rum is produced by pot distillation without the addition of any additives or colouring agents. It is a rum made directly from the juice and not from molasses. The aging process is very interesting, because the rum is not aged in a traditional wooden barrel, but in glass demijohns to which wood shavings are added. The rum is then decanted into classic casks, where South African whisky has previously been aged. I haven't found the total length of maturation anywhere. The rum is bottled at 43% ABV.

Bottle: Prism shape
Colour: Gold

Nose: Reminds me of the proverbial Jamaican fruit-ester funk. Overripe bananas, apricots, liquorice, olives, a bit of technique (fumes, diluent).
Mouth: It's kind of bittersweet, but again, strongly fruity. I smelled again overripe bananas and apricots, a mix of fruit spirits, sweet wine, salty olives, a little smoke and wood.
Finish: Long.

Conclusion: So it's quite a flavour whirlwind. I think this distillery has a future and I'm looking forward to their other rums. As a lover of Jamaican rums, this style really suits me. I have to say, I honestly don't understand the low rating for this very good and relatively inexpensive rum.

Rating: 9.5/10

Clairin Le Rocher rum
Clairin Le Rocher review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Uzená, kvašená zelenina, masová?!
Chuť: Uzená!!! máslová, koření, slaná, spálená cibulka – Mňam!
Dochuť: Štiplavá, uzená, olejovitá, špinavá
Nádherný úlet! Must try!!!
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“

Rumson's Grand Reserve rum
Rumson's Grand Reserve review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: (Já jsem tam snad cítil penicilín) jinak sladká, ovocná, koření
Chuť: Sladká, pepř, skořice, přezrálé až nahnilé ovoce, bonbony
Dochuť: Sudová, sladší
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“

Worthy Park Single Estate Reserve 6-10 Years rum
Worthy Park Single Estate Reserve 6-10 Years review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Svěží, ovocná
Chuť: Nasládlá, ovocná, třtina, koření, kouřová, tabáková lehká hořkost
Dochuť: Ovocná, lehká technika, mírně nahořklá (kůže, tabák?)
Kdo miluje Worthy Park...
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“

Dictador 1996 Aurum 25-Year rum
Dictador 1996 Aurum 25-Year review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Káva (Kofila) , karamel, koření
Chuť: Dřevitá, ostřejší, kávová (jak jinak), čokoládová, koření,
Dochuť: Dřevitá, káva
Mohl by být trochu zajímavější, bohatší
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“

Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year rum
Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year review posted 1 month ago by Shokas 🇱🇹 | 41 ratings

Not bad actually, I was surprised. Pretty smooth, no unpleasant burning. Sweetness is also on the lower side. Might aswell be a sipper on the rocks. Adequate anejo rum.

Navy Island Navy Strenght rum
Navy Island Navy Strenght review posted 1 month ago by ReMan 🇷🇺 | 11 ratings

Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: Ямайка
Дистиллерия и боттлер: бленд 11 спиртов дистиллерий Hampden Estate, Worthy Park Estate и Clarendon/Monymusk (Navy Island Rum Company, Амстердам, Нидерланды)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: перегонные кубы ямайского типа с ретортой
Бочки: из-под бурбона
Выдержка: от 3ёх до 7ми лет
Добавленный сахар: отсутствует
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 57%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 16.09.2022

Насыщенный и яркий аромат с типичными ямайскими «причудами», типа нот компоста из прелой травы и перезрелых или печёных фруктов (яблок, цитрусов, папайи), жареных бананов с пеканом, копи-лувак; сильны также ноты кожи, табака, ванили, белого перца, мускатного ореха, солёной карамели, какой-то тон гуаши или лакокраски, активированного угля, небольшие нюансы бурого изюма. Не скажу, что аромат прям приятный, он довольно-таки специфический, но не отталкивающий. Что-то новенькое и любопытное.
Вкус взрывной и глубокий, начиная с кислых нот тёмных ягод, мандаринов Клементины, зелёных яблок и винограда и переходя в травянистые землистые, банановые, табачные, кожаные, кофейные, ореховые и карамельные оттенки, заканчивается тонами специй и соли. Добавление воды чуть облегчает вкус и аромат, делая ром более фруктовым и карамельным, хотя ноты чего-то жаренного, затхлого, солёного и переспелого никуда не деваются.
Послевкусие. Среднее или дольше продолжительностью. Тёмные ягоды, цитрусовые, изюм, жареные бананы с солью, белый перец, мускатный орех, кожа.
Ямайский ром – это всегда интересный, необычный и специфический продукт на своего любителя и я, думаю, справедливо полагаю, что, перед нами далеко не самая экстремальная его экспрессия. Я люблю открывать для себя что-то новое и мне ром понравился - несмотря на свою странность, он обладает хорошей крепостью, насыщенностью и глубиной вкуса и аромата, несмотря на сравнительную молодость и резкость спиртов, присутствующее в нём фруктовые и карамельные нюансы удачно оттеняют «фанковые» черты.

Angostura 7-Year rum
Angostura 7-Year review posted 1 month ago by Hellwig 🇬🇧 | 15 ratings

I only get higher alcohol on the nose, sweet and fruity like, mostly towards methanol.

Initial nondescript sweetness, perhaps some honey, giving away to burnt plastic.

Not for me

El Dorado 12-Year rum
El Dorado 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by Hellwig 🇬🇧 | 15 ratings

Molasses and mead, ethanol giving away to higher fruity alcohol notes that blind the nose for further notes.

Again molasses and mead, slight ethanol burn on the tongue, giving away to a sweet finish reminiscing of Stevia sweetener.

The first smell I thought, well this is nice. It is a simple rum well made, I'll be getting a bottle of that as I think it will pair well with mixers and cocktails.

Rumbullion Spiced rum
Rumbullion Spiced review posted 1 month ago by Hellwig 🇬🇧 | 15 ratings

On the nose:
Immediate notes of medicinal herbs, some sweet vanilla together with ethanol. There is also a strong note of some kind of citrus, I'd say something between lemon and grapefruit, perhaps going towards ripe banana.

On the tongue:
Immediate strong medicinal, reminding me of Jaegermeister. Giving away to cloves and a modest ethanol bite on the tongue. The taste is less complex then the nose.

Subjective opinion:
It is a nice drink to have meat, but I wouldn't buy a bottle for that, mixing I'd would probably pair it with ginger ale instead of anything else but I haven't tried that.

Shakara 12-Year rum
Shakara 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings

I saw this one on the shelf of my favorite liquor store and had to research the two reviews on here first before plunking down $45 US. It is a 12-Year aged rum from Thailand and specifically states that it has no added sugar or coloring. It is also bottled at a higher ABV% which amounts to 91.4 proof.

And yes, it burns on the tongue and I needed to add some spring water to calm it down. Given that situation, the flavors are quite pleasant and a bit exotic. Don't ask me about the notes, especially this one that was aged in the tropical climate of Thailand.

I have been reviewing rums on this site for almost seven years and I immediately rated it as a 7. Further tasting could not move it up to an 8, nor could it go down to a 6. Overall, it ranks in my top 30% for both taste and recommended buys. It is a good buy, but there are many other aged rums that are better buys. If you want to try a rum from Thailand, I can recommend this one. However, that was my only reason for buying it. It is uniquely exotic.

Havana Club Pacto Navio rum
Havana Club Pacto Navio review posted 1 month ago by Rum & Co 🇩🇪 | 3 ratings

it's a nice one
for afternoon, after work, like a friend to go with

Havana Club 15-Year rum
Havana Club 15-Year review posted 1 month ago by Rum & Co 🇩🇪 | 3 ratings

it makes me happy
it will get my 9 if it will get under 100 Euro

4x50 4x7 X.O. Single Vintage Prime rum
4x50 4x7 X.O. Single Vintage Prime review posted 1 month ago by Rum & Co 🇩🇪 | 3 ratings

It's first of all ALCOHOL...
and/but not much more.
all the tastes and aroma are getting lost fast, the main impression, and the last are... just alcohol.

Tiki Lovers Dark rum
Tiki Lovers Dark review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Nose is sweet gingerale nose, the. Gies to hell quickly on the taste with a burn that is artificial and sugary

Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 3 Barbados rum
Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 3 Barbados review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

A watered down foursquare, solid robust taste with a wood forward finish. A hint of butterscotch on the finish a burn that lingers

Sazerac Jung And Wulff No 2 Guyana rum
Sazerac Jung And Wulff No 2 Guyana review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Nose is alcohol forward, but then on taste its rubber on the taste and then a bitter burn

Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 1 Trinidad rum
Sazerac Jung & Wulff No 1 Trinidad review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

A hint of wine on the nose, a bit too sweet on the taste for my taste, slight burn, think a watered down dominican rum that’s too sweet

Second Sights Bourbon Barreled rum
Second Sights Bourbon Barreled review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Wood notes on the nose, heavy velvety flowery taste with a bourbon burn that tastes a bit of rubber slight caramel on the finish

Robert James Distillery Light Rum rum
Robert James Distillery Light Rum review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Smells like glue, sweet taste, medium burn, with a slight sweetness on finish, probably good to mix

Foursquare 2007 Sagacity 12-Year rum
Foursquare 2007 Sagacity 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by cmpopp1 🇺🇸 | 26 ratings

This is such a nice mix of flavors. Hints of chocolate and caramel accompany the front-loaded bourbon note, which gives way to the subtle Madeira. Proceed with confidence! 👍🏻

Foursquare 2004 Zinfandel Cask Blend 11-Year rum
Foursquare 2004 Zinfandel Cask Blend 11-Year review posted 1 month ago by cmpopp1 🇺🇸 | 26 ratings

…but it’s definitely for me! Subtle, but definitely present!

Faraday West Indies rum
Faraday West Indies review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Vanilla on the nose, smooth vanilla on the taste with a hint of cinnamon, light toffee bourbon burn finish. Really impressed with this find

Sugarfield Spiced rum
Sugarfield Spiced review posted 1 month ago by LCCG 🇺🇸 | 1 rating

Sugarfeild has a delicious spiced rum. During a tour I was told that they use whole spices that the get from a local spice market. It's only lightly sweetened synthetic spices stand out. During my tasting, found a nice taste of red hot cinnamon candy, although there is no cinnamon in the spice blend.

Mount Gay Eclipse rum
Mount Gay Eclipse review posted 1 month ago by DiscoStu 🇬🇧 | 1 rating

Easy drinking sipper, one ice cube is perfect. Great value for money. A must have in any home bar.

Mhoba American Oak Aged rum
Mhoba American Oak Aged review posted 1 month ago by Simson 🇨🇿 | 138 ratings

The rum comes from South Africa and the entire production is entirely handmade. The rum is produced by pot distillation without the addition of any additives or colouring agents. It is a rum made directly from the juice and not from molasses. The aging process is very interesting, because the rum is not aged in a traditional wooden barrel, but in glass demijohns to which wood shavings are added. The rum is then decanted into classic casks, where South African whisky has previously been aged. I haven't found the total length of maturation anywhere. The rum is bottled at 43% ABV.

Bottle: Prism shape
Colour: Gold

Nose: Reminds me of the proverbial Jamaican fruit-ester funk. Overripe bananas, apricots, liquorice, olives, a bit of technique (fumes, diluent).
Mouth: It's kind of bittersweet, but again, strongly fruity. I smelled again overripe bananas and apricots, a mix of fruit spirits, sweet wine, salty olives, a little smoke and wood.
Finish: Long.

Conclusion: So it's quite a flavour whirlwind. I think this distillery has a future and I'm looking forward to their other rums. As a lover of Jamaican rums, this style really suits me. I have to say, I honestly don't understand the low rating for this very good and relatively inexpensive rum.

Rating: 9.5/10

Clairin Le Rocher rum
Clairin Le Rocher review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Uzená, kvašená zelenina, masová?!
Chuť: Uzená!!! máslová, koření, slaná, spálená cibulka – Mňam!
Dochuť: Štiplavá, uzená, olejovitá, špinavá
Nádherný úlet! Must try!!!
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“

Rumson's Grand Reserve rum
Rumson's Grand Reserve review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: (Já jsem tam snad cítil penicilín) jinak sladká, ovocná, koření
Chuť: Sladká, pepř, skořice, přezrálé až nahnilé ovoce, bonbony
Dochuť: Sudová, sladší
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“

Worthy Park Single Estate Reserve 6-10 Years rum
Worthy Park Single Estate Reserve 6-10 Years review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Svěží, ovocná
Chuť: Nasládlá, ovocná, třtina, koření, kouřová, tabáková lehká hořkost
Dochuť: Ovocná, lehká technika, mírně nahořklá (kůže, tabák?)
Kdo miluje Worthy Park...
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“

Dictador 1996 Aurum 25-Year rum
Dictador 1996 Aurum 25-Year review posted 1 month ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Káva (Kofila) , karamel, koření
Chuť: Dřevitá, ostřejší, kávová (jak jinak), čokoládová, koření,
Dochuť: Dřevitá, káva
Mohl by být trochu zajímavější, bohatší
Ochutnáno na akci: ,,Den rumu Hulín 2024“
