
Habitation Velier 2017 Hampden LROK White rum

Habitation Velier 2017 Hampden LROK White

Multiple | Light | 62.5% ABV

12 ratings
That's some good stuff

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12 Habitation Velier 2017 Hampden LROK White Ratings

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HCL 🇸🇪 | 4 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

Habitation Velier, the brand that doesn't insult your intelligence. An example how rum should be presented for consumers.

The first smell gave my a ridiculous smile. This is intense and crazy! On the nose it's actually enjoyable. Buttered popcorn jelly beans meet window polish meets sheep farm. But the palate is harsh.

Its unique aroma haunts my mind. I get repeated flashbacks.

An educational comparison with its aged brother LROK 2010.

Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Kristallklar im Glas.
In der Nase wird der Riechkolben von einem wahren Duft-Tsunami überflutet. Es werden Bilder von Zuckerrohr Felder, Frucht Plantagen und Gewürz Gärten im Gehirn erzeugt. Irgendwie unbeschreiblich lecker und im steten Wandel.
Am Gaumen sind die 62.5 % Alkohol den Geschmacksknospen gegenüber sehr gnädig und motivieren sie elegant und liebevoll sich voll auf ihre Arbeit zu konzentrieren. Das müssen sie auch bei dieser Aromen Dichte (350 gr/hlpa). Frisch-fruchtig-grasige Aromen bilden einen soliden Sockel mit hunderten von zu entdeckt werden wollenden Überraschungen.
Im Abgang langlebig und sehr aromatisch und es wird klar wie guter Rum schmecken muss.
Ein weiterer weisser Velier "high proof - high ester" Rum, der absolut genial ist. Welchen Rum kann ich danach noch trinken um so etwas toppen ? Für Liebhaber dieser Art, Entdecker, Geniesser und Experten.

Crystal clear in glass.
In the nose, the olfactory bulb is flooded with a veritable tsunami of fragrance. Images of sugar cane fields, fruit plantations and spice gardens are created in the brain. Somehow indescribably delicious and in constant change.
On the palate, the 62.5% alcohol is very gracious to the taste buds and motivates them to concentrate fully on their work, elegantly and lovingly. This is what they have to do even with this density of aromas (350 gr/hlpa). Fresh, fruity and grassy aromas form a solid base with hundreds of surprises to be discovered.
Long-lasting and very aromatic on the finish, it becomes clear how good rum has to taste.
Another white Velier "high proof - high ester" rum, which is absolutely brilliant. Which rum can I drink afterwards to top this ? For lovers of this kind of rum, discoverers, connoisseurs and experts.

runkenrun 🇺🇸 | 10 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Nose- sweet tangy juicy tropical fruit, salted cotton candy, funk, Hawaiian Punch, fried dough ,pineapple, lemon peel

Palate- nectarine, liquorish, light rubber cement, pepper heat, mouth vertigo

Finish- long finish- from liquorish heat back to a tidal wave of fruit juice, mango, pineapple then back to bitter pop rocks. Ends on a dry note

Thoughts- amazing on the nose, the proof shines through on the pallet, but all the other scents that were observed on the nose come back in flavor form for the finish. Warm, funky, and fruity.

Rating - 8.9 out of 10

HAMPDEN Jamaica Single Rum LROK
100% Pot Still distillation
High Esters, Spring Water, Bottled: 2020
No sugar added
Cask Strength
Distilled at Hampden Estate
Trelaway, Jamaica, WI.
Ale. 57.8% by vol

Starrider 🇸🇬 | 32 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Jamaican Hogo with a serious multiplier. Great journey for me through the overall tasting experience. Pungent delicious stuff! Must try for all jamaican rum lovers

HunterRomario 🇨🇿 | 396 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Alkohol: 62,5 %
Původ: Itálie/Jamajka
Aroma: Směs jemňoučké ovocnosti s technickými, až ředidlovými tóny, které ale překvapivě nijak nevadí a celé to působí dokonale harmonicky. Nasládlé, dají se tu najít hrušky a chemoprén. (85 b)
Chuť: Na jazyku na tu sílu zprvu jemný, nasládlý, technický. Ředidlo je tu víc, než ve vůni. V dochuti až škrábě, ale je to poět dobré a zajímavé. V dochuti pěkně zaštípe. Krom chemoprénu nacházím v dochuti i něco, co evokuje višňovici a peckoviny. (85 b)
Body: 85/100
Shrnutí: Měl jsme možnost ochutnat pro mě doposud neprobádaný rumový styl. Jednalo se o tři vysoce esterové bílé rumy se shodnou silou 62,5%, dva z Jamajky a jeden z Reunionu. Všechny tři rumy, Hampden LROK, Savanna HERR i Long Pond STCE, jsou si dost podobné, rozdíly mezi nimi nejsou moc velké a mně osobně víc než rum připomínají super silné ovocné pálenky nebo grappu. Jde o zajímavý styl, který podle mě stojí minimálně za ochutnání a má co nabídnout i přes určitou svéráznost. Docela mi tahle ochutnávka změnila pohled na bílé rumy.

Armi 🇳🇱 | 70 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Wohh, open a bottle and smell
''Solvent'' let it adjust in the glass for a while. The aroma's come true. Heavy stuff.

Jacko 🇳🇱 | 35 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

I knew this LROK was gold. But i never tasted it.. Bought a bottle on amn Auction.. When i opened the bottle. The whole room smelled like fruit.. The tasting.. Pinapple..Citrus...Red fruit.. The whole shabang... Love this high proof fruit bomb

Raven 🇫🇷 | 56 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

Le meilleur jamaïcain blanc avec le White Pot Still de chez Rum Nation ! Nez de dingue, avec une sensualité tropicale démente, débordante de fruits mûrs.

MaartenVL 🇧🇪 | 33 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

First of all I didn’t know what to expect from this one. The sample was number 8 in a tasting that i ordered. When is smelled it for the first time my mind went crazy. Fresh lemons and oranges. Hundreds of them lying in the sun. The taste is pure and complex but still very drinkable. The price of this bottle is only 60 euro. Just buy it, you wont regret it!

Awesomedon 🇺🇸 | 32 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Just got my bottle in and I am very impressed. Delicious.

Brand Details

Name: 2017 Hampden LROK White
ABV: 62.5%
Company: Habitation Velier
Country: Multiple
Type: Light
Yr Distilled: 2017
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No