
Habitation Velier 2011 Hampden LFCH 7-Year rum

Habitation Velier 2011 Hampden LFCH 7-Year

Multiple | Aged | 60.5% ABV

11 ratings
That's some good stuff

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11 Habitation Velier 2011 Hampden LFCH 7-Year Ratings

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vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

A nice Hampden, not extreamly fruity, but salty and very balanced. I miss more esters and fruits. It's still great, but compared to DOK or C<>H it's not fruity enough.
You can taste the young freshness of this rum, if you dilute it. The aftertaste is the best part.
80€ should be ok for this one, it's a good rum.
After one month the flavors have changed. I got some typical pot still Fiji notes in the nose and in the initial taste. That's pretty cool, I like these flavors. I would rate it 89 points.

Nose: pickled tomatoes with pepper, green banana, some pineapple, citrus, vanilla, salt, wood/barrel
Taste initial: pickled tomatoes, salt, sour, citrus
Middle: some banana/pineapple, vanilla
Finish (long): spiiiiice, barrel/earth, salt, some salted mango and pineapple, citrus, sunflower seeds, bitterness
Aftertaste: some green banana, malt/sesame, dentist/peppermint

Sweetness: 2/5
Spice: 4/5
Fruits: 3.5/5
Mildness: 2/5
Value (81€): 3/5
Experience level: expert
Rating: 89

Experiment: I mixed my Hampden DOC CDI 2009 44% with Velier 2011 LFCH 60,5% and got a perfect Hampden. I mixed it 2 to 1 and got around 50-52%.
The result is not as fruity as doc anymore but it has more salt and malt/sesame.
It's perfectly drinkable, now you can taste the whole Jamaica in perfect balance.
The tropical fruits, the sweating bodies, the sea and the beaches and the sun. Dude, I love it, this is what rum is.

filipec 🇨🇿 | 249 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

taste - 9.5/10
smell - 9.5/10
sweetness - 7/10
price/value rating - 7/10

Adrian Adame 🇨🇿 | 701 ratings
Posted 9 months ago

barva zlatá
- vůně typický skvělý Hampden, technické, rozpouštědlo, tropické ovoce
- chuť více nasládlé, med, ovoce, technické, lak

Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 278 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

U tohoto rumu nevím zda je technický nebo více ovocný.
Velmi zajímavý a dosti chutný.
Zvláště po druhém napití mi začíná chutnat více. Má dosti dlouhý dojezd, kde se odhalují ovocné složky chutí.

Drinkia 🇨🇿 | 411 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Skvělá rovnováha mezi ovocem, dřevem a estery s trochou herbálnosti. Parádně zakomponovaný alkohol.

Morten Graenge 🇩🇰 | 349 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Dejlig klassisk Jamaica smag, Dog ligger den lige på grænsen til at være for skarp til min smag.

Mr. Rumantic 🇩🇪 | 296 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Velier's Hampden is a 7-year-old single cask rum stored in white oak barrels and then bottled in barrel Strength of 60.5%. The golden yellow rum from Jamaica has no additives and has the designation LFCH. This means the Ester content is 231 gr/hlpa. A rather low value for a Hampden rum. The bottle is typical Velier and looks old-fashioned or classic. The label has all the important data and even the Angel Share. Exemplary.

After opening, intense aromas immediately flow out of the bottle. Arriving in the glass, the rum caused me a broad grin. It's true that it has a very special flavor. Hardly comparable. Strong fruity aromas pair with light solvents and medicine notes. In fact, it is reminiscent of ancient dentist memories. But I also smell rubber and liquorice. Also some menthol. The rum is sweeter than expected. Vanilla and light oak come with you. No trace of alcohol. Simply awesome. You can research and discover for a long time.

On the palate, the rum is powerful. The 60.5% transport the aromas with force to the taste buds without being alcoholic or unpleasant. Lots of fruit, lemon and banana but also vanilla and some wood. The Ester notes are well balanced and form a perfect complexity. As it's my first Hampden, I was grateful for that. The finish is very long and offers not only the adhesive but also fruit such as pineapple and orange. And I'm sure there is more to explore.

The LFCH is my first Hampden and I am very positively surprised by the force of the rum, which is complex and harmonious. The variety of flavours is amazing and Hampden is doing its reputation all the credit. Here the money is invested well and I am glad I bought it. Velier's Hampden is something everybody should try. But not necessarily suitable for beginners. Top! Delicious!

Edit March 2022: Still one of my favorite Hampden's I have and I've tried all the Marks up to DOK. Of the young bottlings, I still like the LFCH very much. In my opinion, HLCF, <>H and C<>H need a longer storage period of 10 years or more. Therefore fully satisfied with the LFCH 7 years.

Der Hampden von Velier ist ein Single Cask Rum welcher 7 Jahre in Weißeichefässern lagern durfte und dann in Fass Stärke mit 60,5% abgefüllt wurde. Der gold gelbe Rum aus Jamaika hat keine Zusatzstoffe und trägt die Bezeichnung LFCH. Das bedeutet das der Ester Gehalt 231 gr/hlpa aufweist. Ein eher geringer Wert für einen Hampden Rum. Die Flasche ist typisch Velier und wirkt altmodisch bzw. klassisch. Das Label weißt alle wichtigen Daten und sogar den Angel Share auf. Vorbildlich.

Nach dem öffnen strömen sofort intensive Aromen aus der Flasche. Im Glas angekommen verursachte der Rum bei mir erstmal breites Grinsen. Es stimmt das es eine ganz eigene Aromen Welt ist. Kaum vergleichbar. Kräftige fruchtige Aromen paaren sich mit leichten Lösungsmittel und Medizin Noten. Tatsächlich erinnert es an uralte Zahnarzt Erinnerungen. Aber ich rieche auch Gummi und Lakritz. Auch etwas Menthol. Der Rum ist süßer als erwartet. Vanille und auch leichte Eiche kommen mit. Keine Spur von Alkohol. Einfach genial. Hier lässt sich lange forschen und entdecken.

Am Gaumen ist der Rum wuchtig und kräftig. Die 60,5% transportieren die Aromen mit Gewalt an die Geschmacksknospen, ohne alkoholisch oder unangenehm zu sein. Viel Frucht, Zitrone und Banane aber auch Vanille und etwas Holz. Die Ester Noten sind fein balanciert und bilden eine perfekte Komplexität. Da es mein erster Hampden ist, war ich dafür dankbar. Der Abgang ist sehr lang und bietet neben dem Klebstoff auch Frucht wie z.b. Ananas und Orange. Und ich bin mir sicher das ich noch nicht alles entdeckt habe.

Der LFCH ist mein erster Hampden und ich bin sehr positiv über die Wucht des Rums überrascht welche aber komplex und harmonisch ist. Die Vielfalt der Aromen ist erstaunlich und Hampden macht seinem Ruf alle Ehre. Hier ist das Geld gur investiert und ich bin froh das ich diesen Rum auf gemacht habe. Der Hampden von Velier sollte man mal probieren. Für Einsteiger nicht unbedingt geeignet. Die 90Euro ist er aber allemal wert. Top! Lecker!

Update März 2022: Immer noch einer meiner liebsten Hampden die ich habe und ich habe mitlerweile alle Marks bis DOK probiert. Von den jungen Abfüllungen gefällt mir der LFCH weiter sehr gut. HLCF, <>H und C<>H benötigen meiner Meinung nach eine längere Lagerung von 10 Jahre oder mehr. Daher weiter voll zufrieden mit dem LFCH 7 Jahre.

Cory Wid 🇺🇸 | 97 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Its overpowering if you have it neat, I'd recommend some drops of water or an ice cube. I'd also let it rest for a time before sipping...

Thick and oily, but not as fruity and funky as other marques and bottlings. As H. H. Cousins would describe it, it is "stalky", as it doesn't have much ethyl butyrate to fill in the soft fruity pineapple flavor/aroma. Quite warm and even somewhat sweet-like on the palate. Its a pleasure to sip this marque all on its own, as it helps me to understand better how rums are made and blended.

Rasmus 🇩🇰 | 153 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

I got the opportunity to attend a rum tasting with Daniele Biondi from Velier where we tasted 9 different rums. This was the fourth rum of the night, that was tasted alongside the "Great House Destillery Edition". This is a rum on the lower end of the ester scale for Hampden, but it is still a rum that is smack full of taste.

Nose: Ripe bananas, nutshells, pistachios, vanilla and some smoke to gather it all together
Taste: Very intense with banana, nuts, ginger, vanilla with a long and intense aftertaste
Overall: This isn´t an ester-bomb, but it is still packed with flavour, which is enhanced by the 60,5 ABV. The Habitation Velier-series is normally a great choice, and this is not an exception.

Hesel 🇩🇰 | 66 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

Color: 4/5, strong wine ranks, golden colour.
Taste: 13/20, too strong flavours of sour fruits.
Not a good start with Jamaica rums.

Brand Details

Name: 2011 Hampden LFCH 7-Year
ABV: 60.5%
Company: Habitation Velier
Country: Multiple
Type: Aged
Years Aged: 7
Yr Distilled: 2011
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No