
Mount Gay Black Barrel rum

Mount Gay Black Barrel

Barbados | Aged | 43% ABV | Pot and Column Still

Mount Gay Black Barrel is a small batch, handcrafted rum created by master distiller Allen Smith. It is a blend of both matured double pot distillates and aged column distillates which are finished in Bourbon oak barrels.

449 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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449 Mount Gay Black Barrel Ratings

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Dltown 馃嚚馃嚘 | 3 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

When I鈥檓 going to have 2-3 rums in a night I鈥檒l start with something like a Brugal and then switch to Mount Gay to finish. Decent house rum.

Florianhagemann 馃嚨馃嚜 | 83 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

No est谩 mal, pero es para mi gusto muy fuerte y raspa mucho. Sin embargo, de buen sabor a madera y cuero. Por todo lo que hab铆a escuchado, pensaba que ser铆a mejor.

AlexMo 馃嚪馃嚭 | 208 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

Manipulations with barrels hid 43%ABV and added significant sweetness, oiliness, astringency and cherries~beries. It seems surprisingly self-contained, but the impurities in alcohol can ruin your morning. ........ 袗褉芯屑邪褌 褋谢邪斜褘泄, 薪械 胁褘蟹褘胁邪械褌 褝屑芯褑懈泄. 袟邪褌芯 胁泻褍褋 褋谢邪写泻懈泄, 褌械褉锌泻懈泄, 褋 褍屑械褉械薪薪褘屑 卸卸械薪懈械屑 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写懈褌 芯褖褍褖械薪懈械 褋邪屑芯写芯褋褌邪褌芯褔薪芯褋褌懈 懈 薪械 褌褉械斜褍械褌 蟹邪泻褍褋泻懈 懈谢懈 褉邪蟹斜邪胁谢械薪懈褟. 袞械谢邪薪懈械 锌褉芯写芯谢卸邪褌褜 褍锌懈褉邪械褌褋褟 胁 薪邪谐褉褍蟹泻褍 薪邪 谐芯谢芯胁褍 - 胁械写褜 43% 蟹邪褉械褌褍褕懈褉芯胁邪薪褘 屑邪褋谢褟薪懈褋褌芯褋褌褜褞, 写褍斜懈谢褜薪褘屑懈 胁械褖械褋褌胁邪屑懈 懈 屑薪懈屑芯泄 褋谢邪写芯褋褌褜褞 锌褉芯泻芯锌褔褢薪芯泄 斜芯褔泻懈. 袧邪褍褌褉芯 薪械褋泻芯谢褜泻芯 薪械锌褉芯褋褌芯械 褋邪屑芯褔褍胁褋褌胁懈械.

Frank Blackmore 馃嚞馃嚙 | 17 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

It pours light brown in colour. Aroma and flavour have hints of brown sugar, though the bourbon barrel ageing has certainly imparted a good flavour. I can drink it neat, though it isn't as smooth as I would like for my palate. Good with cola or Kinnie Zest.

Marty Machowski 馃嚭馃嚫 | 4 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

Smooth caramel with just a touch of burn. Smooth and very drinkable.

Paul B 馃嚭馃嚫 | 477 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

I held off for months in buying a bottle of this rum because I cannot stand the taste of charred oak in my rums. Somehow, the charred oak adds something interesting to what would be another boring MG rum, while still leaving the charred taste deep into the background. With no sugar added as per Barbados law, it first seemed like a worthy addition to my collection. However, only one merchant stocks this one in my area and he has way too many bottles on hand, so $27 seemed like a good price.

After only a few hours, my first impressions have already worn off. There are better tasting and cheaper Bajan rums than this one. So what I now have is a rather expensive mixer that only works with cola. I had my doubts before I bought it, but I just had to take the risk. It's my own fault.

Art 馃嚞馃嚙 | 9 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

If your looking for bite it鈥檚 not really here even with its slightly above average 43% abv. What you do have is something that makes your mouth water, in a good way. I don鈥檛 really smell/taste the spiciness that others mentioned but this is all rum.

Just came back to make a quick edit to say I now understand the references to bourbon in other reviews here.

I have only sipped this neat or with an ice cube, I am reluctant to mix it.

Kekso 馃嚫馃嚢 | 28 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

dry rum with minimum sweetness, i prefer more XO version

Root-theory 馃嚨馃嚤 | 84 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

Je偶eli chodzi o ofert臋 rum贸w marki Mount Gay odmiana nazwana Black Barrel stanowi trzeci膮, liczywszy od najbardziej podstawowych odmian rum贸w z portfolio producenta (podstawowa = nie bior膮ca pod uwag臋 edycji specjalnych). Cieszy kartonik (z ciekawymi grafikami r贸wnie偶 wewn膮trz) oraz d臋bowy korek jako zamkni臋cie butelki kt贸ra z kolei jest porz膮dna, z grubego szk艂a a tak偶e s艂usznych rozmiar贸w. Dzisiejszemu opisowi podlega pojemno艣膰 1L kt贸r膮 jak to cz臋sto mam w zwyczaju naby艂em w promocji na lotniskowej strefie duty free. Tym razem by艂 to Bukareszt. Kolejna rzecz na kt贸r膮 mo偶na zwr贸ci膰 uwag臋 to ABV - w tym przypadku 43% alkoholu brzmi zach臋caj膮co co pot臋guje jeszcze indywidualny numer butelki naniesiony na etykiet臋. Tak偶e robi si臋 coraz ciekawiej, a my nawet nie przeszli艣my do zawarto艣ci - mam nadzieje 偶e trunek nas nie zawiedzie.

ZAPACH: Cytrusy, troch臋 beczki, orzeszki cola, toffi. Og贸lnie rum ma zapach niezbyt intensywny ale zach臋caj膮cy.

SMAK: : Mi贸d, melasa, d膮b, wanilia, rodzynki a daleko w tle ananas. S艂odycz delikatnie wyczuwalna - mo偶na j膮 okre艣li膰 jako 艣rednio-niski poziom. Ca艂o艣膰 wie艅czy pieprzne pieczenie wskazuj膮ce na m艂odo艣膰 ale to jedyny jej 艣lad w tym rumie. L贸d w takim wypadku z艂agadza ca艂o艣膰 i robi ja bardziej przyst臋pn膮

Musz臋 przyzna膰 偶e z wra偶eniem jakie niesie za sob膮 prezencja tego rumu r贸wnolegle idzie te偶 i odbi贸r zawarto艣ci - 艂adna prezencja butelki/opakowania 艣wietnie pasuje do zawarto艣ci. Zawarto艣膰 jest instensywna, porz膮dna oraz przyjemna. Oczywi艣cie trzeba bra膰 poprawk臋 i偶 nie jest to idea艂 - wy艣mienitym stwierdzeniem jest 偶e to dobrze zbilansowany rum pod ka偶dym wzgl臋dem. Je偶eli traficie ceny w granicach 100pln/0,7 oraz 120pln/1L - bra膰 nie ogl膮da膰 si臋 :)

OCENA: 75/100

chris 馃嚳馃嚘 | 1 rating
Posted 6 years ago

A beautiful colour and love the branding of the bottle.The name gives it some secrecy that makes me imagine it comes off a pirate ship. Rich,smooth flavour and
a slightly sweet nose. The alcohol comes in with good strength that makes it all come together. I enjoy the traditional cocktail or sipping it slowly. This rum can be enjoyed in many ways. A must have for my bar.

Brand Details

Name: Black Barrel
ABV: 43%
Company: Mount Gay
Country: Barbados
Type: Aged
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Pot and Column Still
Women Led: Yes

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