
Quorhum Cask Strength 30-Year rum
Quorhum Cask Strength 30-Year review posted 29 days ago by Edwg1967 🇨🇦 | 17 ratings

Bought this rum on a trip to Andorra and could not wait to try. Well worth the wait. Very smooth and plenty of flavours. More time to truly appreciate the taste. The price was reasonable

A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare rum
A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare review posted 30 days ago by Nonkel Danny 🇧🇪 | 27 ratings

Een mooie mahoniehouten kleur. De smaak van de eiken vaten is duidelijk. Een rijke maar toch vrij zoete smaak met een lange kruidige afdronk.

Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Blonde rum
Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Blonde review posted 30 days ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Strong molasses smell, but less of the flavor straight and more of a burn than I would like. When mixed, the molasses really comes out.

Saison Sherry Cask 5-Year rum
Saison Sherry Cask 5-Year review posted 30 days ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

I liked it straight. A bit of the sherry flavor, but strong afterburn. Not as big a fan mixed.

Frigate Reserve 8-Year rum
Frigate Reserve 8-Year review posted 30 days ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Came across this one at a random market.  Nothing special, nothing terrible.  A little sweet straight, but not much stood out.  Mixed - meh

Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva rum
Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My rating is for sipping it and I do not consider price in my rating. That said this rum is much more interesting to me when used in cuba libre. It is fantastic and I would rate it a 9 maybe a 10.

Rhum JM XO 6-Year rum
Rhum JM XO 6-Year review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My first Agricole and I love it. It is smooth, fruity sour, mildly sweet has a beautiful lightly oily texture, there might be some umami in there given it makes me salvitate.

Opthimus Port Finish 25-Year rum
Opthimus Port Finish 25-Year review posted 30 days ago by Anders Ravn Jørgensen 🇩🇰 | 218 ratings

Meget lækker rom, mangler dog lidt kick, men dejlig som altid fra Opthimus

Appleton Estate Reserve 8-Year rum
Appleton Estate Reserve 8-Year review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My first Jamaican rum and I guess hobo is not for me. Somehow this tastes dirty to me.

Veritas White rum
Veritas White review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

I didn’t appreciate it when I first opened the bottle, not even after extended breathing time. A couple of weeks later I had a glass and wow my perception of it changed. I really want to like it even more. I do like it now but as with all spirits I need to be in the mood for them. For Veritas I will not be in the mood super often but I will enjoy it when I am.

Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior rum
Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

To me this is an easy to drink rum without edges. I prefer it to Flor de Cana 18 because it isn’t as woody and I prefer it to Plantation XO because it isn’t as sweet.
I found a bottle of the 23 year old and will do a comparison when I open that bottle.

RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year rum
RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

I find this amazingly fruity but in an unrefined way. It is not super easy to drink. I somewhat like it though.

Plantation XO 20th Anniversary rum
Plantation XO 20th Anniversary review posted 1 month ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

Given the circumstance that this was my third better rum this was so easy to drink. My first 2 better Rums were Flor de Cana 18 and OFTD. Nevertheless, it is too sweet for my taste.

Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. rum
Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. review posted 1 month ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

Interesting, but not a sipper at least to me. In my inexperience I bought this for the wrong reasons. On the other hand it didn’t work great for me in Cuba Libre nor in DarknStormy. As a sipper it is too spicy to me and has too much burn, no matter how much water I add. I am sure if I would know the cocktail it should go into it would be great.

Flor de Caña 12-Year rum
Flor de Caña 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My first better rum. I liked it as that, but I found it quite woody and dull. I was hoping to find something I like more in the next bottle.

Plantation Isle Fiji rum
Plantation Isle Fiji review posted 1 month ago by Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings

I saw on offer at the supermarket with 30% off, so I thought why not. I'm used to Plantation's overly sweet rums that Marks & Spencer used to do, and they weren't my style but made a good change every now and then.

I should have looked at the label more closely. It states "Dosage 16g" so they're not trying to hide the fact that this has a lot of sweetness added to it. However it dominates the young spirit far too much. Maybe that is a good thing, as if not, it would be a harsh and unattractive rum. As it is, it's OK but really not very good and should be far better.

It's one of those that might get used further down the line to blend away with some other disappointing rum. Maybe I am being unfair on it, as it is at the lower end of their range.

Navy Island Navy Strenght rum
Navy Island Navy Strenght review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Rough nose can tell its an overproof on the nose, wine-y taste with good burn a bit of metal on the finish otherwise would be higher

Navy Island XO Reserve 6-Year rum
Navy Island XO Reserve 6-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

A poor man’s watered down version of hampden the younger, nose is similar but less banana, taste is less esther and more burn. Just get a hampden instead

Canoubier Selection Trinidad 3-Year rum
Canoubier Selection Trinidad 3-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

This brand reminds me of ah riise without the nuttiness, too sweet on the taste very off putting, metallic on the nose, butterscotch on the finish, burn is slight

Canoubier Selection Caribbean XO 6-Year rum
Canoubier Selection Caribbean XO 6-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Grape on the nose, cognac? More cognac on the flavor but takes away from the rum, medium burn, its like el dorado meets dos maderas in a bad way

Canoubier Extra Fine Caribbean rum
Canoubier Extra Fine Caribbean review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Too sweet think dominican rum its not artificial tasting but its still too much, peppery hint on the finish barely any burn

1731 Belize 7-Year rum
1731 Belize 7-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Nose is a bit of the sea slight saltiness? Buttery with a bit of salt on tge finish, like drinking rum that got dunked in the ocean in a good way

Rum Shark 2009 Angostura 14-Year rum
Rum Shark 2009 Angostura 14-Year review posted 1 month ago by Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 278 ratings

Ve vůni cítím jemný náznak sudu se směsí sladkého ovoce a čokoládového másla. Vůně je podle taková slabá, skoro až mdlá.
Chuť je málo výrazná, ale příjemná směs ovoce, čokoládového másla a dřeva sudu. Trochu zanechává pocit lihovosti na patře a to poměrně dlouhou dobu.
Příjemný rum na večerní dlouhé popíjení s přáteli.

Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year rum
Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year review posted 1 month ago by Shokas 🇱🇹 | 41 ratings

Not bad actually, I was surprised. Pretty smooth, no unpleasant burning. Sweetness is also on the lower side. Might aswell be a sipper on the rocks. Adequate anejo rum.

Navy Island Navy Strenght rum
Navy Island Navy Strenght review posted 1 month ago by ReMan 🇷🇺 | 11 ratings

Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: Ямайка
Дистиллерия и боттлер: бленд 11 спиртов дистиллерий Hampden Estate, Worthy Park Estate и Clarendon/Monymusk (Navy Island Rum Company, Амстердам, Нидерланды)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: перегонные кубы ямайского типа с ретортой
Бочки: из-под бурбона
Выдержка: от 3ёх до 7ми лет
Добавленный сахар: отсутствует
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 57%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 16.09.2022

Насыщенный и яркий аромат с типичными ямайскими «причудами», типа нот компоста из прелой травы и перезрелых или печёных фруктов (яблок, цитрусов, папайи), жареных бананов с пеканом, копи-лувак; сильны также ноты кожи, табака, ванили, белого перца, мускатного ореха, солёной карамели, какой-то тон гуаши или лакокраски, активированного угля, небольшие нюансы бурого изюма. Не скажу, что аромат прям приятный, он довольно-таки специфический, но не отталкивающий. Что-то новенькое и любопытное.
Вкус взрывной и глубокий, начиная с кислых нот тёмных ягод, мандаринов Клементины, зелёных яблок и винограда и переходя в травянистые землистые, банановые, табачные, кожаные, кофейные, ореховые и карамельные оттенки, заканчивается тонами специй и соли. Добавление воды чуть облегчает вкус и аромат, делая ром более фруктовым и карамельным, хотя ноты чего-то жаренного, затхлого, солёного и переспелого никуда не деваются.
Послевкусие. Среднее или дольше продолжительностью. Тёмные ягоды, цитрусовые, изюм, жареные бананы с солью, белый перец, мускатный орех, кожа.
Ямайский ром – это всегда интересный, необычный и специфический продукт на своего любителя и я, думаю, справедливо полагаю, что, перед нами далеко не самая экстремальная его экспрессия. Я люблю открывать для себя что-то новое и мне ром понравился - несмотря на свою странность, он обладает хорошей крепостью, насыщенностью и глубиной вкуса и аромата, несмотря на сравнительную молодость и резкость спиртов, присутствующее в нём фруктовые и карамельные нюансы удачно оттеняют «фанковые» черты.

Quorhum Cask Strength 30-Year rum
Quorhum Cask Strength 30-Year review posted 29 days ago by Edwg1967 🇨🇦 | 17 ratings

Bought this rum on a trip to Andorra and could not wait to try. Well worth the wait. Very smooth and plenty of flavours. More time to truly appreciate the taste. The price was reasonable

A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare rum
A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Very Rare review posted 30 days ago by Nonkel Danny 🇧🇪 | 27 ratings

Een mooie mahoniehouten kleur. De smaak van de eiken vaten is duidelijk. Een rijke maar toch vrij zoete smaak met een lange kruidige afdronk.

Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Blonde rum
Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Blonde review posted 30 days ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Strong molasses smell, but less of the flavor straight and more of a burn than I would like. When mixed, the molasses really comes out.

Saison Sherry Cask 5-Year rum
Saison Sherry Cask 5-Year review posted 30 days ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

I liked it straight. A bit of the sherry flavor, but strong afterburn. Not as big a fan mixed.

Frigate Reserve 8-Year rum
Frigate Reserve 8-Year review posted 30 days ago by Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 281 ratings

Came across this one at a random market.  Nothing special, nothing terrible.  A little sweet straight, but not much stood out.  Mixed - meh

Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva rum
Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My rating is for sipping it and I do not consider price in my rating. That said this rum is much more interesting to me when used in cuba libre. It is fantastic and I would rate it a 9 maybe a 10.

Rhum JM XO 6-Year rum
Rhum JM XO 6-Year review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My first Agricole and I love it. It is smooth, fruity sour, mildly sweet has a beautiful lightly oily texture, there might be some umami in there given it makes me salvitate.

Opthimus Port Finish 25-Year rum
Opthimus Port Finish 25-Year review posted 30 days ago by Anders Ravn Jørgensen 🇩🇰 | 218 ratings

Meget lækker rom, mangler dog lidt kick, men dejlig som altid fra Opthimus

Appleton Estate Reserve 8-Year rum
Appleton Estate Reserve 8-Year review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My first Jamaican rum and I guess hobo is not for me. Somehow this tastes dirty to me.

Veritas White rum
Veritas White review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

I didn’t appreciate it when I first opened the bottle, not even after extended breathing time. A couple of weeks later I had a glass and wow my perception of it changed. I really want to like it even more. I do like it now but as with all spirits I need to be in the mood for them. For Veritas I will not be in the mood super often but I will enjoy it when I am.

Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior rum
Kirk and Sweeney Gran Reserva Superior review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

To me this is an easy to drink rum without edges. I prefer it to Flor de Cana 18 because it isn’t as woody and I prefer it to Plantation XO because it isn’t as sweet.
I found a bottle of the 23 year old and will do a comparison when I open that bottle.

RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year rum
RL Seale ABV 46 10-Year review posted 30 days ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

I find this amazingly fruity but in an unrefined way. It is not super easy to drink. I somewhat like it though.

Plantation XO 20th Anniversary rum
Plantation XO 20th Anniversary review posted 1 month ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

Given the circumstance that this was my third better rum this was so easy to drink. My first 2 better Rums were Flor de Cana 18 and OFTD. Nevertheless, it is too sweet for my taste.

Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. rum
Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. review posted 1 month ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

Interesting, but not a sipper at least to me. In my inexperience I bought this for the wrong reasons. On the other hand it didn’t work great for me in Cuba Libre nor in DarknStormy. As a sipper it is too spicy to me and has too much burn, no matter how much water I add. I am sure if I would know the cocktail it should go into it would be great.

Flor de Caña 12-Year rum
Flor de Caña 12-Year review posted 1 month ago by coffeNrum 🇩🇪 | 10 ratings

My first better rum. I liked it as that, but I found it quite woody and dull. I was hoping to find something I like more in the next bottle.

Plantation Isle Fiji rum
Plantation Isle Fiji review posted 1 month ago by Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings

I saw on offer at the supermarket with 30% off, so I thought why not. I'm used to Plantation's overly sweet rums that Marks & Spencer used to do, and they weren't my style but made a good change every now and then.

I should have looked at the label more closely. It states "Dosage 16g" so they're not trying to hide the fact that this has a lot of sweetness added to it. However it dominates the young spirit far too much. Maybe that is a good thing, as if not, it would be a harsh and unattractive rum. As it is, it's OK but really not very good and should be far better.

It's one of those that might get used further down the line to blend away with some other disappointing rum. Maybe I am being unfair on it, as it is at the lower end of their range.

Navy Island Navy Strenght rum
Navy Island Navy Strenght review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Rough nose can tell its an overproof on the nose, wine-y taste with good burn a bit of metal on the finish otherwise would be higher

Navy Island XO Reserve 6-Year rum
Navy Island XO Reserve 6-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

A poor man’s watered down version of hampden the younger, nose is similar but less banana, taste is less esther and more burn. Just get a hampden instead

Canoubier Selection Trinidad 3-Year rum
Canoubier Selection Trinidad 3-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

This brand reminds me of ah riise without the nuttiness, too sweet on the taste very off putting, metallic on the nose, butterscotch on the finish, burn is slight

Canoubier Selection Caribbean XO 6-Year rum
Canoubier Selection Caribbean XO 6-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Grape on the nose, cognac? More cognac on the flavor but takes away from the rum, medium burn, its like el dorado meets dos maderas in a bad way

Canoubier Extra Fine Caribbean rum
Canoubier Extra Fine Caribbean review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Too sweet think dominican rum its not artificial tasting but its still too much, peppery hint on the finish barely any burn

1731 Belize 7-Year rum
1731 Belize 7-Year review posted 1 month ago by Alas 🇵🇷 | 613 ratings

Nose is a bit of the sea slight saltiness? Buttery with a bit of salt on tge finish, like drinking rum that got dunked in the ocean in a good way

Rum Shark 2009 Angostura 14-Year rum
Rum Shark 2009 Angostura 14-Year review posted 1 month ago by Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 278 ratings

Ve vůni cítím jemný náznak sudu se směsí sladkého ovoce a čokoládového másla. Vůně je podle taková slabá, skoro až mdlá.
Chuť je málo výrazná, ale příjemná směs ovoce, čokoládového másla a dřeva sudu. Trochu zanechává pocit lihovosti na patře a to poměrně dlouhou dobu.
Příjemný rum na večerní dlouhé popíjení s přáteli.

Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year rum
Ron Cristobal Gran Anejo 5-Year review posted 1 month ago by Shokas 🇱🇹 | 41 ratings

Not bad actually, I was surprised. Pretty smooth, no unpleasant burning. Sweetness is also on the lower side. Might aswell be a sipper on the rocks. Adequate anejo rum.

Navy Island Navy Strenght rum
Navy Island Navy Strenght review posted 1 month ago by ReMan 🇷🇺 | 11 ratings

Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: Ямайка
Дистиллерия и боттлер: бленд 11 спиртов дистиллерий Hampden Estate, Worthy Park Estate и Clarendon/Monymusk (Navy Island Rum Company, Амстердам, Нидерланды)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: перегонные кубы ямайского типа с ретортой
Бочки: из-под бурбона
Выдержка: от 3ёх до 7ми лет
Добавленный сахар: отсутствует
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 57%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 16.09.2022

Насыщенный и яркий аромат с типичными ямайскими «причудами», типа нот компоста из прелой травы и перезрелых или печёных фруктов (яблок, цитрусов, папайи), жареных бананов с пеканом, копи-лувак; сильны также ноты кожи, табака, ванили, белого перца, мускатного ореха, солёной карамели, какой-то тон гуаши или лакокраски, активированного угля, небольшие нюансы бурого изюма. Не скажу, что аромат прям приятный, он довольно-таки специфический, но не отталкивающий. Что-то новенькое и любопытное.
Вкус взрывной и глубокий, начиная с кислых нот тёмных ягод, мандаринов Клементины, зелёных яблок и винограда и переходя в травянистые землистые, банановые, табачные, кожаные, кофейные, ореховые и карамельные оттенки, заканчивается тонами специй и соли. Добавление воды чуть облегчает вкус и аромат, делая ром более фруктовым и карамельным, хотя ноты чего-то жаренного, затхлого, солёного и переспелого никуда не деваются.
Послевкусие. Среднее или дольше продолжительностью. Тёмные ягоды, цитрусовые, изюм, жареные бананы с солью, белый перец, мускатный орех, кожа.
Ямайский ром – это всегда интересный, необычный и специфический продукт на своего любителя и я, думаю, справедливо полагаю, что, перед нами далеко не самая экстремальная его экспрессия. Я люблю открывать для себя что-то новое и мне ром понравился - несмотря на свою странность, он обладает хорошей крепостью, насыщенностью и глубиной вкуса и аромата, несмотря на сравнительную молодость и резкость спиртов, присутствующее в нём фруктовые и карамельные нюансы удачно оттеняют «фанковые» черты.
