
Rum-Bar White Overproof rum

Rum-Bar White Overproof

Jamaica | Light | 63% ABV | Pot Still

55 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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55 Rum-Bar White Overproof Ratings

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Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

Kristallklar im Glas.
In der Nase hässlich und stechend. Verrottete Früchte in Abbeizmittel eingelegt, ist der erste Eindruck. Warten - warten - warten - und Alles wird anders. Du tauchst ein und unter der Oberfläche öffnet sich ein Paradies von Düften. Grasige und Blumige Düfte vermengen sich mit allerlei tropischen Früchten, Ananas, Banane, Papaya, Vanille und herberen Richtung wie Tabak, Leder und einen Tropfen Olivenöl.
Am Gaumen nicht zu erwartend fruchtig und weich. Da lebt eine klare liebliche Linie auf, Früchte und noch mehr Früchte, dazwischen Gräser, Zuckerrohr und gelb blühende Blumen. Diese führen zur Basis eines etwas Grösserem, das entdeckt werden will.
Im Abgang liegen die Früchte lange auf der Zunge, das Zuckerrohr bleibt noch etwas länger darauf kleben.
Ein absolut toller Mix-Rum auf jeden fall für Fruchtpunch mit Punch. Für Mixer, Entdecker, Mutige, Ester-Bomben Liebhaber und alle Anderen natürlich auch. -8

Crystal clear in the glass.
In the nose ugly and pungent. Rotten fruit soaked in paint stripper is the first impression. Wait - wait - wait - and everything changes. You dive in and under the surface opens a paradise of scents. Grassy and floral scents mingle with all sorts of tropical fruits, pineapple, banana, papaya, vanilla and more tart directions like tobacco, leather and a drop of olive oil.
On the palate, not expectedly fruity and soft. There lives up a clear lovely line, fruit and more fruit, interspersed with grasses, sugar cane and yellow blooming flowers. These lead to the base of something bigger that wants to be discovered.
On the finish, the fruit lingers on the tongue for a long time, the sugar cane lingers on it a bit longer.
An absolutely great mix rum in any case for fruit punch with punch. For mixers, explorers, brave, ester bombs lovers and all others of course. -8

martin jeppesen 🇩🇰 | 257 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

You really need to be a fan of Jamaican funk to enjoy this. The nose hits you with fermented grass, almost like ensilage. There’s also a fruity sweetness to it with notes of mango, banana and eucalyptus. It’s probably designed as a mixer but I only tried it neat. Actually very drinkable considering the 63%, with slightly grassy notes of eucalyptus, banana and white pepper. It’s a very potent bottle and might not be for everyone, but enjoy it!

Erik B 🇸🇪 | 14 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

The funk is strong in this one. If you think about mixing this rum with something, think again. The over ripe banana taste goes through anything and it's glorious.

Mujuru 🇺🇸 | 157 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Nose: caramelized banana out the wazoo, green olive, rubber, fresh sugar cane, unique smell I can’t place like Cherry scented acetone, faint blackberry cobbler

Palate: warm blackberry cobbler, pineapple, tart cherries, lemon juice, banana, blackberry creaminess, salted caramel

Finish: [chlorine pool water]*, sour apples, salt water, blackberry ice cream, raw sugar, guava, guayabana

I have been looking forward to trying this for quite some time as it is the original Overproof from my favorite Jamaican distillery. Reviews on it seem to be extremely polarized and after trying it I can easily see why. This rum was also a unique experience for me in that there is a titanic difference between its notes straight compared to slightly diluted. Like night and day difference. Drank straight this rum is very muted, not very expressive, and the notes it does play I didn’t find all that pleasant. However with dilution down to about 50% ABV the palate on this rum explodes into complex and delightful tropical fruit flavors. Therefore my very strong advice for those trying this for the first time is to try it both ways but withhold judgement until you dilute this down to about 50% ABV and allow the flavors to open up. So let’s get into the craziness of this experience.

On the nose, even straight this rum is quite expressive. From literally 2 feet away when I poured it into the snifter my nostrils were overwhelmed by caramelized banana. Leaning in more closely though reveals a bevy of more complex notes some of which remind me much more of an Agricole Blanc: green olive, rubber, grassy fresh sugar cane. Faintly behind that I get a note that I am really struggling to place which I guess can be best summarized as cherry scented acetone followed by blackberry cobbler. Interestingly, and quite unexpectedly, I get blackberry cobbler through all three phases of this experience.

Taking a sip straight I get warm blackberry cobbler, pineapple, tart sour cherries, and lemon juice. Diluting it with water brings out an impressive combination of banana, blackberry cream, and salted caramel. Straight, the rum is tart and extremely hot. With dilution the heat and tart dissipate and explode into all of the above flavors at once in magnificence. With dilution this rum is quite impressive.

The finish is another aspect where there is a titanic difference being the rum straight and diluted. Drank straight the finish is rather muted and I only get a chlorinated pool water taste* in my mouth. After diluting it down the finish on the rum once flourishes with an abundance of delightful notes: sour apple, brine, then blackberry ice cream with faint notes of raw cane sugar crystals and guava. After some time Guayabana (Cuban Custard Apple) appears. This is just fantastic and unique.

After drinking this rum straight I was prepared to give it a 3 as it was muted, hot, and frankly unpleasant. With water the complexity exploded into a multitude of delightful notes to the extent that I will rate it a solid 7.5. It’s clear to me that this rum simply needs to be diluted down to around 50% to allow it to truly shine…and shine it will. This is probably the perfect example of what Scott was referring to in his video about adding water to high Abv spirits to open up the flavors because man oh man is that evident here.

Nose: 7
Palate: 8
Aftertaste: 8
Smoothness: 5
Versatility: 8
Price: 10

Total: 7.6

Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This is a pure pot still rum consisting of a blend of WPEL, WPL and WPE rum from the Worthy Park distillery.
The nose is funky and very pungent. It’s of course fruity and it’s also possible to detect olive and vegetal notes.
In mouth and palate it’s still fruity and I detected pineapple and banana. I also recognize overriped fruits and spices.
The finish is just medium long and shorter than the other White Overproof Jamaicans.
Overall it’s the most pungent, maybe too pungent for my taste, of the big Jamaican three.
Pictures: My three white pure pot stills rum from Jamaica and Grenada & My opened bottle.

YMHC 🇳🇱 | 162 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

Nice mixer with lots of that jamaican funk and some oomph.

Robin Wynne 🇨🇦 | 1 rating
Posted over 6 years ago

Worthy Park, 63%, white overproof. Aromas of pure Jamaican funk! Lots of green bananas, olives in brine, blue cheese, petrol or varnish. On the palate, hot(because 63%), ester heavy with green herbaceous undertones. Vegetal and sweet with almond notes. I love this rum. The funkier the better.

Thomas Breuning 🇩🇰 | 244 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

Definitely the worst I ever tried without mixing. Smells so strongly like bananas that I didn't want to eat a single banana for a month. Doesn't go with Coca-Cola either. Perhaps a fantastic ingredient in a dessert, but absolutely undrinkable. 11.December i romkalenderen 2017

Sandwiches 🇨🇦 | 32 ratings
Posted 16 days ago

Did a side by side with Wray & Nephew and found them to be fairly interchangeable, though the Rum-Bar had some agricole characteristics that give it a slight edge. Still not completely my thing outside of a few specific cocktails.

Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings
Posted 4 months ago

Tasted at Fernside in San Diego on 5-19-24. Pours clear. The aroma is like a charanda in that is seems to be a balance between a Jamaican Funk and an agricole. Storms in hot, but moderates quickly like Rum Fire does. Heavy simple syrup sweetness gives way to an anesthetic numbing. Juju Fruit finish. Upon adding some water, this agricole aroma is totally gone. Candy sweetness remains, but somehow it burns even more. Oddly, this is an overproof that should not be diluted!

Brand Details

Name: White Overproof
ABV: 63%
Company: Rum-Bar
Country: Jamaica
Type: Light
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Pot Still
Women Led: No

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