
Old Monk XXX 7-Year rum

Old Monk XXX 7-Year

India | Aged | Pot and Column Still

157 ratings
Easily consumable in a bind

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157 Old Monk XXX 7-Year Ratings

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Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Purchased a bottle outside Chattanooga TN. I'm a big fan of this rum. Has all the sweetness and caramel of the Indian rums, but there's a tobacco and raisin undertone. My pick of the litter.

alcozl 🇷🇺 | 23 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Old Monk 7YO Blended
Дата розлива: 11.05.2021г.
Ром производят в городе Газиабад, Индия.
Нос: горький шоколад, табак, ваниль, корица, чернослив. Аромат не классического рома, есть сильное влияние посторонних ингредиентов. При этом он не спиртовый, умеренно мощный, но если описывать одним словом, то мне на язык приходит только это: затхлость. Может быть так и пахнут старые монахи?
Вкус: достаточно мягкий, в меру спиртовый, кофейный. После глотка во рту остаётся неприятная горечь. Это не горечь спирта, больше похоже на жжёные зёрна кофе.
Финиш: короткий.
В составе указаны только вода и ромовые дистилляты. Скорее всего это не соответствует действительности, т.к. ром явно категории «пряный» и по цвету и по органолептике.
Не в моих правилах смешивать алкоголь с колой, поэтому ничего не могу сказать насколько он хорош в коктейле, но многие хвалят.
Даже учитывая низкую цену данного напитка, рекомендовать не могу, слишком экзотично и неестественно.

JRoberts95 🇪🇸 | 55 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

A friend told me this is what they used to drink in the parks in New Delhi when they were younger, as it did the job and did it quickly. Quite sweet tasting.

Shokas 🇱🇹 | 41 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

This one smells really good, I mean real rum aroma, lots of coffee, chocolate, molasses. But... the taste is disappointing. While sweetish, thick and oaky at first, it starts to burn quickly and leaves slightly bitter aftertaste. Definitely not a sipper, maybe ok with lots of cola :)

Sgemelli 🇺🇸 | 2 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

As far as a sipper, you can tell this is just a touch too sweet. It's a caramel candy that is borderline metallic in finish that kinda betrays it as a sipper. For thevmoney, I won't complain. As a mixer, I love to add this as a minority portion of my Mai Tais, as that sweetness if welcome next to a funky rum that's more well rounded. And for what it's worth, this is my favorite rum to cook with. I'll keep this bottle in my bar for the foreseeable future.

evolvedigital 🇨🇦 | 8 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Descent rum but not exceptional not bad for something different

tomps 🇪🇪 | 28 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Bought with nice discount, from 28€ to 20€. Definitely not worth the full price. It does smell good and very first taste is also good but then hits with strong specific taste and also strong alcohol taste kicks in.

With lots of ice and cola its quite good. I used much more ice than i usually do. I would have given rate of 5 if with cola hadn't been quite okay.

I also tried with tea, which I don't often drink. Be awere not to add much!

Toxie 🇺🇸 | 23 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

It's ok. Slightly unusual flavor, like the different slicing base or something....it's unusual but not bad per SE.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

It's super sweet from an obvious sugar overdose. Vanilla & slight glue smell to it but it's drinkable. I gave it 5 stars seeing it only cost $20 so no total loss. Nice to have an India rum in my collection. Update, I got to tell you this rum is worthy, especially the price. I've compared it to other rums in the $40-60 range and yes it's not there but I consider this to be very drinkable and cost effective since I do consume rum on a regular basis. So this rum helps me appreciate the more expensive ones that I partake in. Updating this to a 6 & rebuying!

col_klenk 🇺🇸 | 36 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

I can't drink this by itself. Heavy vanilla and something fake or plastic almost. I'll have to drown it in Coke.

Brand Details

Name: XXX 7-Year
Company: Old Monk
Country: India
Type: Aged
Years Aged: 7
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Pot and Column Still
Women Led: No

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