
Habitation Velier 2017 Savanna HERR White rum

Habitation Velier 2017 Savanna HERR White

Multiple | Light | 62.5% ABV | Pot Still

9 ratings
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9 Habitation Velier 2017 Savanna HERR White Ratings

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JellyJortikka 🇫🇮 | 74 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Molasses based unaged white rum from Savanna distillery from Reunion island
100% Double retort pot still
Bottled: 2018
Esters: 499,9gr/hlpa
62,5% abv
Sugar free

Nose: Extremely pungent and quite sweet, hubba bubba bublegum, smoke and menthol, sweet strawberry candy, some brine and soursop nectar, very pleasing and unique
Palate: Hot obviously, all the abovementioned flavors, smoke and brine is more pronounced in taste, oily mouthfeel with light plum skin sweet bitterness with it.
Also some rubberiness is found and liquorice. There is also some white pepper in the end. Also surprisingly sweet for unsweetened rum.
Finish: Leaves very long lasting and pleasant aftertaste, no alcohol or ethanol flavour to be found.
Overall: Extremely impressive unaged molasses rum, easily my favorite so far from that category.
There is so much complexity despite the extreme pungency and new flavours can be found even after tasting for a long period of time.
True gem in the rum world and must buy for high ester rum lovers.
Huge thanks for the Savanna distillery team and Velier as well.

Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Kristallklar im Glas.
In der Nase ist die Komplexität erschlagend und der Riechkolben scheint überfordert. Welch eine Palette an Düften, Himbeerkaugummi aus den 80'er, ein ganzer Korb voller überreifer tropischer Früchte und zermantschte Beeren. Auch etwas zerriebene Fichtennadeln und modriges Moos mit etwas medizinischem im Hintergrund. Gewürze sind natürlich auch vertreten, frisch aufgebrochener Kardamom mit einem Hauch von weissem Pfeffer und einem Schuss Lackritze Sirup. Lecker und irgendwie verstörend zugleich, Du musst immer wieder daran riechen.
Am Gaumen geht diese unglaublich Erfahrung weiter. Die 62.5% sind perfekt für diese Aromen Menge. einen riesen Haufen Beeren, rote, weisse, grüne.. mit vielen tropischen Früchten, Mango, Ananas, Bananen.... und Gewürzen, Anis, Fenchelsamen, Süssholz…. jede Beschreibung wird nicht gerecht..... unbedingt probieren und …. Level up…..
Im Abgang unheimlich lange, die Früchte wechseln sich mit den Gewürzen ab, bis zum Morgen.
Ein unglaublicher Rhum, so viel anders, bei einer Blindverkostung schwierig als Rhum zu erkennen. Einfach kleine Wunderwerke diese High Ester Rhum Reunion (HERR). Für Entdecker und geübte Rum Geniesser die eine neu Erfahrung suchen.

Crystal clear in the glass.
In the nose the complexity is overwhelming and the olfactory bulb seems to be overstrained. What a range of fragrances, raspberry chewing gum from the 80s, a whole basket of overripe tropical fruits and crushed berries. Also some grated spruce needles and musty moss with something medicinal in the background. Spices are also present, of course, freshly broken cardamom with a hint of white pepper and a dash of lacquer syrup. Delicious and somehow disturbing at the same time, you have to smell it again and again.
On the palate this incredible experience continues. The 62.5% are perfect for this amount of aromas. a huge pile of berries, red, white, green ... with lots of tropical fruits, mango, pineapple, bananas ... and spices, aniseed, fennel seeds, liquorice... any description will not do justice..... definitely try and .... Level up.....
In the finish incredibly long, the fruits alternate with the spices until the morning.
An incredible rhum, so much different, difficult to recognize as rhum in a blind tasting. Simply small wonders this High Ester Rhum Reunion (HERR). For discoverers and experienced rum connoisseurs who are looking for a new experience.

SPEHUN 🇭🇺 | 130 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Mint overproof rum nagyon jó, de nekem ez már erős, lehet egy picit gyengébb rumokat kellene innom. 🙂

HunterRomario 🇨🇿 | 396 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Alkohol: 62,5 %
Původ: Itálie/Reunion
Aroma: Velmi ovocná vůně, nejvíc do hrušek, najde se i žužu, techničnost jen velmi málo, přidávají se tóny třešňovice. Celkově příjemné a nasládlé. (85 b)
Chuť: Po dojmu z aroma je chuť tvrdým úderem pěstí. Ne snad přímo silou alkoholu, ale celkovým projevem a nekompromisností. Sladkohořký peckovinový direkt. Něco mezi třšňovicí, višňovicí, hruškovicí a grapou. Neotesané, hrubé, ale přesto dobré. Dochuť mírně do syntetiky. (85 b)
Body: 85/100
Shrnutí: Měl jsme možnost ochutnat pro mě doposud neprobádaný rumový styl. Jednalo se o tři vysoce esterové bílé rumy se shodnou silou 62,5%, dva z Jamajky a jeden z Reunionu. Všechny tři rumy, Hampden LROK, Savanna HERR i Long Pond STCE, jsou si dost podobné, rozdíly mezi nimi nejsou moc velké a mně osobně víc než rum připomínají super silné ovocné pálenky nebo grappu. Jde o zajímavý styl, který podle mě stojí minimálně za ochutnání a má co nabídnout i přes určitou svéráznost. Docela mi tahle ochutnávka změnila pohled na bílé rumy.

filipec 🇨🇿 | 249 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

taste - 8/10
smell - 8.5/10
sweetness - 7.5/10
price/value rating - 9/10

nomad 🇺🇸 | 137 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Savanna Bubble gum, mint, citrus starburst, seawater, camphor if you remember that. Sounds like a train wreck, but it's actually quite refreshing. Unique.

Awesomedon 🇺🇸 | 32 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This bottle is spectacular! Nothing really like it. So much funk, so sweet, so easy to drink. Worth every penny.

Jaydee01 🇩🇪 | 24 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Ester Geschmackserlebnis im Mund. Nicht wirklich meine Sache, aber eine Wucht. Wer es mag....

Rei 🇩🇪 | 120 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

This white, overproof (62%) high ester (500 g per hectolitre alcohole) rum from Reunion has a special and unique flavor profile. You only have to keep the bottle open for a few moments and the whole room smells of it. Once sipped (just have a minor sip please) the flavor profile explodes and drives a flavorful wave through your mouth. Fruity notes go hand in hand with sweetness, resin and salted olives. It reminded me of strawberry buttermilk or strawberry champagne punch. Fresh and fruity, with a hint of licorice. Very long, almost endless finish. This rum is interesting and it clearly expanded my horizon of the world of rums out there. So be prepared for exploring something unusuaI. I would not recommed it as an "ordinary" sipper during a summer evening.

Brand Details

Name: 2017 Savanna HERR White
ABV: 62.5%
Company: Habitation Velier
Country: Multiple
Type: Light
Yr Distilled: 2017
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Pot Still
Women Led: No