
Probitas White rum
Probitas White review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Straw colored white rum that will work for mixing or sipping. Loaded with flavor. Definitely worth picking up.

Bacoo 7-Year rum
Bacoo 7-Year review posted 3 months ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

A good Dominican Rum that, well, tastes like Dominican rum. The not a high end rum but one worth the money, falling in-between a Barcelo and a Brugal. Smells of honey and delivers in taste with hints of oak and peat. Smooth but not distinctly unique.

Bayou Spiced rum
Bayou Spiced review posted 3 months ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

Smells of butterscotch. Hits with some mint flavour and vanilla but more complex. Worthy of a mid range spiced. As far as spiced goes, this is a good adventure and better than most without being too overpowering.

El Dorado 8-Year rum
El Dorado 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by CaptainGreen (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 104 ratings

Avast! This rum be a bit improved from the 5-year, but just a bit. She smells a bit on the sweet side, but just a bit. There be oak, brown sugar, and a wee bit o' spicy. There also be cola knockin' around in there, a bit of GOOD tobacco smell, and but a whiff of somethin' dry and papery... like old maps, or dusty old books I cannot read, but are on display to impress the ladies. On the tongue, there be far more on deck at first glance than the 5-year. She be smooth with a decent body about her, and bit of sweetness with a hint of spice that pricks up the tongue. Now, unless I am mistook, there also be some sort of fruit in there. Nothin' tropical tho... somethin' bright, like an apple or a plum. Now all that be lovely and all, but it fades quickly into bitterness. The kind of bitterness that drags on longer than a good keel haulin'. No burn goin' down the hatch tho, and the more ya have, the less ya notice... or care... or remember. Aye, this be a decent sippin' rum... if the 12, the 15, or the 21 are unavailable! Arrgh!

Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva rum
Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva review posted 3 months ago by N3OCarter 🇩🇪 | 75 ratings

very good balance. Full of flavour but very balanced. Always a solid choice.

English Harbour 5-Year rum
English Harbour 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by N3OCarter 🇩🇪 | 75 ratings

Good solid rum. Nice smoky aroma and fruity. A bit dry in the aftertaste. For the price recommendable.

Velier 2015 Casimir First Release 8-Year rum
Velier 2015 Casimir First Release 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Tento rum z destilerie v Baradères je 8letým blendem ze dvou sudů, kde předtím zrála skotská single malt whisky Benriach.
Vyrobeno bylo údajně 275 lahví.

Aroma: Přezrálé až nahnilé tropické ovoce (banán, pomeranče, citrony), lepidlo, med, výrazná tinkturová svěžest a travnatost.
Chuť: Nasládlá - spousta ovoce a travnatost. Poté se začne ozývat i tinktura a začíná trochu pálit.
Dozvuk: Tinktura mísící se se spoustou sušeného trpkého ovoce (rozinky, meruňky). Velmi dlouhý, nahořklý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Předchozí stařené Clairiny mě bavily více. Tento Casimir je dosti tinkturový a v závěru dosti hořký. Ale špatný rozhodně není.

Foursquare 2005 Covenant 18-Year rum
Foursquare 2005 Covenant 18-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

FQ Covenant je blendem rumů destilovaných v letech 2004 / 2005, které zrály nejprve 10 let, po mírné redukci % alkoholu pak zrály dalších 8 let. Zrání probíhalo v sudech po bourbonu z amerického dubu.
Exceptional Cask Selection XXIII (květen 2023).

Aroma: Kokos, vanilka, mokré dřevo, snad i nepatrný závan sirnatosti nebo zatuchlosti. Po několika ochutnáních spíše ta síra.
Chuť: Nálož vanilky a poté absolutní dominance hořkého dřeva.
Dozvuk: Vanilka, bourbonovitost, ale prim hraje extrémní dřevitá nahořklost. Dlouhý a velmi hořký.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Porovnával jsem s Nobiliary a srovnání je to až tristní - Covenant je jeden z nejvíce dřevitých a nejhořčích FQ, co jsem ochutnal. Nobiliary je naproti tomu krásně uhlazené. Velmi hořké zklamání! Slabých 7/10.

Ferroni 2016 Brut de Fût Trinidad 7-Year rum
Ferroni 2016 Brut de Fût Trinidad 7-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2016 / 2023

Rum z destilerie TDL zrál 3 roky v sudu z amerického dubu v tropech a poté 4 roky ve Francii v sudu po francouzské žitné (Roof Rye whisky).

Aroma: Pronikavé, ostřejší - šťavnatá ovocnost (citrusy, limety, nejvýraznější je kokos), pikantní vanilka, nalakované dřevo, decentní závan alkoholu.
Chuť: Vanilka a dřevo s alkoholem, dosti štiplavá a hořká.
Dozvuk: Vanilka, spousta alkoholové ostrosti, dřevní taniny s opětovně se vracející vanilkou. Úplně na závěr se na patře drží hořké sušené ovoce.
Sladkost: 0/3
Naslepo bych Trinidad vůbec netipoval. Rum působí spíše jako FQ s extrémní dřevitostí a alkoholovou štiplavostí. Celkově se jedná o takový neurážející a nepříliš zajímavý nadprůměr.

Habitation Velier 2022 Papa Rouyo 1-Year rum
Habitation Velier 2022 Papa Rouyo 1-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2022 / 2023
Kongenery: 430,1 g/hlpa
Estery: 101,6 g/hlpa
Andělská daň: >8%

Rum zrál celkem 1 rok ve francouzských dubových sudech po koňaku.

Aroma: Domácí pálenka, líh, sirnatost, spařená zeleň a něco chemického (zřejmě prací prášek).
Chuť: Silná lihovost, pálenka, hořká travnatost.
Dozvuk: Opět pálenka, alkohol, tinktura a na úplný závěr hořká agricole travnatost.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Papa Rouyo mám rád, Velier jakbysmet. Ale toto plnění se těžce nepovedlo - jen alkohol, líh a na závěr trochu trávy. Nic víc. Letošní série HV docela zklamání a na toto plnění chci radši úplně zapomenout.

Foursquare Absolutio Velier 15-Year rum
Foursquare Absolutio Velier 15-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2009 / únor 2024

Rum zrál nejprve 10 let ve starých sudech po bourbonu a poté dalších 5 let v sudech po portském. Celkem rum tedy zrál 15 let v tropech.
Jedná se již o devátou kolaboraci Richarda Seala a Luca Gargana.
Vyrobeno bylo 4800 lahví.

Aroma: Bourbonovitost, kokos, vanilka, pomeranče, starý nábytek, povidla
Chuť: Vanilka s alkoholem, hutná dřevitost, stopa ovoce, snad i závan techničnosti. Po chvíli velmi pálivá a štiplavá.
Dozvuk: Bourbonovitost, hořknoucí dřevo s dotykem pepře, po vchvíli vytane závan sušeného ovoce (rozinky). Velmi dlouhý, hutný.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
V přímém porovnání s Patrimoniem toto plnění vítězí, jelikož je tu poměr, který mi více sedí - totiž více FQ a jen stopové množství portského, které rum hezky doplňuje, ale nezastiňuje. U Patrimonia je to přesně obráceně.

Plantation Cut & Dry Artisanal Coconut rum
Plantation Cut & Dry Artisanal Coconut review posted 3 months ago by Tvorn 🇭🇺 | 46 ratings

Really good alcohol-flavour balance. Nice coconut taste in every aspect.

The Wild Parrot 2002 Trinidad T.D.L. 20-Year rum
The Wild Parrot 2002 Trinidad T.D.L. 20-Year review posted 3 months ago by PHilB 🇨🇭 | 4 ratings

A bewitching nose of passion fruit, candied fruit and citrus, with a light varnish.
The palate is full-bodied from the start, with maracuja (passion fruit), white chocolate and spices.
The finish is long and finishes on fruit with a slight woody bitterness.
An absolutely delicious rum, surprisingly marked by passion fruit, with this light acidity and deep fruit. You feel transported to a tropical orchard.
The empty glass is marked by wood and a slight smokiness, but the whole is perfectly balanced. Delicious!

Privateer Navy Yard Barrel Proof rum
Privateer Navy Yard Barrel Proof review posted 3 months ago by Jobu 🇺🇸 | 12 ratings

Really nice and complex. Rich dark and spicy. Not too sweet. Love that it’s made locally.

Abuelo Three Angels 12-Year rum
Abuelo Three Angels 12-Year review posted 3 months ago by Pipestone 🇸🇰 | 64 ratings

Intense aroma, sweet,rich multilayer taste.
12 years rum from Panama , found on my trip. I glad I bougt it.

Plantation Barbados 5-Year rum
Plantation Barbados 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by MichielvdZee 🇳🇱 | 2 ratings

My second real rum I have tasted and it is an improvement. Smooth, good aromas and really enjoyable when mixed with cola.

Mount Gay Eclipse rum
Mount Gay Eclipse review posted 3 months ago by MichielvdZee 🇳🇱 | 2 ratings

Disclaimer: First "real" rum I tried so I'm new to identifying the different aromas.

Tastes good mixed with cola and it's really affordable as I purchased for only €19.95. Tried it as a sipper but it initially hit me with the alcohol scent and taste.

Volbeat III 15-Year rum
Volbeat III 15-Year review posted 3 months ago by Laszlo 🇩🇪 | 34 ratings

I like the band so I was really curious how this rum will taste. And in the end: disappointment.
The rum is not bad, sweet taste with oaky and fruity notes, but according to the score here, I was expecting something more special. In the end it is nothing just an overpriced band merch.

Plantation 3 Stars Artisanal rum
Plantation 3 Stars Artisanal review posted 3 months ago by PTGarcia 🇺🇸 | 38 ratings

I know sugar is added to this one, but I could not stop drinking classic daiquiris with this. Great as a mixer with excellent price point.


Mount Gay XO Triple Cask rum
Mount Gay XO Triple Cask review posted 3 months ago by sporefrog 🇺🇸 | 66 ratings

An absolutely delicious rum for every occasion. A+. Too bad there's so much competition now at its current price point.

Yolo Gold 10-Year rum
Yolo Gold 10-Year review posted 3 months ago by sporefrog 🇺🇸 | 66 ratings

With no additives, vanilla ice cream in a glass. No pretention here. YOLO.

El Dorado 5-Year rum
El Dorado 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by CaptainGreen (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 104 ratings

Arrgh! This be a somewhat disappointing rum. On the nose, there be oak and butterscotch in a thick, buttery way, but there also be a hint of sweetness from some fruit that - fetch me up for daft - I cannot identify. There also be a leathery aroma that shows up at the very end, like findin’ out someone has a leather kink about them AFTER you set sail from port and they be asking about cabin boy "positions". On the tongue, she not be sweet, but she not be not sweet either. That first hit on the tongue be as clear and empty as a blue sky in spring. Aye, there be a hint of sweet, but it be like drinkin’ sweet water, not rum. A flurry of flavors attack shortly after that, but none of them be enjoyable, and none of them stay long enough to sort out. There be barely a burn, but nothin’ worth talkin' about. Aye, there be no afterglow with this rum. Ya pay the lady and she be gone like the darkness at dawn - all quick like. I have a 5-year-old powder monkey doin' a better job than this 5-year-old rum. Might this rum be good for sippin’? No. Might this be the worst rum ever? No. There be rums more suitable for cleaning sword wounds, but this rum be just above that. Barely. Might this run be better added to somethin’ else? That not be an option, mate. Get off my ship! Arrgh!

Ron Zacapa 2015 Reserva Limitada rum
Ron Zacapa 2015 Reserva Limitada review posted 3 months ago by ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 659 ratings

Caramel, vanilla, spices (cinnamon, glove), raisins and berries in aroma; sweet caramel, bitter grapes, raisins, chocolate, vanilla and oak in body; warming sherry tail.

Hamilton Puesto rum
Hamilton Puesto review posted 3 months ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

A nice blend of rums. Sweet, funky, and bitter edge. When adding a mint leaf, it fits perfectly. Seems like it will hit the mark for a mojito.

Hamilton Puesto rum
Hamilton Puesto review posted 3 months ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted July 7 2024, courtesy of the Forbidden Hole stash.
Appearance: clear
Aroma: pine
Flavor: brown sugar and pineapple
Notes : a bit hot, with not much aftertaste. This rum seems bitter, rather than sweet. The label indicates this was blended specifically for mojitos, so one wonders if this is to compensate for the sweet and mint of the mojito.
7 rating because I'm not quite sure what to do with this rum

Probitas White rum
Probitas White review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Straw colored white rum that will work for mixing or sipping. Loaded with flavor. Definitely worth picking up.

Bacoo 7-Year rum
Bacoo 7-Year review posted 3 months ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

A good Dominican Rum that, well, tastes like Dominican rum. The not a high end rum but one worth the money, falling in-between a Barcelo and a Brugal. Smells of honey and delivers in taste with hints of oak and peat. Smooth but not distinctly unique.

Bayou Spiced rum
Bayou Spiced review posted 3 months ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

Smells of butterscotch. Hits with some mint flavour and vanilla but more complex. Worthy of a mid range spiced. As far as spiced goes, this is a good adventure and better than most without being too overpowering.

El Dorado 8-Year rum
El Dorado 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by CaptainGreen (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 104 ratings

Avast! This rum be a bit improved from the 5-year, but just a bit. She smells a bit on the sweet side, but just a bit. There be oak, brown sugar, and a wee bit o' spicy. There also be cola knockin' around in there, a bit of GOOD tobacco smell, and but a whiff of somethin' dry and papery... like old maps, or dusty old books I cannot read, but are on display to impress the ladies. On the tongue, there be far more on deck at first glance than the 5-year. She be smooth with a decent body about her, and bit of sweetness with a hint of spice that pricks up the tongue. Now, unless I am mistook, there also be some sort of fruit in there. Nothin' tropical tho... somethin' bright, like an apple or a plum. Now all that be lovely and all, but it fades quickly into bitterness. The kind of bitterness that drags on longer than a good keel haulin'. No burn goin' down the hatch tho, and the more ya have, the less ya notice... or care... or remember. Aye, this be a decent sippin' rum... if the 12, the 15, or the 21 are unavailable! Arrgh!

Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva rum
Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva review posted 3 months ago by N3OCarter 🇩🇪 | 75 ratings

very good balance. Full of flavour but very balanced. Always a solid choice.

English Harbour 5-Year rum
English Harbour 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by N3OCarter 🇩🇪 | 75 ratings

Good solid rum. Nice smoky aroma and fruity. A bit dry in the aftertaste. For the price recommendable.

Velier 2015 Casimir First Release 8-Year rum
Velier 2015 Casimir First Release 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Tento rum z destilerie v Baradères je 8letým blendem ze dvou sudů, kde předtím zrála skotská single malt whisky Benriach.
Vyrobeno bylo údajně 275 lahví.

Aroma: Přezrálé až nahnilé tropické ovoce (banán, pomeranče, citrony), lepidlo, med, výrazná tinkturová svěžest a travnatost.
Chuť: Nasládlá - spousta ovoce a travnatost. Poté se začne ozývat i tinktura a začíná trochu pálit.
Dozvuk: Tinktura mísící se se spoustou sušeného trpkého ovoce (rozinky, meruňky). Velmi dlouhý, nahořklý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Předchozí stařené Clairiny mě bavily více. Tento Casimir je dosti tinkturový a v závěru dosti hořký. Ale špatný rozhodně není.

Foursquare 2005 Covenant 18-Year rum
Foursquare 2005 Covenant 18-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

FQ Covenant je blendem rumů destilovaných v letech 2004 / 2005, které zrály nejprve 10 let, po mírné redukci % alkoholu pak zrály dalších 8 let. Zrání probíhalo v sudech po bourbonu z amerického dubu.
Exceptional Cask Selection XXIII (květen 2023).

Aroma: Kokos, vanilka, mokré dřevo, snad i nepatrný závan sirnatosti nebo zatuchlosti. Po několika ochutnáních spíše ta síra.
Chuť: Nálož vanilky a poté absolutní dominance hořkého dřeva.
Dozvuk: Vanilka, bourbonovitost, ale prim hraje extrémní dřevitá nahořklost. Dlouhý a velmi hořký.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Porovnával jsem s Nobiliary a srovnání je to až tristní - Covenant je jeden z nejvíce dřevitých a nejhořčích FQ, co jsem ochutnal. Nobiliary je naproti tomu krásně uhlazené. Velmi hořké zklamání! Slabých 7/10.

Ferroni 2016 Brut de Fût Trinidad 7-Year rum
Ferroni 2016 Brut de Fût Trinidad 7-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2016 / 2023

Rum z destilerie TDL zrál 3 roky v sudu z amerického dubu v tropech a poté 4 roky ve Francii v sudu po francouzské žitné (Roof Rye whisky).

Aroma: Pronikavé, ostřejší - šťavnatá ovocnost (citrusy, limety, nejvýraznější je kokos), pikantní vanilka, nalakované dřevo, decentní závan alkoholu.
Chuť: Vanilka a dřevo s alkoholem, dosti štiplavá a hořká.
Dozvuk: Vanilka, spousta alkoholové ostrosti, dřevní taniny s opětovně se vracející vanilkou. Úplně na závěr se na patře drží hořké sušené ovoce.
Sladkost: 0/3
Naslepo bych Trinidad vůbec netipoval. Rum působí spíše jako FQ s extrémní dřevitostí a alkoholovou štiplavostí. Celkově se jedná o takový neurážející a nepříliš zajímavý nadprůměr.

Habitation Velier 2022 Papa Rouyo 1-Year rum
Habitation Velier 2022 Papa Rouyo 1-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2022 / 2023
Kongenery: 430,1 g/hlpa
Estery: 101,6 g/hlpa
Andělská daň: >8%

Rum zrál celkem 1 rok ve francouzských dubových sudech po koňaku.

Aroma: Domácí pálenka, líh, sirnatost, spařená zeleň a něco chemického (zřejmě prací prášek).
Chuť: Silná lihovost, pálenka, hořká travnatost.
Dozvuk: Opět pálenka, alkohol, tinktura a na úplný závěr hořká agricole travnatost.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Papa Rouyo mám rád, Velier jakbysmet. Ale toto plnění se těžce nepovedlo - jen alkohol, líh a na závěr trochu trávy. Nic víc. Letošní série HV docela zklamání a na toto plnění chci radši úplně zapomenout.

Foursquare Absolutio Velier 15-Year rum
Foursquare Absolutio Velier 15-Year review posted 3 months ago by Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 488 ratings

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 2009 / únor 2024

Rum zrál nejprve 10 let ve starých sudech po bourbonu a poté dalších 5 let v sudech po portském. Celkem rum tedy zrál 15 let v tropech.
Jedná se již o devátou kolaboraci Richarda Seala a Luca Gargana.
Vyrobeno bylo 4800 lahví.

Aroma: Bourbonovitost, kokos, vanilka, pomeranče, starý nábytek, povidla
Chuť: Vanilka s alkoholem, hutná dřevitost, stopa ovoce, snad i závan techničnosti. Po chvíli velmi pálivá a štiplavá.
Dozvuk: Bourbonovitost, hořknoucí dřevo s dotykem pepře, po vchvíli vytane závan sušeného ovoce (rozinky). Velmi dlouhý, hutný.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
V přímém porovnání s Patrimoniem toto plnění vítězí, jelikož je tu poměr, který mi více sedí - totiž více FQ a jen stopové množství portského, které rum hezky doplňuje, ale nezastiňuje. U Patrimonia je to přesně obráceně.

Plantation Cut & Dry Artisanal Coconut rum
Plantation Cut & Dry Artisanal Coconut review posted 3 months ago by Tvorn 🇭🇺 | 46 ratings

Really good alcohol-flavour balance. Nice coconut taste in every aspect.

The Wild Parrot 2002 Trinidad T.D.L. 20-Year rum
The Wild Parrot 2002 Trinidad T.D.L. 20-Year review posted 3 months ago by PHilB 🇨🇭 | 4 ratings

A bewitching nose of passion fruit, candied fruit and citrus, with a light varnish.
The palate is full-bodied from the start, with maracuja (passion fruit), white chocolate and spices.
The finish is long and finishes on fruit with a slight woody bitterness.
An absolutely delicious rum, surprisingly marked by passion fruit, with this light acidity and deep fruit. You feel transported to a tropical orchard.
The empty glass is marked by wood and a slight smokiness, but the whole is perfectly balanced. Delicious!

Privateer Navy Yard Barrel Proof rum
Privateer Navy Yard Barrel Proof review posted 3 months ago by Jobu 🇺🇸 | 12 ratings

Really nice and complex. Rich dark and spicy. Not too sweet. Love that it’s made locally.

Abuelo Three Angels 12-Year rum
Abuelo Three Angels 12-Year review posted 3 months ago by Pipestone 🇸🇰 | 64 ratings

Intense aroma, sweet,rich multilayer taste.
12 years rum from Panama , found on my trip. I glad I bougt it.

Plantation Barbados 5-Year rum
Plantation Barbados 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by MichielvdZee 🇳🇱 | 2 ratings

My second real rum I have tasted and it is an improvement. Smooth, good aromas and really enjoyable when mixed with cola.

Mount Gay Eclipse rum
Mount Gay Eclipse review posted 3 months ago by MichielvdZee 🇳🇱 | 2 ratings

Disclaimer: First "real" rum I tried so I'm new to identifying the different aromas.

Tastes good mixed with cola and it's really affordable as I purchased for only €19.95. Tried it as a sipper but it initially hit me with the alcohol scent and taste.

Volbeat III 15-Year rum
Volbeat III 15-Year review posted 3 months ago by Laszlo 🇩🇪 | 34 ratings

I like the band so I was really curious how this rum will taste. And in the end: disappointment.
The rum is not bad, sweet taste with oaky and fruity notes, but according to the score here, I was expecting something more special. In the end it is nothing just an overpriced band merch.

Plantation 3 Stars Artisanal rum
Plantation 3 Stars Artisanal review posted 3 months ago by PTGarcia 🇺🇸 | 38 ratings

I know sugar is added to this one, but I could not stop drinking classic daiquiris with this. Great as a mixer with excellent price point.


Mount Gay XO Triple Cask rum
Mount Gay XO Triple Cask review posted 3 months ago by sporefrog 🇺🇸 | 66 ratings

An absolutely delicious rum for every occasion. A+. Too bad there's so much competition now at its current price point.

Yolo Gold 10-Year rum
Yolo Gold 10-Year review posted 3 months ago by sporefrog 🇺🇸 | 66 ratings

With no additives, vanilla ice cream in a glass. No pretention here. YOLO.

El Dorado 5-Year rum
El Dorado 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by CaptainGreen (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 104 ratings

Arrgh! This be a somewhat disappointing rum. On the nose, there be oak and butterscotch in a thick, buttery way, but there also be a hint of sweetness from some fruit that - fetch me up for daft - I cannot identify. There also be a leathery aroma that shows up at the very end, like findin’ out someone has a leather kink about them AFTER you set sail from port and they be asking about cabin boy "positions". On the tongue, she not be sweet, but she not be not sweet either. That first hit on the tongue be as clear and empty as a blue sky in spring. Aye, there be a hint of sweet, but it be like drinkin’ sweet water, not rum. A flurry of flavors attack shortly after that, but none of them be enjoyable, and none of them stay long enough to sort out. There be barely a burn, but nothin’ worth talkin' about. Aye, there be no afterglow with this rum. Ya pay the lady and she be gone like the darkness at dawn - all quick like. I have a 5-year-old powder monkey doin' a better job than this 5-year-old rum. Might this rum be good for sippin’? No. Might this be the worst rum ever? No. There be rums more suitable for cleaning sword wounds, but this rum be just above that. Barely. Might this run be better added to somethin’ else? That not be an option, mate. Get off my ship! Arrgh!

Ron Zacapa 2015 Reserva Limitada rum
Ron Zacapa 2015 Reserva Limitada review posted 3 months ago by ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 659 ratings

Caramel, vanilla, spices (cinnamon, glove), raisins and berries in aroma; sweet caramel, bitter grapes, raisins, chocolate, vanilla and oak in body; warming sherry tail.

Hamilton Puesto rum
Hamilton Puesto review posted 3 months ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

A nice blend of rums. Sweet, funky, and bitter edge. When adding a mint leaf, it fits perfectly. Seems like it will hit the mark for a mojito.

Hamilton Puesto rum
Hamilton Puesto review posted 3 months ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted July 7 2024, courtesy of the Forbidden Hole stash.
Appearance: clear
Aroma: pine
Flavor: brown sugar and pineapple
Notes : a bit hot, with not much aftertaste. This rum seems bitter, rather than sweet. The label indicates this was blended specifically for mojitos, so one wonders if this is to compensate for the sweet and mint of the mojito.
7 rating because I'm not quite sure what to do with this rum
