
Havana Club 3-Year rum
Havana Club 3-Year review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

Really like the way this bottle goes in a daiquiri.

Bacardi Carta Blanca rum
Bacardi Carta Blanca review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

I think this makes a good mojito. Wanted to test other bottles but here in Brazil is pretty hard to find rum.

Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. rum
Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

Just a little bit of this rum can make a cocktail shine, It really impressed me.

Appleton Estate Reserve Blend rum
Appleton Estate Reserve Blend review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

It is in fact a good rum but it disappointed me as I tought it would be much better (especialy in a mai tai).

Swell de Spirits 2009 Savanna Herrline Selection N 01 8-Year rum
Swell de Spirits 2009 Savanna Herrline Selection N 01 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Aromas of ripe fruits, molasses, a touch of acid, and glue. The taste features a sweet start with molasses, caramel, and leather, leading to a warming finish with petrol notes. Complex and warming.

Swell de Spirits 2009 Savanna Herrline Selection N 01 8-Year rum

Riped fruits, molases, touch of acid and glue in aroma; little heating start, sweet molases, caramel, leather and technical notes in body; warming tail with petrol notes.

Savanna 2006 Wild Island Edition Grand Arome Single Cask 911 12-Year rum

Aromas of caramel, ripe peach, candied fruit, and molasses. The body offers caramel, olives, a touch of glue, brioche, and roasted pineapple, with a warming cognac finish. Complex and inviting.

Savanna 2006 Wild Island Edition Grand Arome Single Cask 911 12-Year rum

Caramel, riped fruits (peach), candid fruit and molases in aroma; biting tounge, caramel, olives, touch of glue, brioche and roasted pineapple in body; warming cognac tail.

Savanna Lontan 57 rum
Savanna Lontan 57 review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Aromas of pineapple, olives, fresh sea salt, flowers, and tropical fruits. The taste features exotic flavors of olives pineapple, licorice, and dried fruits, with smoky and spicy notes. A truly unique and smooth rum.

Savanna Lontan 57 rum
Savanna Lontan 57 review posted 3 months ago by ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 659 ratings

Riped fruits, fruits, brine, honey in aroma; bitter start, olives, honey, balsamic and apricot snaps in body; heating honey tail.

Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years rum
Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years review posted 3 months ago by ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 659 ratings

Raisins, caramel, leather and acid touch in aroma; salt, sweet caramel, biting tounge, petrol, pepper and oak barrel in body; warming salt caramel tail.

Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years rum
Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Fresh notes of green apple, allspice, and red fruits, enhanced by subtle caramel and licorice hints. The taste blends smoky, woody undertones with fruity and spicy complexities, balancing natural sweetness with floral hints and a unique spicy kick

Savanna 2020 Le Must Réunion Island rum
Savanna 2020 Le Must Réunion Island review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Aromas of honeysuckle, roses, and lemon curd. The palate features honey, sandalwood, and floral notes, finishing with green apple candy and rosewater. Complex and delightful.

Ron Zacapa 23 Solera rum
Ron Zacapa 23 Solera review posted 3 months ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

I can't give this a 5 because it says 'easily consumable in a bind', and quite simply, I'd rather not.
Its flavour just feels SO swamped in sugar, it's barely detectable until the finish, where I finally get watered down caramel and wood.
Before that, the predominant 'flavour' I get is water-i- ness and a bland sub par demerara vibe.
Hey, it goes down like pop, and I have barely even noticed, and hey if that's your thing, cool. But for me, if I'm going to drop £50+ on a bottle of rum El Dorado 15 has WAY more flavour, complexity and interest.

Savanna Traditional 5-Year rum
Savanna Traditional 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Fruity nose with tropical hints and anise. The palate balances sweet and spicy notes, with a medium finish featuring hints of bitterness. Smooth and well-integrated.

El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year rum
El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year review posted 3 months ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

Found this on the shelf in a pub.
It's all the good ED stuff, and all the 15yo flavours are there. It's got that astringent caramel and woody weirdness, integrated in a wonderful way.
It's just smothered under a blanket of sugar that might make it 'smoother' but also more forgettable, with a weird cloying aftertaste I, for one, would rather be without

Appleton Estate Signature rum
Appleton Estate Signature review posted 3 months ago by Deadfame 🇸🇰 | 78 ratings

Krasna vstupna brana do jamajskej znacky Appleton estate.
Vyborny blend tejto destilerky. V arome sa prepisuje vona sudov po burbone a prechadza do ovocia.
V chuti klasicka jamajka ktora nastartuje alkoholom, drevom a melasou po ktorej nastava utlm a potom sa otvaraju chute ovocia a tropickeho podnebia.

Dictador 1978 2 Masters Hardy 39-Year rum
Dictador 1978 2 Masters Hardy 39-Year review posted 3 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 263 ratings

8,5:On the nose, there are first noticed vanilla, fudge and butterscotch, but a character reminiscent of a superb, delicious Cognac as well with some dried figs and apricots, then pencil shavings and hints of damp earth.The rum is very complex.
8,8:On the palate it coats the tongue with an impressive array of different notes, an overlay of nutmeg on milk chocolate, toffee, prunes, coconut, sea-salt caramel and a beautiful softness without the sweetness, a very nicely combination. There is a rise on the mid-palate before it fades slowly into a silky vanilla oak spiciness.
8,5:The finish is pierced with vanilla, woodiness, pure rum character and raisins, some tobacco, cigar note.

Dictador 2 Masters Niepoort rum
Dictador 2 Masters Niepoort review posted 3 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 263 ratings

8,9:On the nose, we find great complexity in cherries and dark chocolate that combine with rich leather, oak and walnuts. There are hints of cola, cardamom and some nutmeg, also notes of almond oil, dried fruit, marzipan, toffee and as in all Dictadors, espresso.
8,9:On the palate, the attack of dark chocolate is powerful, this rum is sweet, spicy, we find notes of black pepper, coffee, sugar, coconut husk, leather and cigar tobacco, later a hint of bitter orange and fennel, leading to plums and figs.
8,6:The finish is long with liquorice and leather, with orange and, again, a pinch of coffee.

Bayou 2011 Reserve Select Barrel rum
Bayou 2011 Reserve Select Barrel review posted 3 months ago by ReMan 🇷🇺 | 11 ratings

Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: США, Луизиана, Лакассин
Дистиллерия и боттлер: Bayou Distillery(louisiana Spirits LLC)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: pot still
Бочки: Bourbon barrels
Выдержка: до 4ёх лет по методу Solera
Добавленный сахар: 1 г/л
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 40%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 12.01.2022 (Batch № 007, bottle 06681)

Нос. Ваниль, шоколад, кофейные зёрна, нуга, печёное яблоко, корица, тёмные ягоды.
Вкус сладкий, карамельный, немного фруктовый (яблочный и цитрусовый), уходящий в кофейность, ореховость, ягодную кожицу, с обилием слегка кусачих специй (корица, гвоздика, перец, кардамон).
Послевкусие суховатое, средней продолжительности. Яблоко, тёмные ягоды, специи, кофе и дубовая горчинка последовательно сменяют друг друга.

Ничего сверхвыдающегося, но добротно сделанный ром начального уровня за привлекательную цену. Чуть более сконцентрированный, пряный и кажущийся более алкогольным, тяжеловатым, чем ромы в испанском стиле. Компания - производитель заслуживает доверие и стоит повнимательнее присмотреться к другим её продуктам.

Balcones Texas Special Release rum
Balcones Texas Special Release review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Not something I would recommend to a person new to run and not familiar with other spirits or high proof offerings. Definitely leans more towards a whiskey than a rum. Still carries the characteristics oily notes found in other Balcones products.

Angostura 5-Year rum
Angostura 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Good if you want something with a little more flavor than your standard column still white rums. Good for mixing but very simple neat.

Don Q Cristal rum
Don Q Cristal review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

This is a great pick for a budget white rum. Simple in flavor but without any harshness or off flavors. Reach for this instead of Bacardi white if it’s available.

Barbancourt 5 Star Reserve Especiale 8-Year rum
Barbancourt 5 Star Reserve Especiale 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

This is my first cane juice agricole style rum. Overall I’ve been impressed. Definitely a different profile that what I’m used to, but a great way to add a different character to a drink. Great in a three dots and dash, or with a Demerara in a split base mai tai.

Flor de Caña Extra Seco 4-Year rum
Flor de Caña Extra Seco 4-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Simple, clean, and bright. An easy choice for a daiquiri or a way to add proof to a tiki drink. Not strong enough to stand out if mixed with stronger flavors, which is not a bad thing if you’re showcasing other rums.

Havana Club 3-Year rum
Havana Club 3-Year review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

Really like the way this bottle goes in a daiquiri.

Bacardi Carta Blanca rum
Bacardi Carta Blanca review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

I think this makes a good mojito. Wanted to test other bottles but here in Brazil is pretty hard to find rum.

Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. rum
Plantation Overproof O.F.T.D. review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

Just a little bit of this rum can make a cocktail shine, It really impressed me.

Appleton Estate Reserve Blend rum
Appleton Estate Reserve Blend review posted 3 months ago by Marquinhos 🇧🇷 | 9 ratings

It is in fact a good rum but it disappointed me as I tought it would be much better (especialy in a mai tai).

Swell de Spirits 2009 Savanna Herrline Selection N 01 8-Year rum
Swell de Spirits 2009 Savanna Herrline Selection N 01 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Aromas of ripe fruits, molasses, a touch of acid, and glue. The taste features a sweet start with molasses, caramel, and leather, leading to a warming finish with petrol notes. Complex and warming.

Swell de Spirits 2009 Savanna Herrline Selection N 01 8-Year rum

Riped fruits, molases, touch of acid and glue in aroma; little heating start, sweet molases, caramel, leather and technical notes in body; warming tail with petrol notes.

Savanna 2006 Wild Island Edition Grand Arome Single Cask 911 12-Year rum

Aromas of caramel, ripe peach, candied fruit, and molasses. The body offers caramel, olives, a touch of glue, brioche, and roasted pineapple, with a warming cognac finish. Complex and inviting.

Savanna 2006 Wild Island Edition Grand Arome Single Cask 911 12-Year rum

Caramel, riped fruits (peach), candid fruit and molases in aroma; biting tounge, caramel, olives, touch of glue, brioche and roasted pineapple in body; warming cognac tail.

Savanna Lontan 57 rum
Savanna Lontan 57 review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Aromas of pineapple, olives, fresh sea salt, flowers, and tropical fruits. The taste features exotic flavors of olives pineapple, licorice, and dried fruits, with smoky and spicy notes. A truly unique and smooth rum.

Savanna Lontan 57 rum
Savanna Lontan 57 review posted 3 months ago by ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 659 ratings

Riped fruits, fruits, brine, honey in aroma; bitter start, olives, honey, balsamic and apricot snaps in body; heating honey tail.

Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years rum
Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years review posted 3 months ago by ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 659 ratings

Raisins, caramel, leather and acid touch in aroma; salt, sweet caramel, biting tounge, petrol, pepper and oak barrel in body; warming salt caramel tail.

Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years rum
Savanna L'absolu Edition 2023, 10-16 Years review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Fresh notes of green apple, allspice, and red fruits, enhanced by subtle caramel and licorice hints. The taste blends smoky, woody undertones with fruity and spicy complexities, balancing natural sweetness with floral hints and a unique spicy kick

Savanna 2020 Le Must Réunion Island rum
Savanna 2020 Le Must Réunion Island review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Aromas of honeysuckle, roses, and lemon curd. The palate features honey, sandalwood, and floral notes, finishing with green apple candy and rosewater. Complex and delightful.

Ron Zacapa 23 Solera rum
Ron Zacapa 23 Solera review posted 3 months ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

I can't give this a 5 because it says 'easily consumable in a bind', and quite simply, I'd rather not.
Its flavour just feels SO swamped in sugar, it's barely detectable until the finish, where I finally get watered down caramel and wood.
Before that, the predominant 'flavour' I get is water-i- ness and a bland sub par demerara vibe.
Hey, it goes down like pop, and I have barely even noticed, and hey if that's your thing, cool. But for me, if I'm going to drop £50+ on a bottle of rum El Dorado 15 has WAY more flavour, complexity and interest.

Savanna Traditional 5-Year rum
Savanna Traditional 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakob 🇨🇿 | 206 ratings

Fruity nose with tropical hints and anise. The palate balances sweet and spicy notes, with a medium finish featuring hints of bitterness. Smooth and well-integrated.

El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year rum
El Dorado Special Reserve 15-Year review posted 3 months ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

Found this on the shelf in a pub.
It's all the good ED stuff, and all the 15yo flavours are there. It's got that astringent caramel and woody weirdness, integrated in a wonderful way.
It's just smothered under a blanket of sugar that might make it 'smoother' but also more forgettable, with a weird cloying aftertaste I, for one, would rather be without

Appleton Estate Signature rum
Appleton Estate Signature review posted 3 months ago by Deadfame 🇸🇰 | 78 ratings

Krasna vstupna brana do jamajskej znacky Appleton estate.
Vyborny blend tejto destilerky. V arome sa prepisuje vona sudov po burbone a prechadza do ovocia.
V chuti klasicka jamajka ktora nastartuje alkoholom, drevom a melasou po ktorej nastava utlm a potom sa otvaraju chute ovocia a tropickeho podnebia.

Dictador 1978 2 Masters Hardy 39-Year rum
Dictador 1978 2 Masters Hardy 39-Year review posted 3 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 263 ratings

8,5:On the nose, there are first noticed vanilla, fudge and butterscotch, but a character reminiscent of a superb, delicious Cognac as well with some dried figs and apricots, then pencil shavings and hints of damp earth.The rum is very complex.
8,8:On the palate it coats the tongue with an impressive array of different notes, an overlay of nutmeg on milk chocolate, toffee, prunes, coconut, sea-salt caramel and a beautiful softness without the sweetness, a very nicely combination. There is a rise on the mid-palate before it fades slowly into a silky vanilla oak spiciness.
8,5:The finish is pierced with vanilla, woodiness, pure rum character and raisins, some tobacco, cigar note.

Dictador 2 Masters Niepoort rum
Dictador 2 Masters Niepoort review posted 3 months ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 263 ratings

8,9:On the nose, we find great complexity in cherries and dark chocolate that combine with rich leather, oak and walnuts. There are hints of cola, cardamom and some nutmeg, also notes of almond oil, dried fruit, marzipan, toffee and as in all Dictadors, espresso.
8,9:On the palate, the attack of dark chocolate is powerful, this rum is sweet, spicy, we find notes of black pepper, coffee, sugar, coconut husk, leather and cigar tobacco, later a hint of bitter orange and fennel, leading to plums and figs.
8,6:The finish is long with liquorice and leather, with orange and, again, a pinch of coffee.

Bayou 2011 Reserve Select Barrel rum
Bayou 2011 Reserve Select Barrel review posted 3 months ago by ReMan 🇷🇺 | 11 ratings

Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: США, Луизиана, Лакассин
Дистиллерия и боттлер: Bayou Distillery(louisiana Spirits LLC)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: pot still
Бочки: Bourbon barrels
Выдержка: до 4ёх лет по методу Solera
Добавленный сахар: 1 г/л
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 40%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 12.01.2022 (Batch № 007, bottle 06681)

Нос. Ваниль, шоколад, кофейные зёрна, нуга, печёное яблоко, корица, тёмные ягоды.
Вкус сладкий, карамельный, немного фруктовый (яблочный и цитрусовый), уходящий в кофейность, ореховость, ягодную кожицу, с обилием слегка кусачих специй (корица, гвоздика, перец, кардамон).
Послевкусие суховатое, средней продолжительности. Яблоко, тёмные ягоды, специи, кофе и дубовая горчинка последовательно сменяют друг друга.

Ничего сверхвыдающегося, но добротно сделанный ром начального уровня за привлекательную цену. Чуть более сконцентрированный, пряный и кажущийся более алкогольным, тяжеловатым, чем ромы в испанском стиле. Компания - производитель заслуживает доверие и стоит повнимательнее присмотреться к другим её продуктам.

Balcones Texas Special Release rum
Balcones Texas Special Release review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Not something I would recommend to a person new to run and not familiar with other spirits or high proof offerings. Definitely leans more towards a whiskey than a rum. Still carries the characteristics oily notes found in other Balcones products.

Angostura 5-Year rum
Angostura 5-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Good if you want something with a little more flavor than your standard column still white rums. Good for mixing but very simple neat.

Don Q Cristal rum
Don Q Cristal review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

This is a great pick for a budget white rum. Simple in flavor but without any harshness or off flavors. Reach for this instead of Bacardi white if it’s available.

Barbancourt 5 Star Reserve Especiale 8-Year rum
Barbancourt 5 Star Reserve Especiale 8-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

This is my first cane juice agricole style rum. Overall I’ve been impressed. Definitely a different profile that what I’m used to, but a great way to add a different character to a drink. Great in a three dots and dash, or with a Demerara in a split base mai tai.

Flor de Caña Extra Seco 4-Year rum
Flor de Caña Extra Seco 4-Year review posted 3 months ago by dakthor 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings

Simple, clean, and bright. An easy choice for a daiquiri or a way to add proof to a tiki drink. Not strong enough to stand out if mixed with stronger flavors, which is not a bad thing if you’re showcasing other rums.
