
Sailor Jerry Spiced rum
Sailor Jerry Spiced review posted 22 days ago by Jason_hillier2001 🇨🇦 | 2 ratings

This is my winter/Xmas go to for egg nog and other winter time spiced mixes.

Strong vanilla and more subtle on other spices. Also mixes well with coke, but doesn't take over.

It's readily available at the LCBO for myself in Ontario.

An affordable daily go to.

El Dorado 12-Year rum
El Dorado 12-Year review posted 22 days ago by Jason_hillier2001 🇨🇦 | 2 ratings

This is a great jumping off point for better than bar rail rums.

It's readily available at the LCBO for myself in Ontario.

An affordable daily go to.

Wood's 100 Old Navy rum
Wood's 100 Old Navy review posted 22 days ago by Graham Davie 🇬🇧 | 71 ratings

As soon as you pour from the bottle you know this is going to be good. Very dark, a great nose and at 57%, one too savour.
Neat is not for the faint hearted, but perfectly drinkable, in a Dark & Stormy it excels.
Great traditional rum.

Worthy Park 109 rum
Worthy Park 109 review posted 22 days ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

Muted smell (for a Jamaican). Mostly, apple, varnish, and that caramel addative El Dorado use

Taste is a bit simple, dare I say it, bland, for a Jamaican. Mostly, I get that caramel additive, with a bit of the pot still Jamaica vibe underneath, all overdriven by the kick from the proof. The finish is apple and a bit of wood, some volatiles, a bit of astringent rubber, and finally just a touch of funk, all smothered under caramel.

It's really interesting to try this, as up to now, El Dorado has been the only rum I have tried with thos caramel overlay. With ED, it's a coating added to the inside of the barrels before filling. Not sure that that's allowed in Jamaica, but the taste on this is just the same. Perhaps it's added afterwards. It does explain the colour though!

Overall, it's pretty palatable neat, and probably does well as a mixer.

It's caramel, astringent volatiles, touch of wood. I think Smith&Cross is a better bet mind. It's fine, but I just can't bring myself to rate it as Tasty, but not quite great.

Rum-Bar Gold rum
Rum-Bar Gold review posted 22 days ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

Smell does that effervese out of the glass immediately thing. Ripe fruit from a distance, adding vulcanised rubber, varnish and sweet glue the nearer it comes.

Taste is pretty mild - all that dilution swamping the flavours somewhat - but it's pretty palatable for such a young rum. I get a touch of brown sugar and wood along with a real mint vibe pushing up on the hotness. The finish is the best bit. Mild Jamaican notes, very dry, long, evolving.

It's a bit of a curio, this. It would be a pretty subtle Jamaican to add to cocktails, and I'd be inclined to drink this neat. Perhaps think of it as pot still alternative to Appleton 8 or Signature.

Overall, it's a mild and relatively restranged, young Jamaican. Bit of volatiles, touch of funk, definite depth. Cheap as chips. No complaints. 5 is just toi harsh, so it has to be a 6.

Monymusk 2010 MBS 9-Year rum
Monymusk 2010 MBS 9-Year review posted 22 days ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 250 ratings

8,7:On the nose, the first thing we get is caramelized-like pastry, on a bit roasted touch, with some parfum on high tropical fruits estery rum. It becomes spicy and bourbon-like with some yellow fruits-apricot, orange peel, then coconut, burnt sugar and a bit vegetal.
Aeration brings out more robust notes as toasted wood, roasted nuts and chocolate, fruits are now candied. Out of nowhere rubber arises...
Giving the rum some nice rest, it becomes thicker with dark molasses, sweet cocoa, dried fruits and is a bit smoky. The rum is now very round and balanced.
8,5:On the palate, the attack is creamy with pastry and bourbon yellow fruit notes in. Becomes a bit dry and syrupy as yellow fruits become dried, with sweet spices, vanilla, honeyed and caramelized wood. Underneath are some musty/ashy notes. The rum is delicious and warm now, there are nuts, ginger, citrus and medicinal notes. When well rested, as on the nose, the dark side of the palate arises with thick molasses and is a bit roasted, going more perfumed and with some rose water, underpined with a hint of dried fruits.
8,3:The finish is long, woody, dry, quite fresh, a bit astringent, bitter with with tannins, yellow fruits. If we really wait, becomes warm with some baking spices, pastry notes and later tastier with milky cocoa and dried fruits underneath.

Deadhead Dark Chocolate rum
Deadhead Dark Chocolate review posted 22 days ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted August 29 2024, gift of the Clingers.
Appearance: tawny gold
Aroma: chocolate
Flavor: sharp palate, with some chocolate mixed in.
Notes: brutal chocolate, this is not as pleasant as it could be.

Havana Club 7-Year rum
Havana Club 7-Year review posted 22 days ago by Ernie Higgs 🇨🇦 | 37 ratings

Thought I would try this rather generic rum for a change. With an ice cube it is not a bad sipper but not outstanding. Will keep it in mind in the future.

Gosling's Spirited Seas Ocean Age Bermuda rum
Gosling's Spirited Seas Ocean Age Bermuda review posted 23 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: Having been a big Gosling's fan forever we were excited to try this as it's just recently hit the UK market. Aging by the seas isn't a new idea but we think it's the first we've seen for a commerical rum. Unfortunately, it didn't quite hit the mark with us. We expected a bit more smokey charred taste but it was overwhelmed at times with the spice, that was, until we added an ice cube to it and then toned it down and released some of the other flavours. Glad we've had it, shame it didn't rock us as much as we hoped and for £57 the value isn't really there for us.

Rating: 6/10

Smell - very light smell, slight spice, possibly cocoa
Taste - warming spicy pepper, charred smokey heavy wood, vanilla
After Taste - medium/long length, spicy and woody to the end

Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Sweet, grassy, peppery, and pleasant spicy finish. A bit of tropical fruit in the mid palette.

Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Very full Agricole flavors with mild ethanol burn. Nice sweet flowery taste fades to peppery spices.

Engenhos do Norte Branca Aguardente de Cana rum
Engenhos do Norte Branca Aguardente de Cana review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Great tasting Agricole, but at 40% it is a little lighter. Very cane forward and pleasant to sip.

Engenhos da Calheta Aguardente de Cana Agricola da Madeira rum
Engenhos da Calheta Aguardente de Cana Agricola da Madeira review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Purchased at the sugar mill to try it. I wish I had purchased more. My favorite madeira unaged rum.


Diamond Reserve Demerara 151

Posted 29 Aug '24 by SlandT 🇺🇸 | 30 ratings

CocktailWonk in their nine tiki rum category list for overproof Demerara has ‘Diamond Reserve Demerara 151 (not the “white” overproof’. Researching it, I found it listed on TotalWine nearby at a nice price. My question is, why isn't it here on RumRatings?  Has no one tried this?  It just seems odd to not be on the list of Diamond Reserve rums. https://rumratings.com/companies/589-diamond-reserv...
Compagnie des Indes Latino 5-Year rum
Compagnie des Indes Latino 5-Year review posted 23 days ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Karamel, kandovaný pomeranč, máslová, vanilka, koření, byliny, dřevo
Chuť: Nasládlá, lehce zatuchlá, karamel, vanilka, koření, dost bylinně nahořklá, alkoholově štiplavá
Dochuť: Lehce nahořklá, mírně alkoholová, sudová, bylinná
Vzorek z akce
*Den rumu Hulín 2024*

Engenho Novo da Madeira Agricola da Madeira ABV50 rum
Engenho Novo da Madeira Agricola da Madeira ABV50 review posted 23 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Sampled at the Laka Long Kill Devil Rum Club Tasting on 8-28-24. Thanks to Admiral Bill for sharing this rum with us! Pours clear. Has a hot and bitter palate. Salt, cantaloupe, gooseberries, and meaty. Reminds me of a hopped beer. Love the mouthfeel. The bitterness might be too much for some, but I think it works nicely.

Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Sampled on 8-28-24 at the Laka Lono Kill Devil Rum Club tasting. Thanks to Admiral Bill for bringing these back from Madeira! Pours clear. Odd fishy aroma (?!), but mostly herbal with mint and cilantro notes. Mild oily palate. Honeysuckle sweetness to the flavor that quickly whimpers away. This is an easy drinker. Finishes with a mild orange flavor.

Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Sampled on 8-28-24 at the Laka Lono Kill Devil Rum Club tasting. Thanks to Admiral Bill for bringing these back from Madeira! Pours clear. Has an interesting aroma of Juicy Fruit chewing gum. Wonderful palate. Fantastic flavor of nectarines and honey. Slight suggestions of quinine (unusual!). This ends with a perfect amount of heat. Hopefully, as this receives more ratings, the numbers will come up from its current 3.5

Diplomatico Selección de Familia rum
Diplomatico Selección de Familia review posted 23 days ago by Sebs 🇮🇹 | 7 ratings

Lots of flavours, warm and smooth.
You can smell (and taste) wood (alot), caramel, vanilla.
I didn't dislike the "extra alchool" feeling.
I guess this can be the base of a nice rum selection.
I payed 56,30€ and it's worth it.

Hamilton 86 Demerara rum
Hamilton 86 Demerara review posted 23 days ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

Smells like apple maple oatmeal to me. I do love a Demerara and this one delivers at a great price tasting of light oak, leather and tobacco. Smooth with a dry finish, which is likely because its unsweetened. Great buy and may be my go to Guyanese rum.

Ron Zacapa 23 Solera rum
Ron Zacapa 23 Solera review posted 23 days ago by jackw625 🇺🇸 | 38 ratings

Very dark Smokey chocolate flavor to it. Easy to drink

Dos Maderas 5+3 rum
Dos Maderas 5+3 review posted 24 days ago by Bonandy 🇵🇱 | 116 ratings

First level Dos Maderas. Light aroma of vanilla and chocolate. Dry in taste, slightly sweet. Generally it's ok. The next ones are better. I'm waiting for Dos Maderas Luxus.

Pixan 8-Year rum
Pixan 8-Year review posted 24 days ago by StiGGe 🇸🇪 | 22 ratings

Has to much alcoholic scent and taste.

Mexico should do tequilla, not rum.

Rum Shark 2013 Angostura 10-Year rum
Rum Shark 2013 Angostura 10-Year review posted 24 days ago by Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 278 ratings

Nevím čím to je, vůně opět pro mne slabá, rozpouštědlo, ředidlo.
Chuť následuje vůni v daleko intezivnějším světle. Cítím jen chemii ředidla a lihu.
Přesto je výborný pro lidi co takové rumy vyhledávají.

La Maison Du Rhum Colombia rum
La Maison Du Rhum Colombia review posted 24 days ago by Olo74 🇵🇱 | 22 ratings

Nice and interesting rum. But aromas and flavors after coffee they are not at the front.

Sailor Jerry Spiced rum
Sailor Jerry Spiced review posted 22 days ago by Jason_hillier2001 🇨🇦 | 2 ratings

This is my winter/Xmas go to for egg nog and other winter time spiced mixes.

Strong vanilla and more subtle on other spices. Also mixes well with coke, but doesn't take over.

It's readily available at the LCBO for myself in Ontario.

An affordable daily go to.

El Dorado 12-Year rum
El Dorado 12-Year review posted 22 days ago by Jason_hillier2001 🇨🇦 | 2 ratings

This is a great jumping off point for better than bar rail rums.

It's readily available at the LCBO for myself in Ontario.

An affordable daily go to.

Wood's 100 Old Navy rum
Wood's 100 Old Navy review posted 22 days ago by Graham Davie 🇬🇧 | 71 ratings

As soon as you pour from the bottle you know this is going to be good. Very dark, a great nose and at 57%, one too savour.
Neat is not for the faint hearted, but perfectly drinkable, in a Dark & Stormy it excels.
Great traditional rum.

Worthy Park 109 rum
Worthy Park 109 review posted 22 days ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

Muted smell (for a Jamaican). Mostly, apple, varnish, and that caramel addative El Dorado use

Taste is a bit simple, dare I say it, bland, for a Jamaican. Mostly, I get that caramel additive, with a bit of the pot still Jamaica vibe underneath, all overdriven by the kick from the proof. The finish is apple and a bit of wood, some volatiles, a bit of astringent rubber, and finally just a touch of funk, all smothered under caramel.

It's really interesting to try this, as up to now, El Dorado has been the only rum I have tried with thos caramel overlay. With ED, it's a coating added to the inside of the barrels before filling. Not sure that that's allowed in Jamaica, but the taste on this is just the same. Perhaps it's added afterwards. It does explain the colour though!

Overall, it's pretty palatable neat, and probably does well as a mixer.

It's caramel, astringent volatiles, touch of wood. I think Smith&Cross is a better bet mind. It's fine, but I just can't bring myself to rate it as Tasty, but not quite great.

Rum-Bar Gold rum
Rum-Bar Gold review posted 22 days ago by wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings

Smell does that effervese out of the glass immediately thing. Ripe fruit from a distance, adding vulcanised rubber, varnish and sweet glue the nearer it comes.

Taste is pretty mild - all that dilution swamping the flavours somewhat - but it's pretty palatable for such a young rum. I get a touch of brown sugar and wood along with a real mint vibe pushing up on the hotness. The finish is the best bit. Mild Jamaican notes, very dry, long, evolving.

It's a bit of a curio, this. It would be a pretty subtle Jamaican to add to cocktails, and I'd be inclined to drink this neat. Perhaps think of it as pot still alternative to Appleton 8 or Signature.

Overall, it's a mild and relatively restranged, young Jamaican. Bit of volatiles, touch of funk, definite depth. Cheap as chips. No complaints. 5 is just toi harsh, so it has to be a 6.

Monymusk 2010 MBS 9-Year rum
Monymusk 2010 MBS 9-Year review posted 22 days ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 250 ratings

8,7:On the nose, the first thing we get is caramelized-like pastry, on a bit roasted touch, with some parfum on high tropical fruits estery rum. It becomes spicy and bourbon-like with some yellow fruits-apricot, orange peel, then coconut, burnt sugar and a bit vegetal.
Aeration brings out more robust notes as toasted wood, roasted nuts and chocolate, fruits are now candied. Out of nowhere rubber arises...
Giving the rum some nice rest, it becomes thicker with dark molasses, sweet cocoa, dried fruits and is a bit smoky. The rum is now very round and balanced.
8,5:On the palate, the attack is creamy with pastry and bourbon yellow fruit notes in. Becomes a bit dry and syrupy as yellow fruits become dried, with sweet spices, vanilla, honeyed and caramelized wood. Underneath are some musty/ashy notes. The rum is delicious and warm now, there are nuts, ginger, citrus and medicinal notes. When well rested, as on the nose, the dark side of the palate arises with thick molasses and is a bit roasted, going more perfumed and with some rose water, underpined with a hint of dried fruits.
8,3:The finish is long, woody, dry, quite fresh, a bit astringent, bitter with with tannins, yellow fruits. If we really wait, becomes warm with some baking spices, pastry notes and later tastier with milky cocoa and dried fruits underneath.

Deadhead Dark Chocolate rum
Deadhead Dark Chocolate review posted 22 days ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted August 29 2024, gift of the Clingers.
Appearance: tawny gold
Aroma: chocolate
Flavor: sharp palate, with some chocolate mixed in.
Notes: brutal chocolate, this is not as pleasant as it could be.

Havana Club 7-Year rum
Havana Club 7-Year review posted 22 days ago by Ernie Higgs 🇨🇦 | 37 ratings

Thought I would try this rather generic rum for a change. With an ice cube it is not a bad sipper but not outstanding. Will keep it in mind in the future.

Gosling's Spirited Seas Ocean Age Bermuda rum
Gosling's Spirited Seas Ocean Age Bermuda review posted 23 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: Having been a big Gosling's fan forever we were excited to try this as it's just recently hit the UK market. Aging by the seas isn't a new idea but we think it's the first we've seen for a commerical rum. Unfortunately, it didn't quite hit the mark with us. We expected a bit more smokey charred taste but it was overwhelmed at times with the spice, that was, until we added an ice cube to it and then toned it down and released some of the other flavours. Glad we've had it, shame it didn't rock us as much as we hoped and for £57 the value isn't really there for us.

Rating: 6/10

Smell - very light smell, slight spice, possibly cocoa
Taste - warming spicy pepper, charred smokey heavy wood, vanilla
After Taste - medium/long length, spicy and woody to the end

Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Sweet, grassy, peppery, and pleasant spicy finish. A bit of tropical fruit in the mid palette.

Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Very full Agricole flavors with mild ethanol burn. Nice sweet flowery taste fades to peppery spices.

Engenhos do Norte Branca Aguardente de Cana rum
Engenhos do Norte Branca Aguardente de Cana review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Great tasting Agricole, but at 40% it is a little lighter. Very cane forward and pleasant to sip.

Engenhos da Calheta Aguardente de Cana Agricola da Madeira rum
Engenhos da Calheta Aguardente de Cana Agricola da Madeira review posted 23 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Purchased at the sugar mill to try it. I wish I had purchased more. My favorite madeira unaged rum.


Diamond Reserve Demerara 151

Posted 29 Aug '24 by SlandT 🇺🇸 | 30 ratings

CocktailWonk in their nine tiki rum category list for overproof Demerara has ‘Diamond Reserve Demerara 151 (not the “white” overproof’. Researching it, I found it listed on TotalWine nearby at a nice price. My question is, why isn't it here on RumRatings?  Has no one tried this?  It just seems odd to not be on the list of Diamond Reserve rums. https://rumratings.com/companies/589-diamond-reserv...
Compagnie des Indes Latino 5-Year rum
Compagnie des Indes Latino 5-Year review posted 23 days ago by Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings

Vůně: Karamel, kandovaný pomeranč, máslová, vanilka, koření, byliny, dřevo
Chuť: Nasládlá, lehce zatuchlá, karamel, vanilka, koření, dost bylinně nahořklá, alkoholově štiplavá
Dochuť: Lehce nahořklá, mírně alkoholová, sudová, bylinná
Vzorek z akce
*Den rumu Hulín 2024*

Engenho Novo da Madeira Agricola da Madeira ABV50 rum
Engenho Novo da Madeira Agricola da Madeira ABV50 review posted 23 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Sampled at the Laka Long Kill Devil Rum Club Tasting on 8-28-24. Thanks to Admiral Bill for sharing this rum with us! Pours clear. Has a hot and bitter palate. Salt, cantaloupe, gooseberries, and meaty. Reminds me of a hopped beer. Love the mouthfeel. The bitterness might be too much for some, but I think it works nicely.

Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte North Barrica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Sampled on 8-28-24 at the Laka Lono Kill Devil Rum Club tasting. Thanks to Admiral Bill for bringing these back from Madeira! Pours clear. Odd fishy aroma (?!), but mostly herbal with mint and cilantro notes. Mild oily palate. Honeysuckle sweetness to the flavor that quickly whimpers away. This is an easy drinker. Finishes with a mild orange flavor.

Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova rum
Engenhos do Norte Tristao Vaz Teixeira Barica Nova review posted 23 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Sampled on 8-28-24 at the Laka Lono Kill Devil Rum Club tasting. Thanks to Admiral Bill for bringing these back from Madeira! Pours clear. Has an interesting aroma of Juicy Fruit chewing gum. Wonderful palate. Fantastic flavor of nectarines and honey. Slight suggestions of quinine (unusual!). This ends with a perfect amount of heat. Hopefully, as this receives more ratings, the numbers will come up from its current 3.5

Diplomatico Selección de Familia rum
Diplomatico Selección de Familia review posted 23 days ago by Sebs 🇮🇹 | 7 ratings

Lots of flavours, warm and smooth.
You can smell (and taste) wood (alot), caramel, vanilla.
I didn't dislike the "extra alchool" feeling.
I guess this can be the base of a nice rum selection.
I payed 56,30€ and it's worth it.

Hamilton 86 Demerara rum
Hamilton 86 Demerara review posted 23 days ago by Andrewofcalgary 🇨🇦 | 297 ratings

Smells like apple maple oatmeal to me. I do love a Demerara and this one delivers at a great price tasting of light oak, leather and tobacco. Smooth with a dry finish, which is likely because its unsweetened. Great buy and may be my go to Guyanese rum.

Ron Zacapa 23 Solera rum
Ron Zacapa 23 Solera review posted 23 days ago by jackw625 🇺🇸 | 38 ratings

Very dark Smokey chocolate flavor to it. Easy to drink

Dos Maderas 5+3 rum
Dos Maderas 5+3 review posted 24 days ago by Bonandy 🇵🇱 | 116 ratings

First level Dos Maderas. Light aroma of vanilla and chocolate. Dry in taste, slightly sweet. Generally it's ok. The next ones are better. I'm waiting for Dos Maderas Luxus.

Pixan 8-Year rum
Pixan 8-Year review posted 24 days ago by StiGGe 🇸🇪 | 22 ratings

Has to much alcoholic scent and taste.

Mexico should do tequilla, not rum.

Rum Shark 2013 Angostura 10-Year rum
Rum Shark 2013 Angostura 10-Year review posted 24 days ago by Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 278 ratings

Nevím čím to je, vůně opět pro mne slabá, rozpouštědlo, ředidlo.
Chuť následuje vůni v daleko intezivnějším světle. Cítím jen chemii ředidla a lihu.
Přesto je výborný pro lidi co takové rumy vyhledávají.

La Maison Du Rhum Colombia rum
La Maison Du Rhum Colombia review posted 24 days ago by Olo74 🇵🇱 | 22 ratings

Nice and interesting rum. But aromas and flavors after coffee they are not at the front.
