
Bumbu XO rum
Bumbu XO review posted 19 days ago by Johnny Grey 🇨🇦 | 5 ratings

Forty percent alcohol by volume. Drier than Bumbu Original. Again some vanilla. Simple. Okay sipped neat at room temperature, or chilled or on the rocks.

Dillon 2013 Brut de Fût rum
Dillon 2013 Brut de Fût review posted 19 days ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 249 ratings

9,2:On the nose, greatness from the first moment. Complex, smooth, elegant and balanced agricole with sweet sugar cane, red fruits, berries.Just a bit spicy and roasted with gunpowder, floral with geranium, then some tea is here, later turns to black tea.
Aeration brings out more woody notes with resin, nuts, vanilla, there is licorice, some tobacco, leather, pear and some little medicinal touch. After a nice rest, new notes shine bright with pencil shavings, violet, fruits are now candied. Wonderful! 😋👌
9:On the palate, the attack is soft, waxy and fruity with citrus, banana, pear, sugar cane and some tea. Nicely balanced agricole.Becomes woody, spicy with nutmeg and a bit dry, the wood is toasted with vanilla. Becoming more dark and roasted with chocolate, licorice, nuts, a bit bitter with resin and herbal. The sugar cane is caramelized now with stewed yellow fruits, turns into the fruit compote. It is fresh, a bit minty with some coconut and freshly cut grass. Great🙂.
9:The finish is woody, fruity, dry with dried fruits, as the wood is toasted. Sugar cane is sweet and tasty. The end is very fresh and nutty with vanilla, vegetal notes.
Almost perfect 😋👌.Great alcohol integration.

El Dorado 5-Year rum
El Dorado 5-Year review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: We're really struggling to get excited which is a shame for El Dorado rums. Really light in smell and taste it's a challenge to pull any banging flavours out of it. £27 is too much to pay for this, we'd rather use our money elsewhere.

Rating: 4/10

Smell - green banana, burnt sugar
Taste - light in flavour, spicy wood, vanilla
After Taste - medium length, caramel butteriness

Kahlúa Rum and Coffee Liqueur rum
Kahlúa Rum and Coffee Liqueur review posted 19 days ago by Administrator 🇸🇰 | 40 ratings

It is big surprise for me it is here. I have never noticed the rum is in it. It is a great liqueur though. Strong coffee taste and sweet of course. I use to drink it in White Russian:
teaspoon of instant coffee, 5cl Kahlúa, 5cl vodka, on the rocks, whipped cream :)
Drinking it neat is also good.

Michlers 2008 Compania Licorera Nicaragua Dufftown Finish 13-Year rum

Čokoláda, oříšky, kandované ovoce, silně dřevitá, lak, koření, kouřová, whisková
Chuť: Ovocná, silně dřevitá, čokoláda, lehce nakyslá,lak, příjemně štiplavá, whisky,
Dochuť: Čokoláda, sudová, koření
Zajímavý, vyrovnaný, nenudí, jen závěr by mohl být delší

Navy Bay Dark rum
Navy Bay Dark review posted 19 days ago by AZMark 🇺🇸 | 37 ratings

Bottle label is traditional with a good label. Nose is fair as far as hogo. I bought this(cheaper) than Dorley's at TW. Way better than Dorley's. Not bad for the liquor cabinet. Worth a try.

Bumbu Original rum
Bumbu Original review posted 19 days ago by Johnny Grey 🇨🇦 | 5 ratings

35 percent alcohol by volume. Some vanilla, spice. Not much complexity, but okay to sip neat chilled or on ice, or in a cold mixed drink. A bit too sweet for my taste.

Hamilton West Indies 1670 Blend rum
Hamilton West Indies 1670 Blend review posted 19 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Nice balance with funky finish. Great neat. No ruff edged with just enough wood spice.

Tso’ok Ron Serrano rum
Tso’ok Ron Serrano review posted 19 days ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted September 1 2024 at Laka Lono
Appearance: clear
Aroma: bread, raisins
Flavor: sourdough, raisin bread, heat
Notes: this rum can be smelled a yard away. A hot rum that would not mix well, it should be enjoyed by itself while holding a thick slice of warm buttered bread.

Tso’ok Ron Serrano rum
Tso’ok Ron Serrano review posted 19 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Tasted at Laka Lono on 9-1-24. Pours clear. HUGE aroma from miles away of cachaca dough and tomato paste. Similar to Paranubes. Salty fishy flavor- metallic. First tip of tongue taste is sweet. High heat, but not unpleasant. Mildly parching bitter bite to the finish.

Tso’ok Ron Serrano rum
Tso’ok Ron Serrano review posted 19 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Agricole aroma with strong ethanol. Spicy, woody, with grassy finish. Ok neat, not a great daiquiri rum.

Holmes Cay 2004 Fiji Single Cask 17-Year rum
Holmes Cay 2004 Fiji Single Cask 17-Year review posted 19 days ago by Boomer 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings

Spicy, fruity, wish it was smoother for a 17yr, makes me think of foursquare harsh to be harsh

Holmes Cay 2005 Belize 15-Year rum
Holmes Cay 2005 Belize 15-Year review posted 19 days ago by Boomer 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings

For 15yr I'd think it would be smoother. Burns the nose

Holmes Cay 2012 Australia Beenleigh 10-Year rum
Holmes Cay 2012 Australia Beenleigh 10-Year review posted 19 days ago by Boomer 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings

Young light whisky, do not get rum at all. Hard no for me

Rum Shark 2017 Saint James 6-Year rum
Rum Shark 2017 Saint James 6-Year review posted 19 days ago by Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 278 ratings

Tento rum ve mě zanechává smíšené pocity.
Podle chuti to skoro není rum, ale gruziňak.
Po napití cítím v první chvíli chuť gruziňaku a na závěr trochu rumu. Nic pro mne.

Don Papa Masskara rum
Don Papa Masskara review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: For an artificially flavoured rum we really enjoy this one - the mix of orange, honey and that little chilli kick on the end makes it a great rum to drink neat. £79 in the UK is a little pricey but having bought a bottle in France for 40 Euros just shows that it's a UK markup. We'd happily buy this again but we find it's not in stock often in the UK - so glad we've got another bottle standing by.

Rating: 8/10

Smell - Fresh cut oranges, marmalade, punching with sweetness
Taste - marmalade orange, vanilla, honey
After Taste - little chilli spiciness, honey

El Dorado 3-Year rum
El Dorado 3-Year review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: Not being excited by white rums we always find them a challenge to rate. The smell on this one is probably better than the taste. There's nothing wrong with the taste just not enough of it coming through but again this could be down to our likes of a rich, aged, dark rum. It's smooth enough to drink and on the rocks it allows the coconut to come through more. For £25 it's OK, just not the wow factor we'd look for.

Rating: 6/10

Smell - coconut, sugary sweet, cream,
Taste - hint of coconut, dry, initial light taste of nuts.
After Taste - Medium finish with grassy notes.

Barcelo Anejo rum
Barcelo Anejo review posted 19 days ago by Deadfame 🇸🇰 | 78 ratings

Je to najslabsie barcelo ake som ochutnal.
Aroma skoro ziadna, akurat nejaky alkohol a trstina.
V chuti cosi horke, na chvoste sa dozviete ze je to rum z trstiny ale to je asi tak vsetko.
Az mi je divne, ze je to taktko trapne, ked stoji uplne tolko isto ako gran anejo, a ten je oproti tomuto ovela lepsi a deje sa tam toho daleko viac.
Pouzijeme ho na drinky a utopili sme v nom ceresne :D :D

Brugal Doble Reserva rum
Brugal Doble Reserva review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Nagyon könnyen iható lágy karamellás karakter szerethető, de hiányoznak a gyümölcsös jegyek.Soha rosszabbat...

Flor de Caña 12-Year rum
Flor de Caña 12-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Kellemes pörkölt diós égett fa karamell vanília egy kicsit vad alkoholos jegy.Hagyd pihenni. Nem egy rosz Rum...

El Dorado 15 (Onwards 2020) 15-Year rum
El Dorado 15 (Onwards 2020) 15-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Szárazabb fásabb mint a 12 nagyon ott van .Hosszú távon ez a nyerő,deeee.... a 12 most a kedvenc.Majd ha jobban beleöregszem ez az etalon.

El Dorado 3-Year rum
El Dorado 3-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Szerintem hogy karakteresebb mint a HC3 ennek van íze érződik hogy érlelődött vanília tejcsoki ,nagyon selymes íz .Ízlik roppant jó...

Havana Club 3-Year rum
Havana Club 3-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

5 éve hoztam kubából ...Akkor még nem kapott el a Rum.Azt hittem majd iszom egy pár daiqirit itthon.Nem ittam csak egy kettőt most elővettem és megkóstoltam tisztán nekem nem igazán jön be...ja lehet előtte kóstoltam Eldorado 3-at mellette a HC3 jellegtelen a szirup.

Rumbullion Navy Strength rum
Rumbullion Navy Strength review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: A great rum full of flavour at Navy strength that doesn't really feel like it. The spiciness is present but not overpowering and complements the orange that is tasted throughout. Drank neat or on the rocks this really works well and was consumed as a taster dram. At £51 for the bottle, we'd happily buy this to get it on our shelves.

Rating: 8/10

Smell - orange, cinnamon, vanilla, dark chocolate, cardamom, cola cubes
Taste - caramelised orange peel, candied orange, liquorice, cloves
After Taste - long, subtle allspice and orange

Barcelo Imperial rum
Barcelo Imperial review posted 20 days ago by mcsolar 🇨🇿 | 65 ratings

Rum is a mixer. Although it has nice flavors, this rum lacks depth and it has an overly alcoholic

Bumbu XO rum
Bumbu XO review posted 19 days ago by Johnny Grey 🇨🇦 | 5 ratings

Forty percent alcohol by volume. Drier than Bumbu Original. Again some vanilla. Simple. Okay sipped neat at room temperature, or chilled or on the rocks.

Dillon 2013 Brut de Fût rum
Dillon 2013 Brut de Fût review posted 19 days ago by LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 249 ratings

9,2:On the nose, greatness from the first moment. Complex, smooth, elegant and balanced agricole with sweet sugar cane, red fruits, berries.Just a bit spicy and roasted with gunpowder, floral with geranium, then some tea is here, later turns to black tea.
Aeration brings out more woody notes with resin, nuts, vanilla, there is licorice, some tobacco, leather, pear and some little medicinal touch. After a nice rest, new notes shine bright with pencil shavings, violet, fruits are now candied. Wonderful! 😋👌
9:On the palate, the attack is soft, waxy and fruity with citrus, banana, pear, sugar cane and some tea. Nicely balanced agricole.Becomes woody, spicy with nutmeg and a bit dry, the wood is toasted with vanilla. Becoming more dark and roasted with chocolate, licorice, nuts, a bit bitter with resin and herbal. The sugar cane is caramelized now with stewed yellow fruits, turns into the fruit compote. It is fresh, a bit minty with some coconut and freshly cut grass. Great🙂.
9:The finish is woody, fruity, dry with dried fruits, as the wood is toasted. Sugar cane is sweet and tasty. The end is very fresh and nutty with vanilla, vegetal notes.
Almost perfect 😋👌.Great alcohol integration.

El Dorado 5-Year rum
El Dorado 5-Year review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: We're really struggling to get excited which is a shame for El Dorado rums. Really light in smell and taste it's a challenge to pull any banging flavours out of it. £27 is too much to pay for this, we'd rather use our money elsewhere.

Rating: 4/10

Smell - green banana, burnt sugar
Taste - light in flavour, spicy wood, vanilla
After Taste - medium length, caramel butteriness

Kahlúa Rum and Coffee Liqueur rum
Kahlúa Rum and Coffee Liqueur review posted 19 days ago by Administrator 🇸🇰 | 40 ratings

It is big surprise for me it is here. I have never noticed the rum is in it. It is a great liqueur though. Strong coffee taste and sweet of course. I use to drink it in White Russian:
teaspoon of instant coffee, 5cl Kahlúa, 5cl vodka, on the rocks, whipped cream :)
Drinking it neat is also good.

Michlers 2008 Compania Licorera Nicaragua Dufftown Finish 13-Year rum

Čokoláda, oříšky, kandované ovoce, silně dřevitá, lak, koření, kouřová, whisková
Chuť: Ovocná, silně dřevitá, čokoláda, lehce nakyslá,lak, příjemně štiplavá, whisky,
Dochuť: Čokoláda, sudová, koření
Zajímavý, vyrovnaný, nenudí, jen závěr by mohl být delší

Navy Bay Dark rum
Navy Bay Dark review posted 19 days ago by AZMark 🇺🇸 | 37 ratings

Bottle label is traditional with a good label. Nose is fair as far as hogo. I bought this(cheaper) than Dorley's at TW. Way better than Dorley's. Not bad for the liquor cabinet. Worth a try.

Bumbu Original rum
Bumbu Original review posted 19 days ago by Johnny Grey 🇨🇦 | 5 ratings

35 percent alcohol by volume. Some vanilla, spice. Not much complexity, but okay to sip neat chilled or on ice, or in a cold mixed drink. A bit too sweet for my taste.

Hamilton West Indies 1670 Blend rum
Hamilton West Indies 1670 Blend review posted 19 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Nice balance with funky finish. Great neat. No ruff edged with just enough wood spice.

Tso’ok Ron Serrano rum
Tso’ok Ron Serrano review posted 19 days ago by revsteph (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 421 ratings

Tasted September 1 2024 at Laka Lono
Appearance: clear
Aroma: bread, raisins
Flavor: sourdough, raisin bread, heat
Notes: this rum can be smelled a yard away. A hot rum that would not mix well, it should be enjoyed by itself while holding a thick slice of warm buttered bread.

Tso’ok Ron Serrano rum
Tso’ok Ron Serrano review posted 19 days ago by Cool Breeze (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 644 ratings

Tasted at Laka Lono on 9-1-24. Pours clear. HUGE aroma from miles away of cachaca dough and tomato paste. Similar to Paranubes. Salty fishy flavor- metallic. First tip of tongue taste is sweet. High heat, but not unpleasant. Mildly parching bitter bite to the finish.

Tso’ok Ron Serrano rum
Tso’ok Ron Serrano review posted 19 days ago by Bitbeard 🇺🇸 | 48 ratings

Agricole aroma with strong ethanol. Spicy, woody, with grassy finish. Ok neat, not a great daiquiri rum.

Holmes Cay 2004 Fiji Single Cask 17-Year rum
Holmes Cay 2004 Fiji Single Cask 17-Year review posted 19 days ago by Boomer 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings

Spicy, fruity, wish it was smoother for a 17yr, makes me think of foursquare harsh to be harsh

Holmes Cay 2005 Belize 15-Year rum
Holmes Cay 2005 Belize 15-Year review posted 19 days ago by Boomer 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings

For 15yr I'd think it would be smoother. Burns the nose

Holmes Cay 2012 Australia Beenleigh 10-Year rum
Holmes Cay 2012 Australia Beenleigh 10-Year review posted 19 days ago by Boomer 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings

Young light whisky, do not get rum at all. Hard no for me

Rum Shark 2017 Saint James 6-Year rum
Rum Shark 2017 Saint James 6-Year review posted 19 days ago by Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 278 ratings

Tento rum ve mě zanechává smíšené pocity.
Podle chuti to skoro není rum, ale gruziňak.
Po napití cítím v první chvíli chuť gruziňaku a na závěr trochu rumu. Nic pro mne.

Don Papa Masskara rum
Don Papa Masskara review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: For an artificially flavoured rum we really enjoy this one - the mix of orange, honey and that little chilli kick on the end makes it a great rum to drink neat. £79 in the UK is a little pricey but having bought a bottle in France for 40 Euros just shows that it's a UK markup. We'd happily buy this again but we find it's not in stock often in the UK - so glad we've got another bottle standing by.

Rating: 8/10

Smell - Fresh cut oranges, marmalade, punching with sweetness
Taste - marmalade orange, vanilla, honey
After Taste - little chilli spiciness, honey

El Dorado 3-Year rum
El Dorado 3-Year review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: Not being excited by white rums we always find them a challenge to rate. The smell on this one is probably better than the taste. There's nothing wrong with the taste just not enough of it coming through but again this could be down to our likes of a rich, aged, dark rum. It's smooth enough to drink and on the rocks it allows the coconut to come through more. For £25 it's OK, just not the wow factor we'd look for.

Rating: 6/10

Smell - coconut, sugary sweet, cream,
Taste - hint of coconut, dry, initial light taste of nuts.
After Taste - Medium finish with grassy notes.

Barcelo Anejo rum
Barcelo Anejo review posted 19 days ago by Deadfame 🇸🇰 | 78 ratings

Je to najslabsie barcelo ake som ochutnal.
Aroma skoro ziadna, akurat nejaky alkohol a trstina.
V chuti cosi horke, na chvoste sa dozviete ze je to rum z trstiny ale to je asi tak vsetko.
Az mi je divne, ze je to taktko trapne, ked stoji uplne tolko isto ako gran anejo, a ten je oproti tomuto ovela lepsi a deje sa tam toho daleko viac.
Pouzijeme ho na drinky a utopili sme v nom ceresne :D :D

Brugal Doble Reserva rum
Brugal Doble Reserva review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Nagyon könnyen iható lágy karamellás karakter szerethető, de hiányoznak a gyümölcsös jegyek.Soha rosszabbat...

Flor de Caña 12-Year rum
Flor de Caña 12-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Kellemes pörkölt diós égett fa karamell vanília egy kicsit vad alkoholos jegy.Hagyd pihenni. Nem egy rosz Rum...

El Dorado 15 (Onwards 2020) 15-Year rum
El Dorado 15 (Onwards 2020) 15-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Szárazabb fásabb mint a 12 nagyon ott van .Hosszú távon ez a nyerő,deeee.... a 12 most a kedvenc.Majd ha jobban beleöregszem ez az etalon.

El Dorado 3-Year rum
El Dorado 3-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

Szerintem hogy karakteresebb mint a HC3 ennek van íze érződik hogy érlelődött vanília tejcsoki ,nagyon selymes íz .Ízlik roppant jó...

Havana Club 3-Year rum
Havana Club 3-Year review posted 19 days ago by Pentek69 🇭🇺 | 25 ratings

5 éve hoztam kubából ...Akkor még nem kapott el a Rum.Azt hittem majd iszom egy pár daiqirit itthon.Nem ittam csak egy kettőt most elővettem és megkóstoltam tisztán nekem nem igazán jön be...ja lehet előtte kóstoltam Eldorado 3-at mellette a HC3 jellegtelen a szirup.

Rumbullion Navy Strength rum
Rumbullion Navy Strength review posted 19 days ago by DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings

Thoughts: A great rum full of flavour at Navy strength that doesn't really feel like it. The spiciness is present but not overpowering and complements the orange that is tasted throughout. Drank neat or on the rocks this really works well and was consumed as a taster dram. At £51 for the bottle, we'd happily buy this to get it on our shelves.

Rating: 8/10

Smell - orange, cinnamon, vanilla, dark chocolate, cardamom, cola cubes
Taste - caramelised orange peel, candied orange, liquorice, cloves
After Taste - long, subtle allspice and orange

Barcelo Imperial rum
Barcelo Imperial review posted 20 days ago by mcsolar 🇨🇿 | 65 ratings

Rum is a mixer. Although it has nice flavors, this rum lacks depth and it has an overly alcoholic
