
Boukman Botanical rum

Boukman Botanical

Haiti | Flavored | 45% ABV

Boukman Botanical Rhum is derived from two of Haiti’s rhum terroirs, the cane fields of Croix des Bouquets in the south and the northern cane fields around Cap Haïtien. The rhum is distilled from the fresh juice of sugar cane, then infused with botanicals and barks, many of which are native to Haïti and foraged in the wild.

19 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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19 Boukman Botanical Ratings

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Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

When I read botanicals my mind goes right to gin, but I have also enjoyed a Havana Club white with botanicals. First scent wasn’t the juniper I was expecting, more like cloves or mace. Tastes like some cheap rum with beef stew seasoning. I had an open mind I am sorry this is not my thing.I can’t go over a three that was generous.

Falcon91Wolvrn03 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 562 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

This is a pleasant rum. Smells and tastes of herbs, cardamom, agricole, and marzipan. Not bad at all, but a bit on the dry side for my personal liking.

Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

I won’t repeat what’s written by the administrators above.
It’s made in the spirit of the revolutionary Dutty Boukman in mind.
Boukman was transported to Haiti as a slave, but became a leader of the “Maroons” (independent societies of escaped and free black people) and a voodoo priest. In 1791, Boukman ignited the Haitian Revolution, swearing an oath to liberty that was toasted with rum. Boukman was soon killed by French colonist but, the movement he started eventually freed Haiti, and defeated Napoleon’s armies.

Boukman produce their rum (or spirit drink) in the traditional Haitian way, similar to a local spiced moonshine known as “kleren tronpe”. Indeed, the founder Boukman Rum, Josette Buffaret Thomas, said “If kleren tronpe had a more sophisticated and elegant cousin, Boukman Rhum would be it.”

It’s dry and fresh with notes of wood, cardamom, vanilla, almond but also vegetal with notes of sugar cane, orange, cloves and lime.
It’s bottled at 45% ABV which makes it quite intense.
About Dutty Boukman’s memory it’s more than a gimmick, cause they give some of their profits to Haitian charity.

Overall I think it’s a great spiced rum well worth a test.

Michael Huff 🇺🇸 | 100 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

Definitely doesn't taste like you would expect from a rum. Almost a bitter wormwoody quality to it. However it is definitely something interesting since there's nothing else in the market like it. Id never drink it straight for leasure, but I think it would be a great addition to a cocktail to give it a character that will surprise even the most experienced of customer.

slash17 🇺🇸 | 8 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Boukman is the progressive rock of rums. Complex, surprising, weird. Great for fans of amaro such as Braulio, or folks who put bitters in everything. I hesitate to call it smooth, as it packs a punch, but it's enjoyable from beginning to end. It's like a dinner made by a reckless chef, whose dishes have 18 steps of taste and he's got to turn down the music as to not overload your senses. It's spicy, and perhaps it is "spiced" but it tastes far more like rum than your average spiced rum. It's flavorings are interesting and uncommon in the spiced rum world. Floral without perfuminess at all. I guess leafy is what I would call it. I'm sure this is a controversial rum as the rating reflects, but rest assured it is tip-top in quality - it's just definitely not "for everyone".

filovo 🇨🇿 | 516 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

barva : zlatá
vune esterový příjeměně technická
chut: lehké pálení, estery
zaver : sušené ovoce, sladkost, suchost,plné tělo
hodnoceni 8,4
koupit ano z 50%
Alcohol 45 %

RHUM FACTORY 🇫🇷 | 32 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Le flacon a de quoi dérouter. Parti pris évident, assumé on en viendrait presque à penser que le breuvage contenu ne puisse être du rhum... Et pourtant! Nous ne pouvons que saluer l'originalité de ce dernier, qui, a première vue nous donne à penser que ce rhum est "différent" et éveille notre curiosité.
Certain(e)s pourront penser que la recette marketing du "flaconnage très travaillé associé au nom d'une figure historique locale" a été reproduite et pourront donc se méfier, dans ce cas ne précipitez pas votre jugement, il existe des exceptions et le rhum Boukman est de celles-ci!

Petit rappel, Boukman, Dutty est une figure, sinon LA figure historique d'Haïti, qui a guidé le soulèvement de l'île l'affranchissant de l'esclavage, permettant aux Haïtiens de prendre en main leur destin en toute indépendance. Rien que ça.

Le breuvage contenu dans ce merveilleux flacon (oui, oui, on est fan - même l'étiquette est très réussie avec ces traces de doigts et l'impression en volume sur un papier de qualité), est en fait un produit typique, également appelé "clairin trempé", c'est l'une des boissons traditionnelles d'Haïti.
Il s'agit d'un rhum agricole artisanal, infusé d'épices et de plantes sauvages indigènes.
Le résultat, très plaisant, est plutôt sec avec des notes équilibrées de cardamome, de vanille de cannelle, d'herbes aromatiques, et une finale qui rappelle la pâte d'amande... A noter qu'il n'y a pas de sucre ajouté, on apprécie l'authenticité!

Nez : puissant, cannelle, herbes aromatiques
Bouche : ample, épicée, vanille, écorce d'orange sans être amère, vivifiante et équilibrée
Finale : douce, évolutive vers la pâte d'amande belle longueur soutenue

Notre avis: un produit qui tient ses promesses de bout en bout, ajoutez à cela le programme caritatif associé et vous tenez une belle réussite, une superbe découverte gustative!

MChiik (PREMIUM) 🇸🇰 | 18 ratings
Posted 8 months ago

Interesting, bothanical/herbs taste, good for somebody who does not prefer sweet ending

MALAYES 🇮🇹 | 17 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

L'odore fa presupporre qualcosa di molto alcoolico.
Al palato ricorda tanto una grappa, un poco morbida.
Non è dolce, e senz'altro lo sento meno aromatico di tanti altri rum.
Tuttavia si assapora volentieri.
E' un prodotto diverso dai soliti ottimi Zacapa, El Dorado, o Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva.
La persistenza sul palato è media.
Darei 6,5 di voto, ma dò 7, perchè la bottiglia è meravigliosa.

Rettifica del 12/09/2023: Voto riduco a 6. Questo rum, che sembra grappa, non dà particolare piacere, a gustarlo. Sarebbe 5, ma la meravigliosa bottiglia fa arrivare la media a 6.

mrafg1502 🇵🇱 | 5 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

W opiniach, które czytałem pisano, że jest to gin wśród rumów. Zgadzam się jednak z tą opinią tylko częściowo. W smaku przypomina mi dobrą cachace, więc idealnie nadaje się do Caipirinhi. Moim zdaniem 10/10.

Brand Details

Name: Botanical
ABV: 45%
Company: Boukman
Country: Haiti
Type: Flavored
Raw Material: Cane Juice
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No
1. Total Wine