
Rumbero 3-Year rum

Rumbero 3-Year

Cuba | Aged | 40% ABV

19 ratings
Serious improvement needed

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19 Rumbero 3-Year Ratings

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Stig Wolff (PREMIUM) 馃嚛馃嚢 | 182 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

En hvid rom som kun kan bruges til mix drinks.
Der er kraftige noter af vanilje, meget skarp i munden.

Rasmus 馃嚛馃嚢 | 153 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

If there is one thing that is worse than a bad bottle of rum, then it is a boring bottle of rum. Unfortunately for me I had the "pleasure" of tasting this bottle of nothing.

Nose: A big hit of water with a faint smell of acetone and ethanol
Taste: A foul taste of clear spirit with a very long aftertaste of water and air
Overall: This bottle is just as interesting as watching paint dry. The less said the better.

Miroslav 馃嚫馃嚢 | 64 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

Zanechal vo mne zmie拧an茅 pocity. Bielych 38%. Asi nie. Mo啪no mix.

Szczupak 馃嚨馃嚤 | 22 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

Very nice replacement for Havana club 7, price 50pln/bottle . Could be sipped or mixed. Probably will buy again

Root-theory 馃嚨馃嚤 | 84 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

Zakup dosy膰 spontaniczny, z winnicy Lidla, oczywi艣cie korzystaj膮c z ich promocji uda艂o si臋 kupi膰 dwa rumy kt贸re do tej pory widywa艂em w zagranicznych Lidlach. Oczywi艣cie produkt jest dedykowany do dystrybucji na wy艂膮czno艣膰 tej sieci. Jestem mocno ciekawy zawarto艣ci, ale nie nastawia艂em si臋 na fajerwerki - dlatego te偶 wykorzysta艂em go jako okazj臋 na spotkanie z koleg膮.

ZAPACH: Cytrusy, jab艂ka, delikatna wanilia, s艂odka 艣mietanka, dalej zm臋czona beczka a na ko艅cu alkohol oraz kleje.

SMAK: Delikatne nuty wanilii, beczki, sk贸rka cytryny, lekkie pieczenie od alkoholu. Ca艂o艣膰 jest delikatna oraz lekko s艂odka.

Hmm... Pozytywnie i to bardzo. Po pierwsze jest to 3 letni rum destylowany oraz le偶akowany na Kubie lecz ostatecznie butelkowany w Niemczech (oczywi艣cie taniej - koszta transportu). Nie czu膰 tu taniego alkoholu, rum nie jest oszukany - wyra藕na beczka oraz wp艂yw le偶akowania co w po艂膮czeniu z karaibsk膮 nut膮 smakow膮 pozwala odczu膰 100% ducha kuba艅skich rum贸w. Jakby kto艣 mi zawi膮za艂 oczy nie mia艂bym problem贸w z okre艣leniem pochodnia - dlatego du偶e brawa. Ten rum mo偶na r贸wnie偶 pi膰 saute ale pozwoli on Wam odczu膰 r贸偶nic臋 mi臋dzy liderami rynku z okolicy 50pln za butelk臋 - zalecam spr贸bowa膰 i poczu膰 j膮 na w艂asnej sk贸rze. Musz臋 pochwali膰 r贸wnie偶 etykiet臋 oraz estetyk臋 - naprawd臋 jest dobrze patrz膮c na wspomnianych wcze艣niej cenowych konkurent贸w

OCENA: 71/100

Adam 馃嚨馃嚤 | 101 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

Nice color, good design of bottle. Nose....just spirit...not nice. Taste...for me to strong feeling of alcohol, little sweet. Good that God create Cola...cause that rum is only for mix.

Bazza 馃嚞馃嚙 | 1 rating
Posted over 5 years ago

Now this is a surprisingly good rum. Aged 7 years. Pleasantly surprised at just how good this tastes for the price! Get it now in Lidl

antony 馃嚞馃嚙 | 1 rating
Posted over 5 years ago

Being a fan of dark spicy rums such as Havana 7, I was looking for a cheaper equivalent and thought I'd give this a try. It's actually quite a reasonable alternative, just dark enough, smooth, spicy, smokey notes - it has a faint resemblance of the toffee and tobacco notes of Havana Especiale, probably not quite as heavy as the 7.

It is underproof at 38% ABV

Kamamura 馃嚚馃嚳 | 37 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

The color is pleasant, caramel-induced intense brown, nose is faint, but not unpleasant, which is to be expected since the rum is bottled underproof at 38% ABV.

The taste is dominated by added sugar, some barrel tannins, and an off flavors from tails the distiller probably did not want to tame. This rum is obviously quite young and not really impressive on its own, but can work as a reasonable mixer since the strange off flavor punches through even in sweet mixed drinks. The lack of distinctive aromatic component limit its mixing potential, however.

Brand Details

ABV: 40%
Company: Rumbero
Country: Cuba
Type: Aged
Years Aged: 3
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No