
Hampden Estate 2016 The Younger LROK 5-Year rum

Hampden Estate 2016 The Younger LROK 5-Year

Jamaica | Aged | 49% ABV | Pot Still

34 ratings
That's some good stuff

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34 Hampden Estate 2016 The Younger LROK 5-Year Ratings

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Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

When I saw LROK on the bottle and remembered the rave reviews on these, I easily plunked down $52 US for this young Hampden. I have not been a fan of Hampden and this will be my last. Drinking this one OTR is the only way to do it because the dirty notes come through like in a Caroni. If that is what you like, then go for it! Besides drinking this one OTR, I tried mixing with Pepsi. I have NEVER had a rum ruin a perfectly good Pepsi before, so this is what sunk my rating down to a 5 to be never bought again. Way too much hogo and dirty notes for me!

tesibaer 🇩🇪 | 29 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

On the nose: intense sweet tropical fruits, baked bananas with honey, sweet pineapple juice, subtle mango puree, a hint of spices, hint of caramel, alcohol & gum.

On the palate: baked bananas, spices, tropical fruits, rubber & furniture polish.

In the finish: nutmeg, hint of ginger, some dark chocolate, gum, hint of tropical fruit, molasses, a little pepper.

In der Nase: intensive süße tropische Früchte, gebackene Bananen mit Honig, süßer Ananassaft, dezent Mangopüree, Hauch Gewürze, Anklang Karamell, Alkohol & Gummi.
Am Gaumen: gebackene Bananen, Gewürze, tropische Früchte, Gummi & Möbelpolitur.
Im Abgang: Muskat, Anklang Ingwer, etwas Bitterschokolade, Gummi, Hauch tropische Früchte, Melasse, etwas Pfeffer.

henrik pedersen 🇩🇰 | 177 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

En kraftig sipper fra Hampden. har lige en tand mere power end 8 year (grøn label)

Mujuru 🇺🇸 | 157 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

So I went out looking for this rum because I had run out of Hampden juice for Mai Tais. There is just something about Hampden that makes the best Mai Tais, but for the most part I haven’t been too keen on Hampden rums as sippers. So anyway, I went looking for this for making Mai Tais. I finally found it in my favorite rum stomping grounds and picked it up alongside the Velier Papalin Haiti I reviewed last week.

Before I start doing anything with any rum I like to test it straight to discern it’s qualities. Given my, at this point decently lengthy, experience with Hampden rums I am not expecting a superb sipper but I do expect a vibrant funky fruit bomb for my Mai Tais. None the less let’s see what this rum has to offer all by itself.

This is a high-ish ester molasses, LROK Marque based, pot still rum that has been tropically aged onsite in Jamaica at Trelawny Estate for 5 years. The rum supposedly has an ester count of 314.8 g/hlpa and a 1,576.1 g/hlpa Cogener count. Cocktail Wonk can tell you a lot more about that than I can, but it’s a pretty funky rum. I might be mistaken but I think this is the first LROK marque rum from Hampden that I have had.

On the nose I get bum rushed by Sharpie markers, Super Glue, and incredibly sweet smelling overripe but grilled pineapple (like taking a pineapple past it’s sell by date and slapping it on the grill). Then I get Mulberry Jam and perfectly ripe Strawberries. Nosing deeper reveals Banana Skins, Brown Sugar, and rich sweet Early Harvest Red Wine. It’s a delightful nose…and I have come to expect that with Hampden. Unfortunately, Hampden rums rarely mirror their incredible noses on the palate in the same way for me, which is why I don’t often rate them highly as “sippers” per se even though I love them in cocktails.

But not today! Hot damn this one explodes on the palate even more richly than it does in the nose. Ooh, this one is different…and I like it A LOT. My first impression is “Wow! Yum!”. As I take a sip I get an explosion of Mulberry jam and Ripe rich Strawberry funk permeating my entire mouth. Then Banana Pudding, Brown Sugar, and Caramelized Plantains. And across it all an exceedingly funk and distantly familiar taste that it took quite a while to discern: Mamey/Sapote. But this is an overripe Mamey/Sapote 5 minute before it hits outright rotting. My goodness this is just delightful and it just gets better with every sip. This is real damn good.

The finish is rather interesting, and I suspect will be alluring to some. It’s dirty. A nasty grimy, Auto mechanic shop. I get Gasoline followed by Paint Thinner and a touch of Chlorine Pool Water (hello Worthy Park?). But it wouldn’t truly be a Mechanics garage without stale coffee that someone left out two days ago. Toss that in there. Oh yeah and rotting Mamey/Sapote. Finally, a rubber gasket overheats and fills the shop with burning industrial rubber. That about sums up the finish. But somehow in appropriate amounts that only accentuate the lovely overripe tropically fruity nose and palate.

On the whole this is way more delectable to
my tastes than I anticipated coming from Hampden. To my great surprise this is a fantastic sipping rum, and one that I will absolutely be buying a backup bottle of. Now I almost don’t want to waste it in Mai Tais. What a delightful, unexpected curveball from Hampden. Figures my local shop would run out of this one. This is the best Hampden rum I have had since Great House 2020. This is the exact kind of funk that I can dig. In a way it reminds me of TCRL Jamaica WP 2015. Not that the notes are the same, but the intensity and richness are and the nose matches the palate on both.

To be succinct, this is a keeper for me. And to boot it’s cheap enough that I don’t mind using it in Mai Tais, even though I am equally liable to just pour some over an iceball. What an unexpected Hampden gem for this Worthy Park fanboy.

Short Description: Overripe Mamey with Strawberries and Mulberry Jam enjoyed in a Mechanics shop

ABV: 47%

Country of Origin: Jamaica

Distillery: Hampden Estate

Marque: LROK

Nose: Sharpie, Super Glue, Grilled Overripe Pineapple, Mulberry Jam, Ripe Strawberries, Banana Skins, Brown Sugar, Early Harvest Red Wine

Palate: (wow!, yum) Mulberry jam, ripe Strawberries, Banana Pudding, Brown Sugar, Caramelized Plantains, overripe Mamey/Sapote

Finish: (dirty) Gasoline, Mineral Spirits, slight Pool Water, Stale Coffee, Mamey/Sapote, Burning Rubber

runkenrun 🇺🇸 | 10 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Nose - super mellow citrus funk, carmel, oak, light tobacco, brown sugar, chocolate chip cookie dough

Palate- pineapple, burnt cola, oak, lemon, bitter tobacco, slightly more bourbon like than other LROK’s

Finish- sweet oak funk, black pepper, light heat, tiny fireworks

Thoughts- at a friendly, 47% this drinks more like a bourbon than most of the other Hampden’s but with a light handed touch of Jamaican funk. Very good, very palatable. Possibly a good transition from bourbon to Jamaican rum for bourbon drinkers?

Rating - 8.3 out of 10

Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Strohgelb im Glas.
In der Nase frisch und frech. Früchte und Blumen, Bananen, Ananas, Mango, Orchideen, Papageienblumen und Karamell liegen schon einige Tage in einem Holzbottich. Ein kräftiger Schuss Funk fehlt auch nicht.
Am Gaumen auch nicht gerade brav. Wild und stürmisch gebärden sich die dutzenden Aromen als ob es kein Morgen gäbe. Früchte, Karamell, Blumen, Holz, alles drängt in den Vordergrund und will am auffälligsten sein.
Im Abgang locker-flockig und langanhaltend. Das Karamell flirtet am Strand noch ein wenig mit den Früchten.
Ein leichter und sehr aromatischer Rum für den Sommer und die dazu passenden Drinks. Für leckere Cocktails oder auch pur. Barkeeper oder Funkliebhaber werden daran ihre Freude finden. Leichter und unbeschwerter als der 8 Jährige.
G+R F LU22

Straw yellow in the glass.
Fresh and naughty on the nose. Fruits and flowers, bananas, pineapple, mango, orchids, parrot flowers and caramel have been in a wooden vat for several days. A strong shot of funk is not missing either.
Not very well-behaved on the palate either. Wild and tempestuous, the dozens of flavors behave as if there were no tomorrow. Fruits, caramel, flowers, wood, everything pushes to the foreground and wants to be the most noticeable.
The finish is easy-going and long-lasting. The caramel still flirts a bit with the fruits on the beach.
A light and very aromatic rum for summer and the drinks that go with it. For delicious cocktails or also pure. Bartenders or funk lovers will find joy in it. Lighter and more carefree than the 8 year old.
G+R F LU22

abrarey 🇺🇸 | 69 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

I got this on a sample kit.
Bright and light color.
Nose: Fruits (banana, mango, pineapple), vanilla, flowers, and citrus.
Taste: the fruits are a bit muted, you can feel them, but the taste is very pungent pure funk. Some dark notes resembling like coffee and cloves.
The ending is prolonged, with rotten fruits in a good way.
I love this one, should be good with some cocktails.

Jagsroy (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 296 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Hampden The Younger LROK
- I have recently been getting into Jamaican rums and my first impression of this rum was that it will be nice to have tried it but I did not expect it would « Wow » me. The nose was crisp but without sweetness, as often is the case with Bajan rums. First sip was somewhat disappointing but I started warming up to this as the tasting progressed. By the last sip I had discovered another Jamaican rum I really like and will be looking for to add to my collection. This is REALLY good.

borgmanb 🇺🇸 | 59 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I'm relatively new to rum, coming from 1500+ whiskey tastings, and I get there is a world of "jamaican funk" I'm not yet familiar with, but if this is the funk, then funk = alcohol fumes and rubber inside a barrage of solvents that bury the other faint banana/pineapple notes. Maybe this is the islay to the more mainstream scotches and I'll come around in time, but for now this is the worst of the 50 rums I've tasted to date...

martin jeppesen 🇩🇰 | 257 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Classic hampden at a fine price.
Nose: potent with musty, overripe bananas and pineapple, caramel, gum and glue. Feels balanced.
Mouth: great body and a nice underlying fruity sweetness. The bananas and pineapple are there, wrapped in moderate funk. Integrated alcohol. Balanced lingering ending with some woody spices.

Brand Details

Name: 2016 The Younger LROK 5-Year
ABV: 49%
Company: Hampden Estate
Country: Jamaica
Type: Aged
Years Aged: 5
Yr Distilled: 2016
Raw Material: Molasses
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Pot Still
Women Led: No

