
Bristol Classic Mauritius 5-Year rum

Bristol Classic Mauritius 5-Year

United Kingdom | Gold | 40% ABV

7 ratings
Easily consumable in a bind

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7 Bristol Classic Mauritius 5-Year Ratings

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Rasmus 🇩🇰 | 153 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

We often look for the next big thing in the world of rum, but sometimes it is just nice to sit down and drink a simple rum without overthinking things. This is the rum for such an occasion.

Nose: Thin nose with a scent of caramel and wood, but nothing overpowering
Taste: Caramel, wood and a small hint of fruits. The taste is a bit thin, but does linger a bit after the initial intake.
Overall: This is not a complex rum in any way. It can however be enjoyed by most people as a "everyday" rum.

Golfm 🇩🇰 | 154 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Mauritius 5 years old rum is distilled by La Bourdonnaise Estate on their continuous still. La Bourdonnaise Estate is placed in the north of the Island of Mauritius.

Thomas Breuning 🇩🇰 | 244 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

Smells very fruity, but doesn't taste like fruit. More like Wood and walnuts. The taste is not as deep as other rums. like a vague Whiskey. Is made kind like Agricole and on sherrywood. It's not a bad rum, but I prefer others. 3.December i romkalenderen 2017

Daniel Lindén 🇸🇪 | 59 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

Smakar lakrits, fat och rök. Precis som doften. En rätt bra whiskey men ska ju vara rom vilket drar ner betyget.

Krobbe13 🇸🇪 | 112 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

Doftar torkade frukter och lite vanilj.Liten sötma, nästan lite torr.

Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

Leuchtendes Honiggelb im Glas.
In der Nase, oh ja, diese Düfte kenne ich, Kräuter, Gewürze und dieses Medizinartige (im positiven Sinn) wie beim Arcane Extraroma. Gewürznelken, Honig, Vanille, ein Hauch von Rauch und dutzende Düfte mehr sind zu entdecken.
Im Gaumen, wow, einfach nur perfekt ausbalanciert, kleine Vanilleboote gefüllt mit Honig und tropischen Früchten segeln über Deine Zunge. Gewürze, helle Früchte und ein Strauss Blumen schwimmen hinterher.
Im Abgang wundervoll lang und von einer ganz minimalen Süsse begleitet. Die Aromen von tropischen Früchte und jetzt auch Karamell sind omnipräsent.
Ein unglaublicher Rum für Seine 5 Jahre Reifung, danke Bristol. Distillerie de Labourdonnais, ich behalte Dich im Auge.
Ein Rum für Geniesser und Solche die auf dem Weg dazu sind, auch für mutige Einsteiger.
Ich wünsche Allen eine schöne Adventszeit. ;-)

Brilliant honey yellow in the glass.
In the nose, oh yes, these fragrances I know, herbs, spices and this medicine-like (in a positive sense) as the Arcane Extraroma. Cloves, honey, vanilla, a hint of smoke and dozens of scents are all to discover.
On the palate, wow, just perfectly balanced, small vanilla boats filled with honey and tropical fruits sail over your tongue. Spices, bright fruits and a bouquet of flowers are swimming afterwards.
Wonderfully long on the finish and accompanied by a minimal sweetness. The flavors of tropical fruits and now caramel are omnipresent.
An incredible rum for his 5 years of maturation, thank you Bristol. Distillerie de Labourdonnais, I keep an eye on you.
A rum for connoisseurs and those who are on the way, even for brave beginners.
I wish everyone a nice Advent season. ;-)

2ephyr 🇨🇿 | 41 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

První co se mi při přičichnutí vybavilo byla.. nekvalitní vodka. Chuť je relativně jemná, není ostrý, trochu hřeje. Ale je plytká a opět se neodbytně vkrádá na mysl - pachuť vodky. Možná s trochou medu. Pár loků se vypít docela dá, ale rychle začne hořknout a celkově se zoškliví. Až se člověk při napití oklepe. A to by rum dělat neměl.

Brand Details

Name: Mauritius 5-Year
ABV: 40%
Company: Bristol Classic
Country: United Kingdom
Type: Gold
Years Aged: 5
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No