
Dictador XO Insolent rum

Dictador XO Insolent

Colombia | Aged | 40% ABV

Our bold move! Your perfect finish for a meal. Extra old. Blended rum between 25-35 years old. Aged in American Oak ex-bourbon and port casks which have been re-changed in some stages of the aging process.

174 ratings
That's some good stuff

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174 Dictador XO Insolent Ratings

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Montal 🇷🇴 | 20 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

This is the best Dictador i ever tried, the coffee, vanilla, honey, caramel are present.Unlike the 20 year old, this one has a subtle aroma. It is sweet but the flavor and smoothness is absolutely incredible,the aftertaste lingers warmly and pleasantly. A must try and have in your collection.

nomad 🇺🇸 | 137 ratings
Posted 9 years ago

Coffee and anise dominate. The anise is usually a dealbreaker for me, but in this case, it's ok. I know what the testing says, but this is cloyingly sweet. Seems like it was made in a lab instead of a barrel.

edited to add sugar test results- 4g

Grand Master Jay 🇬🇧 | 80 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

This is smooth so smooth that you do not get any afterburn. Writing this the flavour jusy goes on and on and stays forever. Its not as sweet as Zacapa XO but this is something you can share with mates no ice needed. You will notice the coffee taste but trust me it is not overpowering. This is well balanced, complex medium body rum. You will not be disappointed with this in your collection

DL01 🇬🇧 | 42 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

Rich creamy butterscotch notes rule this rum. The sweet vanilla starts from the moment you open the bottle - you know its been opened! It is a full-bodied rum but doesn't have the heavy spice and woodiness that is expected from 25+ year old rum. On the tongue, the creaminess of the butterscotch is back, a bit like Werthers Originals in a way but this time there is a low level hint of spiciness like pepper. The finish just keeps on going and going, with the pepper gone, you know you've had a good rum and it never wants to leave. £105 retail means its going on the top shelf, and easily so as its a solid 9.

Rating: 9/10

Smell - sweet, vanilla, rich caramel butterscotch notes, hint of coffee
Taste - hint of pepper, caramel, vanilla, creamed butterscotch
After Taste - long length, charred wood, vanilla

bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

nose: coffee, liquorice, anise
mouth: coffee, toffee, liquorice, anise, vanilla
aftertaste: liquorice
maybe good if you re a sambuca drinker ...
so the complicated procedure they do with used jerez (spain) barrels emptied, burnt and refilled with rum, is totally futile if this is the result !
too much liquorice for me, i prefer the 20 YO to this

PekAti (PREMIUM) 🇭🇺 | 103 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Ez bizony toptenes, nincs és nem is lehet benne rosszat találni

Florin 🇷🇴 | 78 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

RO: cele 2 romuri de serie supreme de la Dictador le am incercat din monstre de 50 ml si le am pus alaturi de ultimul pahar din sticla mea de dictador 20 pastrata special pentru acest eveniment )
din ce am observat eu baza pare a fi la fel la toate 3 diferentele tinand de finisaj

de indata ce le am desfacut mirosul ce mi a lovit narile nu a fost deloc o surpriza : cafeaua )

se simte la toate un miros dulceag care vine probabil de la fructe uscate (probabil pruna) iz ciocolatiu si inbinat cu finete de migdala , cafea si cacao , zahar brun , poate ceva vanilie , si ceva cu iz floral dulceag, care acum realizez ca era si la 20 si era fix acea nuanta pe care nu reuseam sa o disting, nici acum nu mi e clar ce e )))) dar macar am reusit sa realizez ca e un iz floral si asta mai ales datorita lui Insolent )

aromele sunt foarte bine echilibrate iar alcoolul bine integrat, cu greu inteleg de ce se spune despre dictador ca e mai aspru din punct de vedere al acoolului, poate putin mai barbatesc , dar aspru in niciun caz

revenind la insolent, este varianta in care se simte cel mai pronuntat acel iz floral si asta il face si mai dulceag . cand vorbim de impactul acestei arome atat in gust cat si in miros putem compara cu diferenta de intensitate a cafelei cand vorbim de dictador 12 fata de 20. il consider pe insolent cel mai dezechilibrat dintre cele 3 dar si cel mai deosebit tot din aceasta privinta, in schimb in postgust se simte tot acea aroma florala de data asta amara nu dulceaga ca la inceput si ma face sa l plasez ultimul intre cele 3. l as numi pe primul loc in ceea ce priveste gustul si mirosul dar ultimul in ceea ce priveste postgustul ... deci foarte greu de a da 1 castigator clar

chiar daca sunt mai bine finisate este foarte greu de spus daca aceste romuri merita sa platesti un plus de minim 50% , probabil ca nu avand in vedere ca diferentele nu sunt atat de mari, dar sunt fara discutie niste romuri superbe .

Am incercat 5 tipuri de romuri dictador pana acum si mi au placut toate, e clar ca aceasta firma stie ce face cand vorbim de romuri si recomand cu tarie )


EN: the 2 rums of the supreme series from Dictador I tried from 50 ml samples and I put them next to the last glass of my dictator 20 bottle kept especially for this event)
from what I noticed the base seems to be the same for all 3, a subtle addition of finesse for perpetual and insolent

as soon as I opened the smell that hit my nostrils it was not a surprise at all: coffee)

all of them smell sweet that probably comes from dried fruit (probably plum) chocolate flavor and combined with fine almonds, coffee and cocoa, brown sugar, maybe some vanilla, and something with a sweet floral scent, which I now realize was in 20 to, and it was that shade that I could not distinguish, even now it is not clear to me what it is)))) but at least I managed to realize that it is a floral scent and this especially due to Insolent)

the aromas are very well balanced and the alcohol well integrated, I can hardly understand why it is said about the dictator that it is rougher in terms of alcohol, maybe a little more masculine, but harsh in no case

returning to insolent, it is the variant in which that floral scent is most pronounced and this makes it even sweeter. when we talk about the impact of this aroma both in taste and smell we can compare with the difference in coffee intensity when we talk about dictator 12 compared to 20. I consider insolent the most unbalanced of the 3 but also the most special in this regard, instead in the aftertaste it feels all that floral aroma this time bitter not sweet as at the beginning and makes me place it last among the 3. i would say is first in taste and smell but last in aftertaste ... so very hard to give 1 clear winner

even if they are better finished, it is very difficult to say if these rums are worth paying an extra 50%, probably not considering that the differences are not so big, but they are without question some superb rums.

I have tried 5 types of dictator rums so far and I liked them all, it is clear that this company knows what it does when we talk about rums and I strongly recommend Dictador rums )

Karin 🇨🇦 | 4 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Beautiful mix of rum and toasted vanilla/Carmel notes :)

TROY 🇨🇦 | 16 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This one is terrible. The people rating this above a 1 clearly don't like rum.
Any rum that may have been in there is buried in additives and sugar.

CJ1999 🇬🇧 | 95 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

For others I know this rum is revolutionary. Tingling the taste buds of people who are after strong, sweet and dense rum. However I find it overpowering, sickly and too dense.

Brand Details

Name: XO Insolent
ABV: 40%
Company: Dictador
Country: Colombia
Type: Aged
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No
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