
Companero Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year rum

Companero Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year

Multiple | Aged | 54% ABV | Column Still (1-4)

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126 Companero Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year Ratings

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Seko 🇨🇿 | 205 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

The nose sends a warning there is artificial components in here, as if you open a box of pralines, mix of dark and milk chocolate, with nuts, the taste again dark chocolate, then kind of Milka - sweet milky, buttery feeling with a hazelnut ending. The aftertaste is spicy mix of aforementioned chocolate praline components, with a bit of an alcohol kick. This one is not a rum, but a chocolate liqueur, not a bad one, smooth and intense, but still overpriced for a mix of additives with unaged alcohol (empty glass reveals nothing but the additives), forget about typical Panama traits - wood, leather and tobacco. If I forget the humbug with 12y age statement and take this Companero for what it really is - overproof chocolate liqueur - it is actually more entertaining than Mauritius Blue I reviewed week ago which tasted way too cheap and watery and was priced 30% higher than this Companero. Add three stars if you do not mind additives and sugar (40-50 gpl) in your drink. Review based on a sample.

Chaosrum 🇨🇭 | 6 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Remarkably smooth. The cocoa Note is a real surprise.

Simson 🇨🇿 | 138 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

A 12-year-old Panamanian rum from the well-known Danish company 1423. It is bottled at a relatively higher ABV (54%). It is sometimes called "chocolate" or "cocoa" rum.

Bottle: Traditional, black opaque.
Colour: Very pale, slightly yellowish, which is quite surprising for a so aged rum.

Nose: It smells strongly of chocolate (chocolate cake) or cocoa cream. There is also a slight mustiness and overripe to rotten oranges. For the alcohol strength, there's hardly any alcohol on the nose.
Taste: If you're familiar with condensed cocoa cream, it's something similar. It burns a bit on the tongue and in the throat after drinking. Here, the higher % of alcohol is more noticeable. The rum is quite sweet, with a taste of chocolate-covered oranges.
Finish: Long and sweet.

Finish: A surprisingly good and smooth spirit, but it tastes more like a very strong chocolate liqueur.
Rating: 7/10

Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Barva: Hodně světlá.
Vůně: Kofila ,silně vanilka a prazvláštní koření - složky kari: kardamom, zázvor, koriandr, pískavice..., v pozadí mírně citrusy, žádný dub.
Chuť: Sladká, čokoláda, vanilka, koření, pomeranč, štípne.
Dochuť: nic moc, přesto celkový dojem kupodivu zajímavý, netradiční. Dobré zkusit.

Morten Graenge 🇩🇰 | 349 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Ikke nogen specielt stor oplevelse, lidt for meget chokolade til min smag.

David 🇩🇪 | 93 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Light chocolate taste, a lot of alcoholic taste, slightly sweet.

masoun 🇨🇿 | 14 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Čokoláda, čokoláda, čokoláda....toto rozezná každý, i když říká, že nerozezná žádné vůně v rumu. Příjemně silný, nasládlý. čokoládový. Výborný dezert.

Weiny 🇨🇿 | 60 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I don't know, this is really a flight, there is a lot of both alcohol and chocolate. At first my mouth twists with a dose of ethanol, and then I feel the strange taste of chocolate on the palate for half an hour, not very pleasant.
I don't imagine rum this way, although it's certainly interesting. I am surprised by the interest of local rum experts, it seems that they already have their teeth full of classic rums, so they need a boost in the form of this rum chocolate bizarre :-)

Já nevím, tohle už je fakt úlet, obojího je moc, jak alkoholu, tak čokolády. Nejdřív se mi zkroutí pusa dávkou ethanolu, a pak se mi půl hodiny brká čokoláda... Takto si rum teda nepředstavuji, i když zajímavost se tomu vzít nedá... Překvapuje mě zdejší zaujetí místními rumovými velikány, zdá se, že už mají klasických rumů plné zuby, tak potřebují vzpruhu v podobě této rumové bizarnosti :-)

Rocky 🇸🇰 | 121 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Tento rum mi odporučila neter, miestne recenzie sa tu nad ním dosť rozplývali. A keďže som ho zohnal s 10€ zľavou, neváhal som. Očakávania teda boli veľké, i keď sa dosť spomínala výrazná chuť horkej čokolády (dochucované príliš nemusím). Vôňa jasne potvrdila čoko-zvesti, stále však bola v prijateľných medziach, teda mierna. Prekvapilo ma, že rum je veľmi svetlý, farby bieleho vína. 54% alkoholu je naozaj cítiť, drink je ostrý a štipľavý, až stŕpne jazyk a celá ústna dutina. Nie, toto je veľké sklamanie, k rumu by som to ani neprirovnával. V rovnakom čase sme doma ochutnávali aj 14-ks vzorkovník domáceho Tatra tea, skôr by sa to hodilo tam. Companero 12y je doslova sladký likér, avšak s obmedzenou piteľnosťou, keďže je strašne silný a strašne umelý, tá čokoláda znie veľmi neprirodzene. Dubové a ostatné tóny, ktoré mám na rumoch rád, tu absentujú. Nechápem, čím tento nápoj zaujal ostatných. Ak by som ho bol obstaral za bežnú cenu 33,90€, kúpa celej fľaše by ma určite škrela. O niečo lepší výsledok sa dostaví po pridaní množstva ľadu.

Staal 🇩🇰 | 60 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Light and boring colour. Odor is chockolade and sweet. Taste is sweet, strong and very intense. After taste is stronger and even more intense. Fine rum.

Brand Details

Name: Panama Extra Añejo 12-Year
ABV: 54%
Company: Companero
Country: Multiple
Type: Aged
Years Aged: 12
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Column Still (1-4)
Women Led: No