
Havana Club evolves in the bottle.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

So, when I travel internationally I always go to the duty free and get a few bottles of H.C. seeing it's not available in the states. Usually the 7yr old but this time the Maestro was on sale so I grabbed it. I first noticed this change in the rum with the 7yr old but it also seems to be in the Maestro as well. When 1st opening the bottle it has the typical leather and tobacco notes that I like. After 7 days, not 6 days, the profile changed to a dominant dark chocolate profile. At 1st I thought it was a one off or it was the food I had. So this time I counted the days and although it was hard to let the opened bottle sit for 7 days I still had 1/4 left. I had 2 pours everyday and this Maestro changed just like the 7yr old on the 7th day. I now realize that 7 days is the turning point. So I will pop the next bottle hoping for the same results. I've never noticed this change in any other rum although a bottle usually last me only 5 days especially if I like it! Lol! Has anyone else experienced this or is it my imagination? If so what other rums pull this off? 

Jimmy Cliff avatar image
Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings

Well I made it a week with a good Tot left. Not sure my pallet is pure enough to recognize (Cigar Smoker) Anyway I did think it was a bit better. I have a bottle of HC 15 coming will deffinately try another shot at it.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Jimmy, hopefully the rum gods will comply. I'm expecting a bottle of Maestro this weekend from Canada and will again put it through the 7 day test so stay tuned. Arrrgh!

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Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings

Ok I'm ready opened a 65th birthday Father's Day bottle of Santiago de Cuba Isla Tesoro last night. Very mild easy to drink not very complex hope to keep some for 7 days. Might be hard it's wax sealed have to open cork like wine, but the opening is too big for any cork from anything I can find. Drinking some now dry smooth satisfying but without any lingering depth. 

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Update, my last bottle of Maestro and it's day 7. Yep, that dark chocolate came out this time too! I'm now convinced that H.C. has something unique that others don't. Just wish I could get this locally. Cheers!

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Jimmy, I have the same situation with my rum. I enjoy it before it can evolve. It was just by chance that we discovered this going on. This may actually allow me to cut down on my drinking. Lol. But with that being said I'm all over this and now have adapted to this 7 day rule. I thinking some rums will take longer some less and maybe some not at all. But, this H.C. has it. There's no doubt in my mind! This may be what rum is all about. Hey, you never know!. I'll be standing by to see what you have found. Cheers!

Jimmy Cliff avatar image
Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings

Need to try this myself. I typically enjoy Maestros right from opening. 

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Bar, I agree that the 2 are quite different. The Maestro is more refined and dryer. I like both! So, although oxidation does seem logical I've never noticed it in other rums. I will now be paying closer attention looking for this change in all my rums. I especially like this change with H.C. it's like a 2 for 1 flavor deal. When I first noticed it with the 7yr old I had no clue as to timing. This time I wasn't expecting this change with the Maestro but kept an eye out on the timing. Last night was day 7 and that's when I started to detect this same change. And last week we finished off a bottle of 7yr that had been on the boat for a good couple of months and we didn't notice any further change but thought that it may have lost a bit of the original change from when we hit the bottle about a week after opening it. So this may be a temporary adjustment that the rum goes through with oxidation. Very interesting situation and well rewarding! Cheers!!!

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

you re talking about oxidation, but it s not so fast in my opinion, and by the way havana club 7 and seleccion of maestros are totally different things, the maestros is very dry while the 7 y.o. have additional sweetenings, if you see that rums are better after oxidation is nice for us to read here your impressions 

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