
Never hurts to learn something new or be reminded of something we know

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Rumrun11 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 125 ratings Author

I went through the discussion topics and was not able to find any recent information about the history of the drink that we find so appealing. Below is a link to a you tube video that is under 10 minutes that I found really almost too informative about rum. I want to make one point. I have absolutely NO affilation to this video. I just thought it was interesting and informative and that from time to time it certainly does not hurt to learn about something new. There were a couple of things that I had to double check on my own as I do not take everything at face value and this video / history turned out to be really very accurate from all I was able to find. If you like history and want to know more about rum. It is worth a watch. I really got the idea from a recent trip to Norway and I was in the Fram Museum and there was a bottle of rum on the actual ship from the early 1900's that was not opened from their voyage to the South Pole. Unfortunately the photo I had did not turn out so well as the bottle was in a very dark display case. 


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