
Is Hampden 8 year worth $78+?

Gran Matteo 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings Author

I've read quite a few reviews of the Hampden 8 year and have always wanted to try it. My local co-op grocery store happens to have it at the cheapest price, at $78 (before tax). I live in WA and tax is extremely high on spirits (20.5%), so that easily pushes the $100 range. My question is pretty simple, is it worth it at $78 (read; $96)? 

I know taste is subjective so the question is ultimately down to how hard I want to try it... I do appreciate a Jamaican rum with some hogo and intriguing flavors, but maybe something else might put my money to better use? Thoughts?

P.S. I tend to enjoy my spirits neat, if not, then in a simple 'ti punch style drink. 




rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings

Absolutely true. I have not yet found an aged ("brown") rum that goes well with soda. But most white rums seem to do.


It is, of course, a matter of taste too. I am a big fan of whisky soda, so I am obviously biased in favour of soda water.

Gran Matteo 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings Author

Oh yeah I should have clarified that by neat I guess I didn't mean in the strict sense. Overproofs on their own are a bit much, so water is a good option. Good to know it plays with soda water, not all rums do, imo.

rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings

Not neat in the strict sense. I add some (sometimes quite a lot) of water. Otherwise, I find it too harsh in the mouth

Wray and Nephew is also great with soda (sparkling water). It is, of course, also an excellent mixer.

Rum Fire is excellent too (also from Hampden), but I like Wray and Nephew a bit better (plus Wray and Nephew is much cheaper..)

I want to try the Rum-Bar Overproof soon.

Gran Matteo 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings Author

Thanks Rumtrinker,

Do you drink wray and nephew neat? I'm tempted pick up some Rum Fire too.

rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings

While I think that Hampden 8 YO is excellent stuff, I find it hard to answer whether it is worth that price. If you can buy it without hurting your budget too much, go for it. If not, something cheaper and tasty is to be prefered.

It is hard to find aged rum that delivers the sort of funk that Hampden 8 does. Possibly, Smith and Cross may be a cheap substitute, but is way less complex.

But if it is funk that you are after, Wray and Nephew White Overproof might be a good (and cheap) option.

Gran Matteo 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings Author

I did end up picking up a bottle... and just to answer my own question, it's very worth the price :)

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

was thinking about jamaican rum style ;-)

Alas avatar image
Alas 🇵🇷 | 604 ratings

@bar la moura: "appleton...is the less jamaican rum from jamaica" :) funniest thing I heard this week

Gran Matteo 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings Author

Thanks all. It looks like this will be my next addition to my very full cabinet of liquor... stay tuned :D

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

it s worth ! if you want to know jamaican style ... other brands are even more expensive (apart appleton estate that in my opinion is the less jamaican rum from jamaica)

Les 80 avatar image
Les 80 🇬🇧 | 76 ratings

Very good rum 

It's about what you pay in UK... I think it's worth it ..

if u like the funk 

Alas avatar image
Alas 🇵🇷 | 604 ratings

Have both, Hampden the younger is way better

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