
Pusser's cork issues

stonytokes 🇺🇸 | 26 ratings Author

The bottoms of the corks from the last two bottles of Gunpowder Proof I've purchased have broken  off whilst uncorking and ended up floating in the bottle. I don't really drink their blue label any longer, preferring the GPP,  but seem to remember I had issues with a couple of the corks when I did. 


Anyone else have issues with Pusser"s corks? I love their rum, but find this to be a bit annoying...

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Yeah, I just had a top separate from the "cork" (plastic?) on a bottle of Hamilton Jamaican.

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

These are dried out corks when the bottle has been standing for years without coming into contact with the rum. It can happen, it also happened to me with the El Dorado PM97. With the GPP, the cap came off the cork. These are cheap rums with cheap corks.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings

Since I only buy Pusser's Gunpowder Proof and the nearesst place that I can get it is 200 miles away, Pusser's has not been in my collection for more than a year.

I had the very same problem with two corks falling apart when I opened the botttles of clairins. Luckily, I had a collection of corks and two of them happened to fit.

So what to do about the rum full of tiny bits of cork? Get a funnel and a larger bottle to transfer it to. Line the inside of the funnel with a paper towel. Pouring this mess into the funnel will catch all of the tiny bits of cork from going back into the rum. Make sure to thoroughly wash out the original bottle before pouring the rum back into it.

Good luck!


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