
Which rum for beginner ?

Martin 🇸🇰 | 20 ratings Author Posted 23 Mar '23

I have tasted like 5 bottles of rum. I really liked Don Papa. Also i want to try Diplomatico. Please not so expensive.

wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings Replied 23 Mar '23

If you really like Don Papa, it sounds like you would be best going for the very sweet rums.

Have a look at http://rumproject.com/rumforum/viewtopic.php?t=1683

for a list of rums and their added sugar levels. Be aware though that the EU has recently put limits on the amount of sugar that can be added to a rum, so some will now have quite a bit less.

Martin 🇸🇰 | 20 ratings Author Replied 23 Mar '23

Thanks for answer. And what do you recommend for start? Is Diplomatico worth it?

wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 120 ratings Replied 23 Mar '23

To be honest, I go for dry rums so I don't have much experience with sweeter ones. 

I have tried Don Papa though, and it reminded me more of some of the spiced rums such ad Kracken or Chairman's Reserve Spiced.

Whether Diplomatico is worth it, I couldn't really say. I found it sweet,  but much less so than Don Papa, but with a much more complex flavour. It rates very highly though, so might be worth a punt.

mwb1 🇬🇧 | 9 ratings Replied 23 Mar '23

I would say diplomatic leans to the sweeter side- definitely worth trying in my opinion 

Jara avatar image
Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings Replied 11 Apr '23

Když pro začátečníka a sladší, tak tedy:  Centenario 20 ,  Captain Morgan Private Stock , Legendario Elixir de Cuba...

Plus tvůj wishlist, ten je O.K.

Po čase pak: Quorhum 30 , A.H.Riise Non Plus Ultra, Centenario Real

Dobré je zkusit rovnou  i nějaké sušší (bajan) rumy, třeba budeš překvapený a sednou ti : Mount Gay XO , Doorlys 14 yo

(Existují i šílené varianty rumů tzv. high esterové, třeba pro začátek nějaký Clairin?)

Pokud si chceš udělat jakýsi průzkum a nevyhazovat zbytečně peníze za láhve rumu co ti nezachutnají, pročti si nějaké recenze a zkus vzorky. U nás v ČR stránky: dramroom cz



vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 11 Apr '23

Go for Diplomatico RE, Zacapa 23, AH Riiese and Plantation XO. You need to know this stuff. You may not buy them later, but they taste good in the beginning.

Alas avatar image
Alas 🇵🇷 | 604 ratings Replied 11 Apr '23

entry level and easy to find: Zacapa 23, plantation xo, zafra 21, santa teresa 1796, diplomatico reserva

once you get hooked: foursquare, el dorado, zafra 30, abuelo finish collection

once you get really hooked: hamilton, hampden, worthy park, privateer

mamo avatar image
mamo 🇮🇹 | 0 ratings Replied 24 Apr '23

Hello Martin,

Don Papa it is almost considered a liqueur. Diplomatico is a good rum, better than Zacapa (my opinion). You should keep trying with Matuzalem, Pampero aniversario, they are good for a starter pack not expensive.

Les 80 avatar image
Les 80 🇬🇧 | 76 ratings Replied 27 Apr '23

i would try burgal 1888 very easy to sip

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 16 May '23

You should explore the rum world to see where your palate stands. Some dry, some not so sweet and some sweet rums. I, personally, just go for anything I haven't had in order to fully enjoy the voyage. Right now my favorite is R.L. Seals 10yr old but I continually find myself going back to ElDorado for some reason???? Try their 8, 12 & 15yr old. 

Jimmy Cliff avatar image
Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings Replied 11 Jun '23

Martin, I have read and agree with the comments and have a few more for you. Dos Maderos 5+5 is a great sub $40 rum spending 5 years in the Caribbean and another 5 in Juarez Spain and I believe another year in their PX Brandy casks. Similar to diplimatico but with the nice sherry finish. Also you need to venture to the Guayana unique flavors I recommend starting with Pusser's Blue label, sub $30 US. It's a nice road to venture down.

Balazs33 🇭🇺 | 26 ratings Replied 7 Jul '23

Good morning Rum lovers!

I'm a beginner in rum tasting but I was lucky enough to taste the following: Diplomatico, Matusalem 15 and 23 years, Ron de Jeremy, Millonario Solera 15, Opthimus 21. After that I bought a bottle of A. H. Riise Non Plus Ultra Black and felt that I never want to drink anything else. Of course naturally driven by curiosity so I would like to ask for your advice on what to try next. Thank you in advance, Balázs

Alas avatar image
Alas 🇵🇷 | 604 ratings Replied 7 Jul '23

@Balazs33 recommend you go to the RumRatings page for that expression (AHR black) filter everyone that gave it a 10 and look at their cabinet to see what else they rated a 10.  Likely you have similar tastes, noticed a lot of those users also really like Bumbu Rum:



Balazs33 🇭🇺 | 26 ratings Replied 10 Jul '23

Dear Alas, thank you for your reply! (yes I know Bumbu, it was my first love but I started to looking for something more "serious") I checked the ratings and decided to taste Quorhum 30 and Cubaney Centenario 25-30. Thank you again!

MALAYES avatar image
MALAYES 🇮🇹 | 17 ratings Replied 26 Aug '23

Hello, if you like sweet rums, I can recommend:

El Dorado 12

Diplomatico Reserva Exsclusiva (both excellent, at a good price)

Spytail original Cognac cask finished.

Haven't tried many yet, but these are ok at a good price.
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