
World's oldest rum is still MUCH cheaper than whiskey???

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Rumrun11 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 125 ratings Author

Very recently a bottle of Harewood Barbados rum that was from 1780!!! sold for $30k to a collector in Switzerland. Quite the price but is it??? I can go to the TW nearest me in Delaware and find whiskey selling for more - right off the shelf at $54k (well locked in a case - but you get the idea). I guess I am just trying to understand how a rum from 1780 can sell for less than half of old whiskey. Is it just supply and demand? As I looked on the internet and "expensive rums" compared to "expensive whiskey" the rum is often a fraction of the price. Rum also evaporates at a much faster pace during maturation so other than supply and demand I am just not getting how the world's oldest known rum could sell for a lot less money than a 1940s' whiskey that is in stock at my local TW store.  Maybe I should be glad because I can get absolutely great rum for around $75 and under but not so much with whiskey. Am I missing something with such a huge price difference between the two? 

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DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Very nice! I've not gone down the cognac path yet, beyond a few just made for mixing, but in my ignorance, I'd much rather that one than the Louis XIII! I'll doubtfully ever know what either is like though...

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

I can buy a cognac from 1934 for 790€ (if I would buy a 80y old whisky or rum, don't ask for the price):

1934er Cognac Vallein Tercinier - Brut de Fut"This little baby should have been distilled in 1934 and was almost 80 years old at time of bottling. Nose, it’s simply a miracle in a bottle! Mouth, terrific !! Finish, surprisingly long…"(93/100 Serge Valentin - WhiskyFun)

But is the age that important? I would prefer a good taste over the old age.

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DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Wow, that's impressive. One of my local TWMs here did have some rums and tequilas pushing the 1K range, I can't recall exactly what they were, but if memory serves, one of the rums was a Ron Abuelo something or other. I could be wrong, I'll have to go check it out! They do have (or had) a few in the several hundred dollar range as well. I think the most expensive item though by volume at my local is the Louis XIII cognac at $800.00 for a 50ml bottle.

Rumrun11 avatar image
Rumrun11 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 125 ratings Author

Hello DB. the TW and More in Claymont DE has in stock a 1940s' whiskey priced at $54k and there were a few others still well over $10k. Most expensive rum the could find there was about $150 

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DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

What the heck wisky was that at a TWM? My local TWM has had some in the north of 5K range, but I've never seen anything like that pricey.

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

Rum is much cheaper than whisky. There are more whisky collectors than rum collectors. It would be even cheaper with cognac. You can get very old cognack bottles quite cheaply.

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