
bottom shelf buxom bottle - comparison

Rumrun11 avatar image
Rumrun11 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 125 ratings Author Posted 18 Dec '22

Disclaimer: this is meant to be what it is, a fun look at the lables on bottom shelf spcied rum. So if you are totally in the PC or cancel culture crowd this will not be for you.  Okay, so I wanted to compare the buxom ladies on Calypso and Lady Bligh rums. Not just the lables but the rums themsleves, which as we all figured leave a lot of be desired, at least as far as taste.  I tried both side by side and these are my findings. (yes, I probably had too much time on my hands today). Color: Laby Bligh and Calyspo - identical, light amber flavor. Aroma: LB strong vaniilla aroma. Calypso, not so much except alcohol.   Winner Lady Bligh.   Neat: LB HEAVY vanilla flavoring very mild on the spice with some alcohol burn. Calypso, little lighter on the artifical vanilla and a bit more spice with less burn. Winner: Calypso. On the rocks: LB Muted flavors. Calypso, still some flavor and a bit more complex. Winner: Calypso. Bottle design: Slight edge goes to Calypso as I like the firey red head with the sword and treasure chest next to her as opposed to the raven haired beauty with the high heeled boots.   Neither rum is good except perhaps as a mixer but with the world the way it is, who knows how long it will be before some group decides that these two lables and the women they depcit are the cause for all of ours problems and they DEMAND a change to them. My pick, and not by much is that Calypso is all around just a tad better. Sorry I need to do this in 2 parts as I could not figure out how to add 2 photos to 1 discussion page

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