
Rums like Pusser's

rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Author

Reading the discussion on "Navy Rum" (the term, of course, is mostly a marketing stunt) and re-reading some of the reviews by the Fat Rum Pirate, my curiosity has been re-kindled.

Namely: What rums are there that are similar to Pusser's?

I find El Dorado 12 very different, much sweeter, less complex. Lemon Hart is very sirupy and with a strange bitter burnt cocoa (I have also described it as licorice) note that I am not too fond of. Plus no other non-Jamaican rum seems to have the funk that Pusser's has.

I have found a similar funk in Appleton 12 Rare and in an older Plantation Multi-Island, which does contain a bit of Jamaica rum. But, of course, these rums are otherwise quite different from Pusser's.

Very much like Myers's, goes very well with fruit juice or cola too. But, obviously, very different from Pusser's. And really too harsh and burnt-licorice-ish to drink neat.

I would also like to try the 50th anniversary Pusser's, but I am not willing to pay the sort of money that is now asked for it. One of the beautiful things about Pusser's is the relative affordability of it. For 150 Euros I would like something else really (in fact, I am hesitant to spend that ammount of money on any booze. 60 Euros is my limit so far and I find that quite steep). Also got an old bottling of Pusser's (old label, old bottle, Guyana/Trinidad/Virgin Islands, 42%, hidden at the back of the shelf - I assume it is from 2010 or earlier). Totally different stuff. Lovely, but I like the current Pusser's better.


Somewhat long-winded, sorry. But maybe useful to give some context to my question:

Is there any other rum that you would describe as close to (contemporary) Pusser's?

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings


I haven't tasted Woods, but I believe there could be some similarities with Pusser's cause both consists of lots of Demerara rum.

Les 80 avatar image
Les 80 🇬🇧 | 76 ratings

Stefan I have a bottle off woods at 57% but I only have a mouthful to warm me up .when it's very cold 

Les 80 avatar image
Les 80 🇬🇧 | 76 ratings

ok I will start with the blue label since it's cheapest  👍

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings

Les 80,

Depends a little what you like, but if you want to start with the smoothest one. Start with the 15 yo and next the blue label before you go on with the ones at higher ABV.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Stefan, drooling and jealous! Arrrgh!

Les 80 avatar image
Les 80 🇬🇧 | 76 ratings

Stefan which pussers would be good to start with ? I never had any 

Revival Rum 🇬🇧 | 0 ratings

Pussers are very good blenders. We missed a trick selling Charles Tobias the rights to our Navy's blend recipe.

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings


I really like everything from Pusser's (have 11 different right now, the missing one on the added picture is the Spiced Gunpowder Proof) and I was fourtunate to get 3 more bottles of the old 15yo (have 4 right now) a while ago from an auction site for €68/each, auction fees and delivery costs included.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Stefan, I drooled seeing that Pusser's  collection. How have you been able to hang on to that red label 15yr old? When it went out of production I got 6 bottles and there was just no way they were going to just sit around. The new variation is good but at $90 it's not getting in my bar like that red label did at $65!

rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Author

I am only partially convinced of this logic. While Pusser's does excellent rum; at the pricepoint of their Blue that can hardly be rocket science or super exclusive ingredients. I would be very surprised if there are no other rums that are similar to Pusser's.

Not looking for a Pusser's replacement, obvously. That would be pointless, since the price is right and anything similar is likely to be more expensive.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Nobody can make Pusser's but Pusser's. They all try and fourtunately find a work around which makes for some interesting rums. But Pusser's is and always has been a leader! Nothing compares!

rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Author

Thank you. That is highly useful :)

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings

The strength is the big difference, but I think the Blue is sweeter also but that can also just be a feeling cause the strength balance out the sweetness from the Demerara so that I get a drier feeling.

I must also say, so that you don't think I'm cheating you, that the 15yo is much rounder and smother, but also a little sweeter (than the Blue) which I believe have been reduced since it first was released.


rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Author

Very interesting. I thought the 15 would be very different from the Blue.

In that case, I might need to try the 15 (i.e. buy a bottle - no other way to try it, I fear).


On the other hand, I am quite sure that Blue and Gunpowder are more or less the same stuff, just at different strengths. Do you find them to differ in something other than strength?

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings


OK, but then I can say that the Deptford has more in common with with the Gunpowder Proof and the 15yo has more in common with the Pusser's Blue.

rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Author

I am well-acquainted with the Gunpowder Proof. And I happen to like it for Painkillers, but I prefer the Blue for sipping. When I said "like Pusser's", I really meant "like Pusser's Blue or Gunpowder".


I also quite like the 75% overproof that is sold under the Pusser's label, but that rum really is a totally different animal.


The Deptford might be worth a try. But the reviews read as though the rum is quite different from Pusser's Blue.


I have not yet tried the Pusser's 15, but I have read that it is rather sweet, which would not suit my taste.

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings


If you find the 50th Anniversary or the Deptford Dockyard Reserve too expensive, try the Gunpowder Proof which have some similarities with them even if it not really can compete with them.

stonytokes 🇺🇸 | 26 ratings

Myer's Single Barrel is pretty decent as well and the price is right...at least in my area.

stonytokes 🇺🇸 | 26 ratings

In my experience there's nothing that really compares to Pusser's. I've never had the 50th Anniversary, but the 15-year is quite likely my favorite rum hands down so far.

If you like Pusser's I think you might enjoy other dark overproofs like Plantation OFTD, or even Goslings 151, both of which I consider to be excellent bang for the buck purchases.

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