
The low end of the ratings

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author

We all strive to find the very best rums. Many of us also strive to find the best rums for the money, myself included. And all of us will eventually get stuck with rums that are duds. So what about the low end of the ratings?

Most of my ratings wound up as a 6 with a lesser amount for 7 and 5 ratings. Anything above a 7 or less than a 5 wound up in small percentages. For me, a rum that I rate as a 5 or less will never be bought again. Out of the rums that I paid $60 US or more for, only five wound up with my rating of 5 or 4. 

Now that you know that my rums rated at a 3 or less are on the cheaper side, what do I use to define the lowest of the barrel. Only one has earned my rating of 1, with a few rating as a 2.  If a rum cannot be improved by any form of mixing, then it gets my bottom two ratings. As for the lone rum with my rating of 1, it was absolutely hopeless, even as a mixer.

I noticed quite a few of you do not give extremely low ratings, for whatever reason. Since I have paid for all of my own rums out of my own pocket, the few that deserve my low ratings have rightfully earned my "fist-in-the-gut" type of reviews.


Jimmy Cliff avatar image
Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings

You guys are my rum hero's, mine are all in my mind and I ocaisionally revisit rums as my tastes might have matured and something I thought was sub par becomes par, but I've never changed a rating up or down more than 1 point. Good is good and nasty is nasty, I keep an open mind but if I don't like something nothing will make me like it. But based on recommendations I have started culling old bottles out by drinking or giving away. 

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author


I have an extra column, which I use for a code: 1=opened, 2=closed, 3=excellent buys no longer on hand, 4=good buys no longer on hand, 5=average buys no longer on hand, and 6=terrible buys no longer on hand. The code 3 and 4 rums often see repeat purchases, but never from the code 5 or 6.

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings


No problem with your assumption!

 I have an excel chart with all my rum at my shelves with one column where I write opening dates.

But as I wrote earlier I don't have especially many bottles opened at the same time. I believe that I by moment just have 10 bottles opened.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author


How on earth do you keep track of when all of your bottles have been opened? I use a spreadsheet and have recommeded placing freezer tape on the bottom to mark the date opened.

So your rum collection must be like my history of concerts attended. When did  such an event happen? I just look up the concert associated with that event (and recently, I even looked up the set list from January 20, 1988!). So in your case, it may be like "That bottle got opened when my best friend had his first grandchild born", or something similar. A true rum calendar, but forgive me if I assumed wrong.

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings


I don't keep the Stroh's, but could have for nostalgic reasons cause it's a party rum down in Austria for Swedes going down there for skiing.

 I keep the Thai SangSom (rated 2) for that reason.

The two 5's is English Harbour White 3yo (Wanting a complete shelf) and Cachaca 51 for Caprinhas.

The four 6's is English Harbour Gold 3yo (Same reason as the one above), Angostura 1919 (Same reason), Montebello 4yo (Same reason) and Goslings Black Seal for Dark 'n' Stormy's.

 I don't believe any of my rum had been detoriated cause I haven't more bottles opened at the same time than I can finish in normally 6 months or in few cases within a year if it's an really expensive or rare bottle.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author


For the rums that I have rated from 8 to 10, my grand total now stands at 11.4%. So yes, you do rate higher than me, but you also have access to more exotic choices than we have in the USA. My 6 ratings total 35.4%, which is slightly less than the total of your 8 to 10 ratings. You have clearly researched these reviews to avoid getting stuck with crap. 

My focus for creating my spreadsheet is to answer my own question, "To buy or not to buy".  And as you have probably guessed, all of my ratings try to closely follow a normal distribution with 6 in the middle. Anything that I rate below a 6 will never be bought again. The guinea pig in me will try almost anything, and it is my rum duty to inform this community of all the crap that I come across.

I looked at all of your digital cabinets on this site and it just blows me away. I don't collect rums and the ones that I keep on hand are in heavy rotation. You probably have more of a need for a spreadsheet than me, but your focus will be totally different than mine, which slowly evolved over the years. If anything, a column for "Date Opened" is absolutely essential. By the way, with all of the rums in your collection, how many have deteriorated in taste? And what bottle was opened the longest time ago?

Your bottle of Stroh's is the obvious low rating and kept only for nostalgic reasons. I can get that one over here, but absolutely refuse to buy it after reading the reviews. Then again, it sounds like it could give my only rating of 1 a run for the money. Hopefully, you will never get stuck with a rum that you rate as a 1.

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings

I don't have a chart over all my tasted rum as you have Paul. Having it just over those on my shelves.

But I got interested what it looks like after reading your post. So I checked it up with the below results.

1:  0%   2:  1,5%   3:  1,8%   4:  2,1%   5:  6,3%   6:  16,9%   7:  34,4%   8:  24,2%   9:  10,9%   10: 1,8%   So it seems like I rate higher than you are Paul.

I also checked how I've rated the ones on my shelves.

 I have 1 bottle rated 2, 2 bottles rated 5, 4 bottles rated 6, 16 bottles rated 7 and 83 bottles rated 8-10.

The lower rated bottles (below 7) are there because of nostalgic reasons.

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