
Looking back on nearly five years

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Posted 7 Jul '22

Before I first started on this site, my "luxury rums" were Matusalem Gran Reserve 15 and El Dorado 12. Both are still available as old standbys, but not rated near the top as before I started on here.

Out of 448 rums now reviewed, 267 are not worth buying again and 181 are definitely worth buying again. Pretty pathetic!

Out of this group of 181, 89 were not available when I started and are new arrivals. Only 48 qualify as old standbys, while 31 need a road trip of 200 miles or more to obtain. And surprisingly, only 13 are no longer available. In the case of Cana Brava 3 Year old, it has become part of Selvarey White, a new arrival.

For whatever it is worth, I chose to share all of this with you. It does answer the question on why I keep trying new rums, and the answer is new arrivals to the shelves.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 7 Jul '22

I hope the new arrivals never stop because I want to try it all! There's nothing that can beat experimenting with the labors of man's love. Rum being in the top 10 of his history. I look forward to every new arrival good or bad. It will be my decision to decide & that's  a gift in itself. Arrrgh!☠

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 7 Jul '22


Thanks to marketing and higher demands for rum, the new arrivals will keep coming.

I also hope that you don't get stuck with something like Izalco 10 Year.


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