
Buying in Massachusetts!

Sam W 🇺🇸 | 6 ratings Author
New to the fine art of enjoying rums but making up for lost time quickly. Massachusetts has a lot of limitations on what rums you can buy, not sure why! A couple of different rums I want to get my hands on but can not are the 'facundo' Bacardi range and the 'mezan' range of rums. 1. Are the Facundo rums worth it. There seem to be many conflicting reviews. 2. Does any one know of any place in Massachusetts or southern NH that carry them. Cheers
Sam W 🇺🇸 | 6 ratings Author
I have looked on masters of malt a few times but never pulled the trigger because of shipping charges. Its the Yorkshire in me that makes me cheap i guess lol. I like pacific online because over $100 its free shipping
mistercoughy 🇺🇸 | 239 ratings
Thanks. I'm pretty much a regular at MoM now. Have pushed food, shelter and clothing way down on my list of priorities...
Sam W 🇺🇸 | 6 ratings Author
I found http://pacificonlinespirits.com will also ship to Mass if it helps mistercoughy I have more or less exhausted this supply though :)
mistercoughy 🇺🇸 | 239 ratings
I've bought stuff online from these 3 places without a hitch. As far as I know they are the only sellers who will ship to Mass no questions asked: masterofmalt.com holidaywinecellar.com melandrose.com Good luck!
Sam W 🇺🇸 | 6 ratings Author
Great info A.Greenleaf! Thanks for the input, looking into yankee spirits and table and vine. I was mulling over masters of malt and if they were worth it, which they seem to be especially with the samples you can get. Thanks again.
A.Greenleaf 🇺🇸 | 51 ratings
Mezan is at Yankee spirits. Look in to Norwood wine and liqueurs. I get a lot of my rare stuff from master of malt in the uk. They ship right to you in mass. Try table and vine also.
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