
I need rum reccomendations

Krogulson avatar image
Krogulson 🇵🇱 | 16 ratings Author

Hey folks,

Im looking forward to buy a new sipping rum, Im not gonna lie, I'm a Newbie and I only tried Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva.Could you reccomend me a few bottles for the price of  +/- 43€ / 46$ 

It can be any style. I would greatly appreciate Your help with directing me towards the next rum purchase,


bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

so i have a rum to propose to Krogulson, is my preferred rum the mount gay xo triple cask blend, it s full of fruity flavors, no sugar added (i know i m boring but for me it s important) so you will feel only the natural rum sweetness, 43% abv is also good, it s the first rum brand in the world (founded in 1703), i tried also their most expensive 1703 master select and it have same flavors just enchanced but it costs 3 times more so the best buy it s the xo, i m sure is available in Poland too ... please try it and let me know ...

Tomasz avatar image
Tomasz 🇵🇱 | 24 ratings

Mój top do spróbowania: rumy z Plantation - naprawdę dobry towar. Plantation XO świetny. Chcesz czegoś bardziej wytrawnego, poszukaj Xamaica Special Dry od nich. Z innych rzeczy - np. Ron de Jeremy mi bardzo smakuje, ale jest z tych słodszych, podobnie Dictador . Dość wytrawny jest El Ron Prohibido. 

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Interesting! I've never tried that. I'm not a big wine person, but I've got a TWM near me and they carry that one, about 9 USD, reasonably well-rated too (at least on the TWM website..). For that price, I might just try it!

Ellerslie Liquor Centre 🇳🇿 | 0 ratings

I think 19 Crimes Wine is a great wine, I am looking forward to trying the other flavours.

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

ok stefan, thank you for caring, i m not offended, for me even 12 to 20 gpl is too much, i do 

like what people call bourbon or whisky drinker s rum, and even dry rum is not 

always high rated by me ...

will check for sure this new legislation ...

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings

bar la moura,

I'm not offended and I don't think you should be either. It would be really sad if you stop taking part in the discussions because of this discussion, but you must be prepared to take some criticism.

In this case because you use figures from tests that's not valid for the rum produced today.

For. Ex. El dorado (12 & 15) has nowadays below 20gpl (so it's still sweetened) to meet the EU rules.

We had a discussion about the EU rules some time ago here. "New EU legislation 2021 for adding sugar into rum."

Take part of that one, that will save you time instead of searching it on the web.

Finally, if you think some rum is too sweet for you, it's perfectly alright with me. Cause that's your opinion that no one can take away from you.

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Bar - I don't think you are offending anybody, certainly not me. You should absolutley feel free to express your opinions - as we all should! Like you said, we're all adults doing just that. It is what makes it more interesting! And speaking of interesting, I think this is a good watch on tequila:


Yes, yes, I know this site is a rum site, but... ( ◠‿◠ )

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

i really respect you because you tried so much rum, and also if you love some brand for some

sentimental reason even if it s sweetened, it s not a problem for me, it s your taste 

but also you have to respect my opinion, here we talk about impressions and feelings about

rum that we all love, if i don t find a hydrometer test but i do feel it s sugar added, that s my opinion,

i don t accuse guys that like sweet stuff so same if i like dry (no sweetened) rum

it s my problem and no one can accuse me to be a purist or something else

and usually this happens with brands that do sugaring in other (tested) products

and sure i m thinking of doing my hydrometer tests

and also what is my opinion for corporations producing rum ? nothing but just a voice

i d like if some bigger guys accuse them for what they do, because overall quality will be better

if regulated ... we live in democratic nations, so we all can saying our opinion without 

offending each other ok ? one more thing, i (happily) found that your nation and

finland started doing tests for rum but didn t found that EU have some regulation about this ...

and ok if we take it generally, rum with or without sugar is always alcohol and as such

is a poison to be taken in low quantities so ...

now if i see some people offended i ll stop writing here, will do just reviews

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings

bar la moura,

You should know that i like my rum without additatives, but I'm not a pureist.

My input is more about that you should take it a little bit more easy when evidence is weak.

On the other hand it's up to you if you think something is to sweet for you, but you shouldn't accuse any producer without having reliable evidence.

At last, why don't you do your own hydrometer tests.

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

don t worry DB, we re adults just discuting and my italian temperament sometimes

prevails because i really love rum but all without sugar ones that today are hard to find

as for tequilas we use only 100% agave but when you get in an ordinary shop

most are mixtos (half tequila, half probably cachaca), but i don t like tequila as i love a good rum

and also i don t know what are mexican regulations for dosing and everything else ...

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Oh, sorry!  I was not meaning that you were parroting anybody, it was me doing that...I hope you did not take that personally or in the wrong way!

And of course you will taste and sense what you will, and that'll be different from others - nothing is wrong with that.

I'd say this is buyer beware - the average Joe doesn't know that so many tequilas in their favoriyte shops are manipulated (they don't know the rules governing, and why would they? And more importantly, most of them wouldn't care - they like what they like for the taste. And sure, chill-filtering isn't breaking any rules, but most folks that I know anyway would rather have it stated on a bottle...)

We for sure agree - aspartame, not my cup of tea! Blech! (but I still now people that like it...or tolerate it...) I hear you on the sugar thing - and there is nothing wroing with your opinion on the matter. So don't get me wrong, it's all just my opinions too. It's what makes life interesting...

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

ok i ve tried my bottles and i cant confirm , those rums all sweetened,

i feel it in the mouth, even recent bought ones

so if confirming an evidence, if is parroting someone that have more experience

than me ok, i m a parrot ! said this i have some recension (not many as you too) and i have my 

senses like you have, i can feel what is sweetened and what not ok ?

plus i drink other spirits too, some old cognacs i ve tried are also sweetened.

coloring can be permitted and it s generally obtained with just a little bit of

caramel (not 30-40 grams per liter, generally 0 to 5 and that can be ok for me)

and chill filtering is not adulterating a product,

ok you can lose some flavour but it s just filtering ...

while adding sugar without saying it is pure deception, it s making 

people buying a thing that is not, a destillate and not a liquor !

so to finish my bottle of ED 12 is sweetened, you guys maybe will find my bar and i ll offer you a try

and stefan (can call me a purist but i m not) some time ago i bought some english harbour

after speaking with you, of course is not as diplo but for me is still too much sugaring ...

i can give you guys an example: we serve an excellent (for me expensive to buy, a mixture of 95%

arabica and just 5% robusta, yes all the coffee can be divided in 2 groups, arabica is flavour and

strength while robusta is just to have little bit of cream on the top) coffee

and we have sugar on every table, so who like can use and who not can drink it without

With sugaring rum i don t have this choice, i can t read on labels how much sugar is 

added, and this making me mad !

it s worse than cola zero, at least they say on the label (in very small characters) 

that they put aspartame (and many other stuff) in it, same when i buy many other

edible things, if i want i can read what is inside ! with rum is not that way and

for sure this site also don t help very much because more than half of us

really love sugar added stuff !

for whiskies i hate NAS practice (no age statement)

in my bar we also sell a lot of local wine, mostly white from the sort malvasia (our terroir

garants best results with this kind), to give best experience to my customers i ve tried many kinds 

and chosen a really good product from many to be our home wine (because even in our regionally

relatively small small wine production, many brands after some success became too smart,

rised price while lowered quality), but with rum we still have a chaos !

so when i sell a macallan or yamazaki (whisky), they are really expensive but i m proud to sell top notch,

with rum no discussions, people want zacapa, diplomatico and plantation and ok i have them,

no discussion, but i know those are adulterated products 


bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

ok i ve tried my bottles and i cant confirm , those rums all sweetened,

i feel it in the mouth, even recent bought ones

so if confirming an evidence, if is parroting someone that have more experience

than me ok, i m a parrot ! said this i have some recension (not many as you too) and i have my 

senses like you have, i can feel what is sweetened and what not ok ?

plus i drink other spirits too, some old cognacs i ve tried are also sweetened.

coloring can be permitted and it s generally obtained with just a little bit of

caramel (not 30-40 grams per liter, generally 0 to 5 and that can be ok for me)

and chill filtering is not adulterating a product,

ok you can lose some flavour but it s just filtering ...

while adding sugar without saying it is pure deception, it s making 

people buying a thing that is not, a destillate and not a liquor !

so to finish my bottle of ED 12 is sweetened, you guys maybe will find my bar and i ll offer you a try

and stefan (can call me a purist but i m not) some time ago i bought some english harbour

after speaking with you, of course is not as diplo but for me is still too much sugaring ...

i can give you guys an example: we serve an excellent (for me expensive to buy, a mixture of 95%

arabica and just 5% robusta, yes all the coffee can be divided in 2 groups, arabica is flavour and

strength while robusta is just to have little bit of cream on the top) coffee

and we have sugar on every table, so who like can use and who not can drink it without

With sugaring rum i don t have this choice, i can t read on labels how much sugar is 

added, and this making me mad !

it s worse than cola zero, at least they say on the label (in very small characters) 

that they put aspartame (and many other stuff) in it, same when i buy many other

edible things, if i want i can read what is inside ! with rum is not that way and

for sure this site also don t help very much because more than half of us

really love sugar added stuff !


DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Yes, parroting Stefan in a way, that's a 4-year old write up on that ED12, and lacks accuracy. But so what of sugar? Each to their own! If you like a taste, you like a taste. Sure, if you want to be a purist (which is totally O.K.), then you'll need to avoid tons of (good) tequilas and scotch due to addition of colorants, chill filtering, or manipulation that goes otherwise undeclared.

Maybe it's just me and I lack the perception of sweetness to the degree others may have it as I usually don't find anything to the sweetness levels often put forth by others. (But again, if you like it, you like it, all are free to explore and evolve!)

For the current price of around $34.00 USD, I'm gonna go ahead and stand by the ED12 all day long. KR did state a price of aorund $46.00 USD. Yes, Doorly's comes to mind at alot less, but I'll take the ED over those offerings. 

Kaniché is another one to check out - I do like the Perfeccion as a sipper, and it is under the stated price point.

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings

bar la moura,

Lots of these sugar gpl figures you repeat over and over again in all discussions aren't valid anymore (especially those over 20gpl) cause many brands have reduced the addition of sugar because of the rather new EU rules (otherwise they can't sell it inside the EU and call it rum), for example El Dorado. So unfortunately ain't Captain Jimbo's Rum Project not that interesting anymore when you check brands with more than 20gpl.

Krogulson avatar image
Krogulson 🇵🇱 | 16 ratings Author

Very much appreciated guys!


bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

ED 12 36 grams/litre 7.6 average rumratings

ED 15 37 grams/litre 8.0

ED 21 16 grams/litre 8.4

i have all of them in my bar, but i don t like them at all ...

i look at them like liquors, not distillates, so all are too much expensive,

but as you see high ratings in the site, people here have sweet tooth ...

an interesting article from a pro about el dorado 12



DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

I would definitely consider El Dorado 12 or 15 year. They are different, though I think the 12 is solid and the 15 isn't better enough to justify the difference in price - it's good, but better? Well, no, not necessarily - subjective of course. I prefer the 12 actually.

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

diplomatico have sugar 40g/l 

while every doorlys is clean from additives, never tried one but i will one day !

of course i choose any doorly, they are honest destillates with no additives !

also from barbados try mount gay XO, is my preferred ... it is sweet with no added sugar, 

natural rum sweetness !

oh another thing, when distilled, rum does not contain sugar

but many producers add it without writing it on the label, i hate this thing !

here 2 links so you see sugar content in rum



and you can find more in the net

about doorlys, if you can go to the 14 years, reading about and people generally say is way better than the 12

Krogulson avatar image
Krogulson 🇵🇱 | 16 ratings Author

Diplomatico has something like 12g of sugar, anything higher than that will not be pleasant for me for sure consequently I am looking for something with much smaller amount of sugar, even without it. I'm considering Doorlys 12yo cause of the very very low sugar content. Whats your take on that? 

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

ok if you have sweet tooth buy anything, except barbadian, jamaican, santa lucian, and agricole rum,

(they use to be unsweetened except plantation), spanish style rums don t buy dictador,

botran, la hechicera, santa teresa and flor de cana and some cubans (not all), everything

else have sugar added, its easy to find a very good rum if you like sweet rum ....

today i think 70% (or more) of bottles around are sweetened

but have in mind that they all add sugar mainly to hide bad rum, example if distilled multi column

(no pot still) you can t have a good aged rum, so nothing strange that the diplo was nothing

extraordinary, just sweet :-)

here you have exceptions like diamond distillery (el dorado) that have potential to make

rum among the best in the world but ... they add tons of sugar (ED 12,15, 21, 25)

this is only what i can tell i can t say buy specific one because i really don t like

sweetened stuff !

those rums in your list are all sugar added, ok maybe less than diplo r.e. but a lot ...

Henrikhaa 🇩🇰 | 56 ratings

At the beginning I was happy to try the following rums: 

Quorhum 30 years aniversario 

Ron Millonario XO 

Diplomatico 2005 and 2007 

Opthimus 25 oporto finish  

Puntacana XOX 

Krogulson avatar image
Krogulson 🇵🇱 | 16 ratings Author

It was good and at the same time nothing extraordinary. For sure I wouldnt buy anything sweeter than Diplomatico

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

the diplo you tried you liked it ?

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