
Papa's Pilar Platinum Blonde?

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DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

My local TWM (my usual haunt) carries the brand, so I'm visually familair, and I've been curious, but never tried. Went to a mom & pop shop today for something other than rum, but saw this one, and they had it for $19.99. I think probably an error as that price lines up more with the regular 7 year. I didn't even realize it was the limited edition until I got it home and paid attention to it.

As much as I want to try it, I'm thinking of just saving it for posterity. I'm guessing it is not that unique that it is worth saving, but since it is a limited edition, what the heck? I don't think this is readily available any longer? Any comments appreciated!

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Paul, pilar might be right down your alley! The bartender at the distillery told us that they use a Louisiana distillery for their aged blending. She didn't know which one they use only that it's sourced from your neck of the woods.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

The only way to try their $100 bottle without having to buy it is to take their 15 minute $30 tour which itself is outrageous! And it's only available at the distillery so don't bother searching for it.

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

I don't think this is un unusual approach, certainly not unheard of. You find this the case with other whisk(e)ys too, in which they have older juice than they've been around, so sourcing from other distillers and blending/bottling, though not always stating as such. Don't know how often this occurs in the rum world.

I wonder what that one for $100 was? I've not seen a retail bottle that pricey, at least not what I've come across locally anyway. That is a chunk of coin for sure!

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Went to the "distillery" last month in key west. They seem to be blenders that bought a name and have started distilling. Tried all their rums at the distillery except their sherry cask which you could only purchase. At $100 a bottle not going there especially if the rum is less than 15yrs old which this is at max half that! The other rums were decent is all I'm willing to give them. They have to put a decade under their distilling belt in order to be able to compete in the premium category seeing the bartender stated that they have no rums aged more than 2yrs. They blend from other distilleries that have aged product. Still not bad seeing they have been "blenders" first. I told them good luck on my way out.

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DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Alright! I did score another one at a local-enough shop (that 1000Corks search was handy). The shop has actually been around for decades and I used to frequent the area, but not for many, many years. Didn't even think about this place. Most of their bottles of everything - nice and dusty, and not very orderly - but they were kind enough to knock $5.00 off the bottle. Paul, you might get to it before I do - probably won't crack this one until Thursday or so...love the color!

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

it s the entry level of velier rum, and velier is really one of the best independent bottlers 

for us is easy to find bormioli glasses, italy is very near to us, we import a lot of stuff

from them, just now there is a problem with glass industry (ucraina war) because

gas price is rocketing high and glass production is very high energy consumption ...

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Yes - funny you mention! I just rated Probitas last night. I agree - good both ways - Worth the price for sure, and I do recommend folks to try this one. I gave it a 7. It's a bit too heavy on the molasses for me in a Daiquiri - but I'd never turn one down with it....ha, ha...!

I've not tried sugar-cane syrup yet (I've not found it locally, so I will have to buy online). But my go-to method for the Daiquiri is of course the rum, always fresh lime juice, and 1:1 simple or sometimes a smaller porportion of 2:1 Demerara syrup - shaken with extreme determination, served "up" in Bormioli NIck & Nora glass, and yes - with the lime wheel! (I do like Bormioli glassware, but haven't been able to find a nice cocktail coupe of small volumes, only large volumes...)


bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

DB i have a tip for you, find a veritas or probitas in some markets, is a 46% abv light rum,

probably same price range and you can t go wrong, it s excellent for cocktails and 

also good neat ! a mix of jamaican (hampden) and bajan (foursquare) rum 

designed (by italians, velier) as an excellent mixer ! maybe is available in your place ...

even here it s have good ratings, as i said search for veritas(latin for truth) or probitas

we do the jabon candado, it s the daiquiri name when you do with it, just add sugarcane syrup, fresh lime juce,

shake well and serve (without ice) in a martini glass (we use ypsilon glasses from rocco bormioli)

garnish with a half wheel of lime ... enjoy !

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Look forward to your impressions Paul! That's right, not 7 years - from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong), the oldest rum in their could be 7 years old, and I think as young as 2 years. Alas, I don't have a bottle in front of me, but that is what I was told by a Hemingway rep. on the phone.

I think though I have managed to find a local bottle, I'm headed there tonight...fellow on the phone checked shelves, and he confirmed it. Granted, not another $19.99 error unfortunately, so hopefully it is decent... oh boy...

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings


I drove over to that liquor store and picked up my own bottle of Papa's Pilar Platinum Blonde at 92 proof. I have been hesitant on trying this one because I only prefer two of their top end rums. My review on this one will be forthcoming. Thanks for the inspiration!

And read the fine print on the back of the bottle. It is not aged 7 years!


DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

Thanks Paul, I appreciate the tip! Alas, they won't ship to my location either. The hunt continues! I know, I should just crack the thing open and be done with it...

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings


This rum is actually readily available where I live. I have encosed a link to one of the places. It says that they cannot ship to where I live because Louisiana does not allow spirits to be shipped. If your state allows shipping, give them a try. I am usually against links in these discussions because a few have been harmful. These folks are good. Many of thier bottles have been hand selected just for their stores.




DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Author

I can't actually find this anywhere for sale, at least nowhere that will deliver to me that. Most places seem to indicate unavailable. The 84 proof blonde, yes. Readily available. If anybody does know of a place that has it in stock, I'm all ears! Thanks in advance.

Captain Lee 🇺🇸 | 25 ratings

It looks like it is still widely available, though you got a good deal.  I doubt that this is something that will ever have value on the secondary market.  Enjoy it!

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