
What to do when stuck taking antibiotics.

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Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author

More than a month ago, I developed a lump under my right ear after sampling several different rhum agricoles neat on my back yard swing. These rhums inspired me to finally remove that nasty wire mesh fence from the lake after 20 years. The lump developed suddenly that night.  At first, cancer was mentioned as a possibility. Eventually, it was found to be just an infection that flared up suddenly. Antibiotics were prescribed for 10 long days.

So what was this rum lover to do over those 10 days. I looked up the medication and this one allowed moderate drinking of alcohol. For me, this meant VERY MODERATE drinking. So I went to my local clearance liquor store to find a really good Oloroso sherry. This one was from Lustau, which is light years better than that cheap sherry that I drank almost 50 years ago.  I was so impressed that I wound up buying 5 more varieties of Lustau sherry. Arranging them from very dry to very sweet, they are: Manzanilla, Amontillado, Palo Cartado (a hybrid with more aging), Oloroso, East India Solera (another hybrid with more aging), and Pedro Ximinez.  Finally, after all these years, I finally found out what PX sherry cask aging meant for rums, as in Pedro Ximenez. Rarely would I see a rum aged in anything dryer than an Oloroso.

Since I hate excessive bourbon cask aging for my rums, the next best choice is sherry cask aging.  To understand sherry cask aging for rums, one must also understand the sherry from which they came. Many rum companies make the big mistake of aging their rums too long in sherry casks. A prime example of this is the Diplomatico Ambassador Rum. 

Sampling one ounce of these sherries has the same alcohol as four ounces of 5% ABV beer. One 12 ounce beer would be my maximum allowable alcohol intake per day while on these antibiotics. But who wants to drink beer except to get rid of a hangover the next morning? This small sherry collection was a godsend during this time, and these one ounce samples did nothing to impede my physical improvemnet with the lump. It is now one tenth of it's original size. This episode also made me realize that I drink for taste and not to get buzzed. Who on earth would want to drink too much sherry in the first place.?  With rum, it is very easy to go overboard at times. But to do what I did for rum instead of sherry would have been one half ounce of 80 proof rum to one half ounce of water. That did not sound too appealing, so I stuck with my sherries.

Three new Jamaican rums await opening after these 10 days are over with, with one of them costing just below my $150 maximum allowable price. Just two more days to go!

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