
Wierd Evening of No taste

Ekan0098 🇸🇪 | 0 ratings Author

Hello! So im very new to rum, firat time drinking neat was a few weeks ago when i Sipped on diplomatica reserva exclusiva with a friend of mine. I had just sipped on whiskey before which im not a fan of but i was very suprised and happy when discovering this sweet amazing rum.

I thought it was so Good that i bought 3 of the top rated rums on here (for Good price). diplomatica reserva exclusiva, plantation XO and zacapa 23. 

yesterday i tasted all of them inclusing the one i had a few weeks ago and to my suprise it was like my taste buds were completely off. All i could taste was alcohol, wood and burn, just like with whiskey for me.

I had a big mac and coke before this, could this be the issue? So sad that i loved it before and now its like i cant enjoy the flavors, i didnt feel ANY sweetness at all, not even on the zacapa.

sorry for the long post, do got any advice or explanation for this happening?


Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings


1) As Paul answered, the food you ate did probably affect the taste.

2) The last drops normally tastes less than a newly opened bottle.

3) The temperature has impact on aroma and taste. You should hand warm the poured glass to around 26 degrees Celsius to optimize aroma and taste.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings


Don't know. I was not there for the tasting.

Ekan0098 🇸🇪 | 0 ratings Author

Paul B,

could it also be that my bottles were unopened, and the one i tasted with my friend were tha last in the bottle?

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings


Blame that Big Mac for the change in taste for your rums. No rums go with a Big Mac!

I have stated many times before on this forum that what one has had to eat before hand can affect how a rum appeals to them afterwards. Mood also comes into play. So give those rums a rest and try again after not eating anything. This is the joy (and let down) of rums. The taste can change from day to day, especially in the heavily sweetened ones like you have. And be forewarned, if you had planned on keeping these sweet rums for more than two months, the more air that gets into the bottle, the more the taste will actually change for the worse.

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