
Smoking Rums

Anthony C avatar image
Anthony C 🇺🇸 | 237 ratings Author

My brother bought a smoking kit to unfuse smoked flavor onto his bourbon.  I brought over some bland rums, and we smoked them with hickory, oak, cherry, and maple.  Whoa what a dimension.  

Anyone else try this, and what were your thoughts?

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Ok, I went ahead and got one on amazon for $30.  Well, it works great for cheap rum and especially my bloodies but trying it with decent rum was not worthy. My bloodies are way happy but good rum needs no help! Glad I got it  and use it with every bloody mary I drink. I did notice that swirling the drink while it smokes tends to blend the smoke better. Thanks to all for a very inventive way to add complexity to cocktails! 

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

I just found this aspect of smoking and I'm looking for a good smoking kit. Anyone got some insight? I can't wait to move on this.

Anthony C avatar image
Anthony C 🇺🇸 | 237 ratings Author

My favorite smokey rum that isn't smoked at home is "Stolen."

Moving on to actually smoking rums with a kit:  I picked a handful of average rums off the shelf, plus a bland Hawaiian blonde rum.  I tried different wood chips on each, depending on their flavor profile.  The Hawaiin rum got maple chips, and wow was it great.  I also did oak with some of the immature rum to create a longer oak aging process.  It was pretty good.


Triton Ogletree avatar image
Triton Ogletree 🇺🇸 | 135 ratings

I'm fascinated by this! Mezcal is tequila without rules and an ass load of smoke! It's a winning combination! Single Malt Scotches from certain regions are also quite smokey and there's definitely a few bourbons that have a fair level of smoke.

Two questions:

What were the rums and was it good?...in your opinion, obviously-I assume yes, otherwise you probably wouldn't mention it.

I have thought about the concept of smokey rum but I feel like I was always concerned that it wouldn't work, so I'm very curious to hear the results. 

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