
Best glass for sipping rum

KittieKatt avatar image
KittieKatt 🇺🇸 | 14 ratings Author

I have been wondering.. I know with wine and a few other liquors there is a specific glass for best flavor..  Is there a best glass for rums?   I have never really seen one and have seen it served in an old fashioned glass as well as a brandy sniffer etc..   usually some kind of whisky or brandy glass..   

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
KittieKatt: Awesome find and comparisons! The tulip glass is similar to my tall Glencairn that I pictured. That snifter glass will get any unwanted aromas out of there with a few swirls and some time to breathe. The rest of your cabinet says mixers, and the sky is the limit for those kind of glasses. Premium rums like anything from Don Pancho are for the snifter. And always remember that rum is gluten free. As long as you buy rums with less than 20 gpl of added sugar, they will last for many months, plus be gentle on the internal plumbing the next day.
KittieKatt avatar image
KittieKatt 🇺🇸 | 14 ratings Author
So we had some fun and poked around thrift and antique stores yesterday in search of our new favorite glass! lol We found a bunch that we loved and we tried the tulip style and the sniffer style.. It was kinda neat to try the same rum in both.. We poured some Don Pancho 18 yr in both glasses and let it breath for a couple minutes and then tried it!! The tulip one boosted the spice and boldness of the rum, while the sniffer style mellowed the spice and brought some of the more subtle flavors forward and mellowed it out! =D Definitely loving the sniffer style glass for sipping!!
KittieKatt avatar image
KittieKatt 🇺🇸 | 14 ratings Author
Thank you!! we have a few rums... I think our Don Poncho is probably the fanciest one we have at this point... We both definitely love the sweeter ones with the caramel and vanilla tones to them! We kinda have a more over all bar.. I have found a love for learning about liquors and drinks etc. So we have stuff on hand to make most drinks a lot of the time. lol
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
KittieKatt: As promised, here is a picture of my tasting glass mainly used for new rums. I had to log out and log back in to submit it.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings

KittieKatt: After more than four years of trying and breaking my "perfect" glasses and trying in vain to find them again, I finally stumbled upon these two, which is all that I need. These two are perfection! And I wisely went right back to those stores to buy some backups.

Since it will only allow me to post one photo, I now send a second reply with it for the lesser used glass, which I use mostly for testing new arrivals.

KittieKatt avatar image
KittieKatt 🇺🇸 | 14 ratings Author
Thank you all for the input!! I was kinda thinking rocks glass ish originally.. I will definitely be investing in some glasses soon! Will probably get 3-4 different types to see what we like best. @Stefan did not mind the joke at all. =D
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

Some connoisseurs prefer the blenders glas:


We had already some suggestions in another thread:

Comparison of rum glasses

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Hi KittieKatt! Rum is just like women, it should be warmed up before sipping. (Hope you don’t mind that little joke.) So therefore it should fit in your hand. The bottom of it should also be wider than the opening cause that makes the scents more powerful especially after hand warmed. On the picture below there’s three good glasses. To the left a tumbler called “Warm up”, in the middle a tulip glass and to the right a Glencairn glass.
kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings
I believe nothing summarizes this topic better than Cpt. Jimbo's rum project article http://rumproject.com/menuitem3.html where he interviews several professionals. Personally I use glencairn, designed for tasting whisky, see the image below.
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