
My final odds for 7 ratings or higher based upon price group

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author

Like it or not, buying rum is a crap shoot, even with the benefit of all of these reviews. So, since I have stopped reviewing at 420 and have everything extremely well organized in a spreadsheet, it was time to share my final odds by five different price groups. These price groups were chosen by sorting all prices and then plotting the results to find the best price breaks. As for the most expensive price group at $80 US and above, I have always felt that for those kind of prices, they had damn well rate as an 8 or better. So the best that one can do in this crap shoot is slightly better than fifty percent. Reading these reviews from fellow respected raters will increase those odds.

Newbies can start here, but it is very important to know if one prefers dry rums or sweet rums or overproofs. A lot of spiced and flavored rums went into my final numbers, along with agricoles, clairins, and cachacas. I was never prejudiced towards certain categories. If anyone has a specific request, I can probably find that out for you. Again, these are my findings and mine only after nearly four years.



Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author


I created a composite image that I just discussed, since this site only allows one image per response.

I am now also in hurricane preparation for possible landfall near me on Monday morning. A lot could change in the forecast track by then, and I may have to evacuate with my dog if it becomes a Category 3 or higher (125 mph or more if I remember correctly). After an evacuation, one is allowed to return home a few days later to see if their house is still standing. This one will strike on the day after the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. It does not even have a name yet, but either Ida or Julian.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author


Since I do not admire those who always give high ratings as well as those who always prefer the lowest ratings, my own ratings very closely fit the normal distribution with 6 in the middle and flanked by 7 and 5. I have my ratings at 8 and above as well as the ones with 4 and below each lumped into one group at about 10 percent. The image is enclosed.

In anticipation of someone wanting me to leave out the heavily sugared rums, I have already done that. This is for only six categories: Aged Dry, White, Agricole, Clairin, Cachaca, and Overproof.

Even though Gold Mixers usually have no added sugar, I left them out of this group because only a few of us still buy them. I used to keep them on hand to avoid dipping into my expensive rums, but once I sip on the good ones, I simply cannot drop down to a Gold Mixer for sipping neat. They were created as mixers and that is where they will remain. 

It would only let me post one image, but the ones without the added sugars are showing slightly higher poercentages for the top 3 price categories.

kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings
Cool piece of stats, thanks a lot Paul. So it seems like the prices corelate with your preferences. Can you show us the table with number of bottles in each of the specific ratings from 1 to 10 in each of the price ranges? It would be also great to know the precise distribution.
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