
A minimal requirements of a rating

kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Author

As I mentioned before, I think we should report all non-ratings. Sometimes it is clear that a rating should be reported in particular Title: "....", Rating: "................". But what would you do with T: "ok", R: "mhm" (it's a real example), or T: "nice bottle", R: "good stuff"? There is a retired minimum length of rating text but either it was not enforced in the past or people use spacebar to fill it. As a reader, I read the ratings to learn something about the rum, such short descriptions carry no information. 


I suggest that the rating should consist of at least 5 words. What do you think?

kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Author
Cool, I agree that people should be allowed to rate but if there is no text, their rating should not be displayed. For me the textless ratings could still count to the average scoring. I'm not sure about length weighting, too easy to manipulate. Weighting by likes could be more meaningful, but I think it's redundant anyway.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

Yes I think so, that's why some use dots for ratings. They have a reason or no patience. Sometimes people deviate from a path because it is shorter. Then you need a fence. But why bother? It should be easy and quick for everyone. I would allow ratings without text. Then we don't need to see the dots or some nonsensical text.The ratings could also be weighted. The more text, the higher the weighting.Just some brainstorming, but I would not exclude them.Only if they manipulate ratings. Then I would delete the accounts completely.

We could also exclude ratings without text from the overall rating. I think people would use them anyway. We don't know the individual reason for these ratings but there is one.

kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Author
So you think there should be an option to just rate numerically?
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
But 5 words means, 'this is a good stuff' is enough. That's the downside of community ratings. We have to live with that. 8 stars rating without text means also that this rum is good. Some cannot rate properly and still want an overview of the rums they have drunk.
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