
Are Doorly's and The Real McCoy rums basically the same for equal agings?

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author
Both Doorly's and The Real McCoy have rums aged at 5, 12, and 14 years. They also both have 3 Year white rums. Something tells me that these are basically the same rums with different labels. Anyone know the answer to this? Also, why are The Real McCoy's priced higher? Doorly's are only available from Total Wine in this country, but The Real McCoy rums are more widespread in stores.
nomad avatar image
nomad πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 137 ratings

I was in there yesterday for the first time in a while and I did see that Hampden Euphonia, but as I already have the 10 yo Velier LROK bottling, and it was cheaper, and since I like it, but I don't love it, I passed. I did see several Foursquare Redoutables' for a great price of $115 and I think they will be much appreciated in the future, especially after their recent triumph as Supreme Champion at the ISC but I am well stocked. I only grabbed some wine, bourbon, and a Probitas.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author
Martin Wine in Baton Rouge supposedly has the Shibboleth, which I am sipping on now. I did not feel like setting up an account because they have been known to not have rums in stock as per their website. I lost out on Scarlet Ibis, which they claimed to have had in stock in Mandeville and Baronne. That was a wild goose chase around the lake. Another Total Wine will soon open up in Baton Rouge, making it four stores for Louisiana. I personally hate Baton Rouge and refer to driving there as Capital Punishment. I have an account with Total Wine and have placed orders to be picked up from as far away as Gainesville to Orlando, but only after receiving e-mail confirmations that what I wanted is still in stock and ready for pickup. In Pensacola, you have to check out Bambooze off of Davis Hwy and just north of I-10. They have a Facebook page. A bit further south is ABC Fine Wine with a good website. Across the street from them is Publix Liquors. Fusion also has some really good ones. Any excuse to go back to the Emerald Coast. In Fort Walton and Destin, check out the website for Beach Liquors.One cannot even have spirits sent to us via FedEx or UPS. Definitely not by US Mail. So damn it, I am willing to drive up to a point.And can you believe that Jazz Fest has been cancelled yet AGAIN?!!!!! Quint beat Queen Latoya to the punch.
nomad avatar image
nomad πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 137 ratings
Yes they get some good stuff there. I have not tried any Caroni solely due to the price, I try to limit to $150.I imagine I would like them because I do appreciate some diesel traits. I do still purchase most ECS releases, though I tend to pass on the sherry ones as I haven't loved any of them. I get to Baton Rouge once or twice a year, is there a store I should stop in?
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author
nomad: I notice that you have never found a Caroni rum to try. I bought my only bottle from the Mandeville store a few months ago for $190. The Covington store still has another bottle, but it is priced at another $30 from what I paid and is also behind their locked glass case. They also have the Hampden Estate Euphoria overproof at a reasonable price, but that would not appeal to my tastes. Always look behind their locked glass cases. And then you risk getting screwed like I did when I bought one of their bottles of Diplomatico Ambassador. Then again, this way overpriced "rum" would not appeal to your tastes. One pays for the very expensive bottle with a gold top on this one. It is a decent rum, but not worth $231. I also noticed that Foursquare ECS rums line the top of your shelf. Since you have told me about buying multiple bottles of The Real McCoy 5 year at bargain prices and enjoying every bit of those, this tells me that you have finally found that the Foursquare ECS chase is simply not worth it.Β  As for me, I only found one worth pursuing and the lucky barrel find of RMC 12 chosen by Adam has saved me the time and money from driving all the way to Baton Rouse just to get another bottle of Shibboleth. I have the Shibboleth rated as a 10 and I am one of the worst critics of Foursquare ECS rums for tasting too much like bourbon. However, as I and other reviewers have stated, the Shibboleth is the outlier in the Foursquare ECS profile, which is why I love it. It is simply not worth the money.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author
nomad: You got it!!! I got mine from their Slidell Wine Warehouse only a few miles from me. The RMC5 is $29 and the RMC 12 is $53. I did a side by side comparison a few hours ago. The difference is subtle, but I prefer the 12 to the 5.
nomad avatar image
nomad πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 137 ratings
Paul I love the RMC 5 92 proof and I'm not kidding when I say I have gone through a dozen bottles. I am on the Northshore. Acquistapace has cases of them.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author
nomad: I checked my local clearance store this morning. Sure enough both the RMC 12 and the RMC 5 are bottled at 92 proof. I brought three bottles home. Both are from single barrels chosen by the owner of the store. Both denote a heavy char from the barrels, but the RMC 5 had a sign from the owner below all of them that denoted "heavy toast" as if it were different than heavy char. Both also had labels hanging around the neck noting that these are rums from Richard Seale. Somehow, the bourbon notes remain at a bare minimum, which is what I wanted. This now saves me a 180 mile round trip to buy that last bottle of Foursquare ECS Shibboleth at almost three times the price of the RMC 12. This rum may not rate as a 10 like the Shibboleth, but it does get moved up from a 6 to an 8. I inadvertently rated my RMC 12 three years ago as the standard edition. Then I found out that the 92 proof was for the Limited Edition. I just added an update to that review since I was never one to duplicate reviews. Since these rums are much harder to find than the Foursquare ECS series and are not collectible, there is no point in writing reviews for them. I just need to stock up on these local slow sellers. What the rest of the rum fans in this area do not know will certainly benefit me and you as well, since I have a hunch that you are also from the New Orleans area.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author
nomad: My local clearance store has PLENTY of RMC 12 and RMC 5 at decent prices. I need to double check the fine print on those bottles. Years ago, I rated the RMC 5 at a level 5 and the 92 proof RMC 12 as a 6. This is when I just began moving away from sweet rums. I probably need to give them both another try, even though I have sworn myself to zero alcohol expenses this month.
nomad avatar image
nomad πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 137 ratings
They have similar pedigrees but are not the same. The cost difference in the US is due to Total Wines buying power. I prefer the Doorly's 12 and the RMC 5 (especially if you can find the higher abv more pot still distillate version of the RMC).
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author
The only Real McCoy that I was impressed with was their 14 year Old Limited Release. It is now gone with no more to be found. I have never seen Doorly's 14 Year for sale anywhere near me. I was not too impressed with their 12 Year, but I keep their 8 Year and XO 6 Year on hand at all times for guilt free imbibing. Both of these brands are from Richard Seale. I just got back from seeing the movie Annette that opened up at Cannes last month. Fantastic!!!! Totally unique!
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings
I tried the 12y old McCoy. It's far behind Doorlys. Too much dilution and a lack of flavors. They are more in the direction of RL Seals.
kudzey πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 38 ratings
In Poland Doorly's is much more popular. I think I have only seen the McCoy once or twice in a store.
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