
Is Europe still on lock down for the pandemic?

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
Over here in the USA, I was never on lock down since the pandemic began in March of 2020. I simply stayed home where I live in a rural area and only ventured out every few days wearing my mask to get groceries and more rum. With restaurants all closed, this helped me to lose weight while saving lots of money. When our new President took office, he made a massive push to get as many people vaccinated as possible. I got my single dose J&J version on March 10th of 2021 and was fully vaccinated two weeks later. With my newly found freedom, I made a 1300 mile round trip to obtain two bottles of Chairman's Reserve 1931 and quite a few other rums that I could not get where I live.There are still many people over here who refuse to get vaccinated and many of the vaccines are expiring and going to waste. This is from shear stupidity from those living in "red state" areas. I only wish that these unwanted vaccines could get sent to Europe so that many of you can finally get out of lock down. THE VACCINES WORK!!!! Those that are getting sick are the ones who have NOT been vaccinated. My state is one of many that have created a lottery for a chance at some serious money just for having been vaccinated. Still, many are too stupid to get vaccinated.If any of you in Europe get the slightest chance to get vaccinated, GO FOR IT!!! Life has returned back to normal over here, which includes concerts, movies, bars, restaurants, and sporting events. Rum got me through most of the pandemic and now it is time for me to back off. I have enough rum to last me for a year and only about 10 percent of all that I have reviewed qualifies for my repeat purchases. They range in price from $13 US to $93 US.  There are many more good ones that I like, but I am no longer willing to drive more than 200 miles to get them. That was one really crazy rum running trip that I made after I first got fully vaccinated.
Harrie 🇳🇱 | 91 ratings
I was right about lifting the bans too soon in the Netherlands as the R number went through the roof (3.0 early in July). Now some measures have been taken again and the R number is back to 0.8 but that is what you get when a government is deciding on political grounds instead of on scientific grounds (as far as Covid-19 goes we have about the most stupid government in Europe I am afraid) so I hope we get it under control before autumn. Of the people now hospitalized overhere with Covid 75% is not vaccinated at all and only a few are totally vaccinated but have probably underlying health issues.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
RumGuy1: When my former long term doctor appeared on TV touting the J&J vaccine, that was all I needed to hear. I drove over to my pharmacy and got it. This version won't keep me from getting the virus, but will keep me out of the hospital. I still wear my mask that says Fully Vaccinated with the fine print at the bottom that says "Educated...Motivated". This is certainly rubbing it in to those who still refuse to get vaccinated. I have gotten a few dirty looks from that mask, but I just stare right back as if to say, "I dare you to tell me something". At the beginning of the pandemic, I used 151 rum as "throat cleaner", but this wound up being overkill. The only overproof rum that I now keep on hand is the awesome Plantation OFTD.
RumGuy1 avatar image
RumGuy1 🇺🇸 | 54 ratings
Paul B: Vaccinated ppl can still get coronavirus but may not get severe symptoms or die from it. There are vaccinated ppl all over US becoming infected with Delta variant. However, over 90% are unvaccinated. Hopefully the virus doesn’t mutate and make our current vaccine ineffective.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
Thanks Harrie!!! From what I have found in the USA is that anyone who has been vaccinated really has no need to worry about being infected with any of the variants like Delta. The authorities can still mandate closures despite this. However, it is possible for vaccinated people to become carriers of any of the versions while being asymptomatic. Those who still choose to not get vaccinated are playing Russian roulette with themselves. I am one of the few who has enjoyed the pandemic because it really got me into reviewing rums while saving shit loads of money with all of the restaurants closed. Also, I am still bitter about Ticketmaster holding onto more than $600 of my concert funds for two months before I finally had to beg for refunds. Now that concerts have resumed, one can no longer buy tickets from a desk top computer, since smart phones are now required for entry into the venues. I now say to hell with all of those filthy rich and greedy musicians and ticket agents. My money is better spent on rum while enjoying my massive music collection that would take me 68 days non-stop to listen to all of it. And that is not even counting all of my concerts on music DVD's as well as the free ones on You Tube. The pandemic has also brought on great new reviewers like you to add to all of our rum knowledge. Before the pandemic, these discussions were far and few. Keep up the good work!!!
Harrie 🇳🇱 | 91 ratings
@ Paul B; Some areas are still, or again, in lockdown but the rules are lifted for the most part. A little bit too soon as the delta-variant is on the loose right now and the number of victims is rising again. Me and my wife are vaccinated (both with Moderna) twice now and the kids will follow soon with their first shot. I agree that the stupidity of some folks is humongous and the most idiotic theories can be found on the net. This is a vaccination everyone should take, if not for themselves than for society as a whole. I think Europe is moving fast enough with their vaccination programs; where they really should go is to all those poor countries that simply cannot afford to vaccinate their entire population. As long as those are not vaccinated, we remain all at risk for a new variant that can get passed our current vaccinations. To make it a little more rum-related; it is because of our first lockdown in March '20 that I joined RumRatings and started my journey into the wonderfull world of sugarcane byproducts!
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