
Foursquare is getting serious - Certain bottlings are hard to come by

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vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
https://thefatrumpirate.com/foursquare-rum-distillery-shibboleth"To be fair demand for Foursquare rum is probably at an all time high. Initially it was only really the more limited collaborations with Velier that were selling out pretty much straight away. It was until around a year ago quite easy to pick up the Exceptional Cask Series of rum weeks and months after their release. I was able to get multiple bottles of most of the rums up to around the release of Nobillary. Since then it has become very much as case of the rums selling out very quickly here in the UK. An issue which hasn’t been helped by all the COVID-19 restrictions and a certain referendum in 2016."It's the same case in Germany. It was difficult to find Shibboleth and almost impossible to find a 5th Employee Caroni releases. Two years ago Foursquare ECS were easily to get.Rum demand is increasing faster and faster. I can only find the bottlings I want on the secondary market meanwhile. Overpaying when collecting this stuff is still not a problem. Because the prices are rising fast.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
Yes, but Detente was 51% and 10y old, it lacks a bit of complexity. Shibbo is 16y old, the oldest Foursquare release. Many are looking for the Criterion, as well as for Destino. Yes, the rare bottlings doubled the price. Criterion was releases with 2.000 bottles. I don't care about Criterion, it's only 10 years old. But Destino is 14y and aged 12y in Madeira casks. I would buy a Destino instead of Criterion. Destino has 2610 bottles. Destino for 70th Velier 500 bottles. Sassafras 6000 and Shibboleth also 6000? 300 to 600 were released in Germany. Therefor I would say Shibbo is worth 250€ for now. I wasn't expecting these prices from Foursquare. Only from Velier Caronis and Hampdens. But it all goes up because the demand goes up. That's why we have to concentrate on the best bottlings. I don't buy everything just to complete a series. I try to buy the best bottlings that I like from all distilleries.
kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings
Yeah, I ordered several Foursquare rums recently. Can you imagine that the price of Shibboleth in the shops is twice as high as Detente, Premise or the 2008? I've watched the price movements for half a year, I noticed that the price of Criterion rises the fastest. It has doubled over the last 6 months!
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