
Collection so far

Xpommy 🇦🇺 | 18 ratings Author Posted 18 May '21

Been into rum now for about a year. Can’t stop buying rums that I just know I won’t open and drink . Becoming obsessed with collecting so I’ve had to build a display bar and already it’s too small now my 1931 range arrived today! I’ve seen some of you post that you have many hundreds in yours so I’m going to have to make some space to expand !!
rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Replied 18 May '21

While I am of the opinion that rum is for drinking, this nevertheless looks neat.
Xpommy 🇦🇺 | 18 ratings Author Replied 18 May '21

I just can’t bring myself to open the good ones yet. They’d be wasted on me at this stage of my journey. They’ll be used later down the track when I feel I may be able to appreciate the taste better. From what I’ve read about Caronis , I don’t think I’m ready for burnt rubber and tar just yet !i did get 2 bottles of the centenario Real so I can open one now though and save the other for later 
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 18 May '21

A nice collection. I would also enjoy the look of these Chairman's instead of drinking them. I mean it's a full set and it's not easy to find all of them. I would wait with these Caronis, you are still into sweet rums. Try some Chairman's first, like vintage 2005 or Evanius Harris edition to get an idea of some dirty aromas.
Captain Lee 🇺🇸 | 25 ratings Replied 19 May '21

I can totally relate! My collection is about 30 bottles, and I have about 10 that I am waiting to open. I'm telling myself that when I next get the urge to buy more rum, I'm going to open one of these instead. I still came home with a bottle of Foursquare Empery I found yesterday... So far, still on the unopened shelf!
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 19 May '21

Empery is nice, with sherry finish. Better that the Port Cask Finish, it was diluted to 40%. Also better than the Principia, it's too sharp and too young for me. One of the best Foursquares with sherry finishes.
Captain Lee 🇺🇸 | 25 ratings Replied 21 May '21

Nice! I have a couple of Foursquares open now, and based on the thread about how long rums last once open, I may need to drink those before opening the Empery. I would have thought that they would last longer, but I guess oxidation eventually takes a toll.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 21 May '21

Really good collection, especially all of the Chairman's 1931's in the first row. However, I would hide that bottle of Barcardi Carta Blanca "vodka" in the back.
Xpommy 🇦🇺 | 18 ratings Author Replied 21 May '21

I’m ashamed to say that I actually don’t mind a Bacardi if it’s mixed with Diet Coke and a big squeeze of lime. Has to be Diet Coke though- nothing else really works. I suppose that’s the bacardis fault !Anyway, the flavour reminds me of a party when I was young  and was given Bacardi for the first time and ended up fingering some chick under a table so maybe the good memories confuse me about the quality of this rum !!!
Jimmy Cliff avatar image
Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings Replied 19 Aug '21

Open and at least try them, especially the ones you can easily replace. It’s meant to enjoy, invest in Google and Amazon to make money.
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