
New El Dorado 15 seems to have less sugar

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
There is a review, the new El Dorado 15 seems to have less sugar:https://www.rumrevelations.com/post/el-dorado-15-rum-review-old-vs-new-where-s-the-sugarI didn't have the new one yet, but the sugar content was probably adjusted due to EU regulations.Are you going to stock up the old one, or do you prefert the less sweeter version?
bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

today tried the new ED 21 and i must admit that is dry yes, but not so good, nose insignificant, in the mouth is not so bad but i find also some bitterness that i don t like, short finish, costed me around 112 euro, bought it because i have it in the menu ... but to people that like rum i can say just don t buy this, you ll find better stuff at half price ...

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings

Wow, thanks guys. I had given up on ED15 last year because it was way tooo sweet. I recently tried the  new 12yr old and the 8yr old. I preferred the 8 to the 12 so was reluctant to go for the 15. Glad I jumped! I notice a citrus note that I didn't notice last year along with leather and some oak. It's quite refreshing.This new batch is awesome! I'm back in the ED saddle again. Cheers!

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings

the new ed 21 also sugar reduced ? i have the old blue label bottle that is too sweet

oops, sorry, i ve found an article and it seems that the 21 also is less sweet now


rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings
I must say that the El Dorado 12 is growing on me a little. Still not my favourite, but I start to see why it is so well-liked. Maybe some time in the opened bottle with some oxygene did it well, maybe I am looking at it more kindly, assuming that there is little added sugar (even though it is quite sweet).
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
That's the Enmore sweetness. You can write me, my nick name + gmail.com https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9uAgs_AD_T5Em8ryWNzPOUbY-0qNmDefit3n_UObU4/edit?usp=sharing I have a huge sharing list.
rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings
Thank you, that is great information! My rum is in the new bottle. That probably means I have the sugar reduced new version. Yowser... I still find it very sweet, bordering on "too sweet". Thank you for the offer, but I am reluctant to put you through that trouble.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
Sure, https://drankdozijn.de has the new versions.The lable is different. And there is also a ElD15 bottle with 20g sugar, bottled in 2019 with the new design (but it's hard to find). Mine was bottled in 06.2020 and has no sugar.https://dunderhut.com/de/2021/04/eldorado2009vs2021/I can offer some samples, if you wan't to try.
rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings
Is there a way to know whether the bottling at hand is the old or the new one? I would be very surprised if my bottle of El Dorado 12 (bought early this year, in Germany) had only 6 grams of sugar in it.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
Tried the two new versions yesterday. El Dorado 15 with 0g sugar and El Dorado 12 with 6g sugar. Both taste a bit thin since the update, but the flavors are the same. The purists say the new ones are better, I like the old ones better. If I want to drink pure El Dorado, then I would choose Enmore 1996 or PM 1997. Maybe I can put the sugar into the new El Dorados myself. 😄
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
A new version of El Dorado 15 has been discovered. It has the new design and a bottling date of 18/06/2020. Unfortunately there is no difference in design to the version with 21g sugar.
Kamamura avatar image
Kamamura 🇨🇿 | 37 ratings
"The use of paxarette is only banned (as far as I know) by the SWA so is only applied to Scotch, leaving it free for use by all other whisky producers."  I believe that such practice is forbidden in anything that is called "straight Bourbon". AFAIK straight Bourbon is the most strictly regulated alcoholic beverage, since whisky producers can use E150a caramel to color their products (officially to "compensate for variations between batches to be able to offer uniform product"), but it is forbidden to color straight bourbon. Moreover, only new casks from American white oak are allowed (which creates that huge supply of used bourbon casks the rest of the world ages their whisky, rums, and other booze), and minimum aging is 4 years, I believe. They also offer the "bottled in bond" option where the aging is done in federally supervised warehouses to rule out various adulteration practices (provisions from after the prohibition era to let the consumers distinguished quality products from the terrible hooch everyone rushed to get rich on).
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
I think it's not easy to find a whisky aged in paxarette coated barrels. But I don't know. Maybe there are some on the market, because some people are looking for such bottlings. The old whisky bottles with that kind of barrel aging are very expensive. I found a sheet from eye from spirits, they visualized the intensity of aromas from paxarett vs. pure sherry barrels.  Sugar is also a flavor enhancer, we often forget that when we ask for pure rum. The fact is, we would not drink many of the sweetened rums without the added sugar. What we actually want are pure long aged pot still rums that naturally take on intensity of aromas. But we also have to pay for it, often more than 100 €. And since we have a lot of price discussions here, many are not willing to pay such prices.  But it would be in fact better to list all ingredients for the consumers, since most of them are not rum lovers. As rum lovers we know of the most rums whether they a sugared or not. So this is not an issue for us or not an issue for me. Today also almost all rums are colored. So the color is insignificant for the taste. Color is for me a classification from gone days that is useless in the current time. It would make no difference whether the label says e150a. We already know it when we see the color of the rum.  I am willing to pay a certain amount of money for a specific flavor profile, even if I know it was achieved with additives. Let's take Zacapa 12, a pure rum. Would I buy such a rum for 37 € ... no way, the aromas are thin, young, it has nothing that I desire. But I would buy a Zacapa 23 even if it's younger, maybe between 7 and 10 years old. The caramel sweetness with herbs and dry fruits is delicious. Let's ban added sugar, what can we expect from the Zacapa 23? It would be a lot worse than Zacapa 12. In many cases most Solera rums won't taste better without added sugar.  The market already offers everything for rum lovers, at any price. If we want to buy rum without added sugar, then we have to pay for it. There are many great rums out there. In case of El Dorado 15 it could be an improvement. This rum already had an intense flavor profile. Because it's not a rum from multi-column distillation. But for many other solera rum this is not the case.
Harrie 🇳🇱 | 91 ratings
@vomi1011; Interesting comparison, though the opinions about paxarette are also all over the place, but there are a few differences. The use of paxarette is only banned (as far as I know) by the SWA so is only applied to Scotch, leaving it free for use by all other whisky producers. With sugar and other additives in rum the legislation comes from the importing country (=EU) and producers are still free to use the amount of sugar they want but just can't call it rum anymore. The interesting point here is that El Dorado apparently thinks it is more important to keep calling their product a rum than to stick with their old (and succesfull) recipe. In my opinion it still would be best that all ingredients should be stated on the label (including e150a) and let the consumer decide if they want rum with or without additives.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Author
Could be, or it could be the same as with paxarette in whisky. The rums will taste more spicy and younger. We will see.
OdysseusUnbound avatar image
OdysseusUnbound 🇨🇦 | 40 ratings
I like all the ED rums, sweetened or not, but I believe lowering/eliminating additives is a step in the right direction for ALL rums.
Harrie 🇳🇱 | 91 ratings
I stayed away of these famous rums just because of all the added sugar; so the new one sounds interesting enough to give it a shot one day. Now just wait till my vendor has sold his old stock.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Vomi, Really interesting, I will definitely go for the new one. I’m also pretty sure that it’s a result of the EU regulations cause otherwise they couldn’t label it rum, instead they should have been forced to label it spirit drink if they still wanted to export it to EU.
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