
Clement XO not on sale by Clement

Majrad avatar image
Majrad (PREMIUM) 🇱🇺 | 62 ratings Author
Clement XO is not on sale by Clement themselves. I thougt this was a rum in permanent produce. Is this normal? Are we waiting for another batch to be produced? I see it sold by many other sellers, but that is not the issue. 
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
About to know which rum is reviewed.Unfortunately, people are not careful enough when they publish their reviews. So it’s unfortunately very common that reviews are published under wrong image. It would be good if everyone was more careful and also added a picture of the current bottle. I’ve had a conversation about this with Andy and he can’t move these reviews, he can only headlight it to the reviewers and beg them to move it to the correct place.  There are also those who publish the same review at both two or three places on purpose just to increase the number of reviews. It’s easy to create a new image, it’s just to misspell it or name it a little different.  It’s impossible for Andy and Angel to have control over this, so we must must help them as much as we can by being careful ourselves and report mistakes and fakers.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Majrad & Paul,  I’m sure the new XO is a good choice, I haven’t tasted it, but what I know is that the old ones in the teardrop bottles are really great. I’ve rated it a 10. Unfortunately it’s more or less impossible to find it anymore, but sometimes it shows up at auction sites. I bought my, probably, last bottle in St Johns, Antigua for 125$, which was a quite good price for a Rhum like this not produced anymore. During the heydays when it was launched the price was way under 100$.
Majrad avatar image
Majrad (PREMIUM) 🇱🇺 | 62 ratings Author
I suppose the old.one is the "teardrop" bottle. Could not find one on sale. I naturally hoped the tastes would be the same or similar at least. I wonder to what extent ratings apply to the old version vs the new one. But it seems that the new one is still good enough.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
Stefan: Yup! That's my bottle! I still managed to rate it as an 8.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Paul,Glad you liked your XO, but I suppose you bought the bottle on my added photo (?).  That XO isn’t the same Rhum as in the “fancy” much more expensive bottle that’s not produced anymore.  The old XO and the Cuvée Speciale XO is a blend where the exceptional vintages 1952, 1970 and 1976 takes part.
Pirate avatar image
Pirate 🇬🇷 | 30 ratings
Many different versions and whatnot. There was an old Cuvee that came out in XO. The XO that Stefan Persson is enamored with and regularly recommends it. And the modern, cheaper one (60 bucks). You need to know which XO you are after and its features, as well as vintage rhums used in its production/blending. There is no one standard XO version from Clement. Stefan Persson is the person we should ask for advice!
Majrad avatar image
Majrad (PREMIUM) 🇱🇺 | 62 ratings Author
@Paul Could well be the case. I haven't bought mine yet but will check when the bottle arrives. The market where I buy sells for as little 50$ if you search well. Happy not to be in the lucrative market...
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
I recently picked up a bottle of Clement XO for $60 US and then found other stores selling it for $55 US. Then checking websites in more lucrative markets, I saw it going for around $150 US. Something was amiss, and I have always known this rhum to cost more than $100 US. I just looked at the back label on my bottle and it says IMPORTED BY: CLEMENT USA, MIAMI, FL and PRODUCT OF MARTINIQUE (FWI). My bottle is also not the fancy one pictured on this website. So I gather that casks of this rum were shipped from Martinique to Miami and then bottled in Miami, with the savings passed on to consumers. This is only my assumption and I may be wrong.
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