
Recommendations for something like Doorlys 12, Plantation OFTD, Forgotten Casks, or Brugal

alseick πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 8 ratings Author
Hi I am looking for some recommendations. In the attachment I have listed the rums I have tried so far. It is also there: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hotu11k64dm8068/rum_tests.xlsx?dl=0 note my rating is just my preference, there are some good rums, I just dont like them My ideas for the next rums: https://www.dropbox.com/s/errs3hlbijqy36r/plans.JPG?dl=0 I liked Chairman's Forgotten Casks (could have more flavour), Doorly's 12 (could be a bit stronger and darker), Plantation OFTD (a bit too salty), El Dorado 12 (very nice, but looking for different style), Brugal and Flor The Cana 12 for mixing (I wish they were less watery). Don't like Mount Gay that much, they are nice, but a bit like sweet chocolate to me, I prefer the ones mentioned above. Don't like Barbancourt 8 (a bit like white semi sweet wine with hazelnut, not my style), El Dorado 8, Havana 7, Pusser Blue Navy (dark notes), earthiness of Barcelo Imperial, Abuelo 7 stykle, I find Diplomatico Reserve or Plantation 5 too smooth. Tried Foursquare 2008, it smells like nail polish remover to me, not even funny... is there some alternative without that smell?
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ | 531 ratings
alseick, I think you should go for the Flor de Cana 18yo and the Santa Teresa 1796 they are mid priced and good value for money.
alseick πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 8 ratings Author
I liked Flor de Cana the most (12), especially considering the price - quite cheap. Santa Teresa - I have tasted Ron Anejo once, it was ok, a bit buttery or something? I definitely prefer Flor De Cana. Β For the Fiji, there is Kilchoman 2009 edition and 2009 available where I do the shopping. It doesn't have to be the Fiji, I just wanted to try one of Vintage edition, as I liked some rums from Plantation (OFTD, Pineapple, Xaymaca kind of ok, but would pick Appleton), on the other hand I did not like Barbados 5 or 20th at all - I prefer many Chairman's or Doorly's over these. My other ideas are Guatemala XO and Peru 2006, they get quite nice reviews, Peru bothers me as it might be close to Cartavio which I already have, I think Cartavio would have 3rd place in my case after Flor De Cana and Brugal, Cartavio just has more wine thing going on.I need to learn a bit about Transcontinental though, as I see they kind of overlap with Plantation offer
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ | 531 ratings
alseick, I have followed this topic and I think just as vomi that you should go for Latin styled β€œRon”, but avoiding the over sweetened. So my suggestions is Flor de Cana, Santa Teresa and Cuban rum.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings
Worthy Park is same as Hampden. There could be some glue because they use long fermentation and a pot still, it depends on the mark. They also produce high ester rums. Which Plantation Fiji do you want to try? A column still Fiji has no charasteristics of a typical Fiji rum. The TCRL is a pot still rum with typical aromas. It seems you prefer the spanish style without strange aromas. Therefore skip all heavy rums.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings
alseick: Don't be torn between two VERY opposite opinions! I am trying to save you the time and money in buying Worthy Park. The other responder only endorses the very expensive rums and I have lost all respect for her opinion.
alseick πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 8 ratings Author
I feel like torn between two forces here hehe, but I have noticed people mentioning glue and acetone in Worthy Park, considering my experience with Foursquare 2008 I think I will try some other funky options. If it comes to mid-priced: I can get Plantation Fiji, Peru in a decent price, then and Guatemala XO, followed by Barbados, but that one wasnt getting really good reviews. Transcontinental is not much more expensive though. Cannot buy from expert24 and many others - some law issues, ebay does not even list the alcohol here, I get rum locally or from Czech or Slovakian shops for some reasonWhat is the difference between Peru and Fiji? I have noticed some people mentioning a bit heavier side of Fiji, I dont mind heavy, unless it is earthy-bitter like red tea (Pu Erh). If it comes to Plantation Peru, it gets quite good reviews, but I am a bit afraid as Cartavio isnt the style I like much (I prefer Flor de Cana, though I find Cartavio to be better than Zacapa and others in that style). Thanks for the tip with Trinidad - not a big fan of medical thing
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings
Yes, the Single Estate Reserve is already very good and not very expensive. Quorhum 15 has strong sherry influence. Same as Cubaney or English Harbour Sherry. Because you don't like Detente, you can skip Sagacity. They have some similarities and I think you found your favorite Foursquare already, the Doorlys 14. A real Trinidad rum has always medical aromas, I like the La Maison Du Rhum Trinidad. Fiji is weird, not many people like this rum, but I love it. You can try this one: https://www.expert24.com/21038/transcontinental-rum-line-fiji-2014-48-vol-07l-in-geschenkbox
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings
alseick: I was not even going to respond to this lengthy post, but when you first mentioned Worthy Park, I feel that I need to warn you on this highly over rated rum. Just read my lengthy review with my recent update. Do not waste your money on this one!!!!!
alseick πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 8 ratings Author
@Vomi1011 Which worthy Park should I try, Single Estate Reserve?I am back after testing. I have tried Plantation Barbados 5 and also 20th anniversary: well, compared to others, the kind of lack of flavour to me, they feel like light caramel, too mild, I would actually put them close to Diplomatico. I like darker woody-chocolate type.I have also tried Malteco 15 - much more flavour in my opinion, I liked it more, but still not for me, I would rather drink El Dorado 12 as it is 'heavier', darker.On the other hand, I tried Plantation Pineapple and actually liked it. It is light, but feels more natural to me than Diplomatico or Plantation Barbados rums, which might sound crazy - maybe I don't like non-alcoholic vanilla, I have no idea. Bought the recommended ones: Detente - I actually prefer 2008, as Detente has earthy, cofee, some dark note which I don't like. I feel similar note in some of Spanish type rums, maybe it is caused by the port cask, I don't know. Acetone is almost gone in this one.-- Chairman's Reserve 2005 - oh this was going really well, lots of flavour, but has some herbal note which tastes to me like Mexican Mint or Cuban Oregano which I grow, and once I smelled this it ruined my experience hehe, I am weird. Anyway I consider this one to be really good, but this one thing puts me off a little bit, just like acetone in 2008.I still like 2005 more than some Master Selection edition done for european shop which is totally like Legacy upgrade + some funk, herbs, too weird for me, I'd rather have Smith&Cross or Appleton. -- Doorly's 14 - I like this one a lot, a bit expensive though, but good. I prefer 2008 when mixed, but otherwise I liked 14 more as it has no acetone at all, and yet it is full of flavour. Feels like mix of 12 and XO to me (I prefer 12 over XO slightly) Others: --- HMS Princessa - I dig this one as well, more than Mount Gay XO, it is a bit too sweet and watery, but for me as good as Doorly's 12 or Forgotten Casks. Blue Mauritius Gold - good, but I am not into this type, just hazelnuts, too light for me. Plantation Xaymaca - again some earthy note, I definitely preferred Appleton or Smith&Cross. Tested some other rums like Cartavio 12, Zacapa 23, Plantation Belize - not my type, liked Flor De Cana the most, as it had no earthy, bitter notes or not much of a wine aftertaste (though I like El Dorado 12, which has some of these notes, but no bitterness or earthy part). My shopping list: English Harbour Chairman's Reserve 1931 - I wonder how it compares to 2005, if it has more funk or herbs then I wont get it HMS Royal and Formidable - as I liked Princessa I also got recommendation for Sagacity, which seems cool, but it's not available in 'normal' price (including shipping from some other country) R.L Seale 10 La Maison Venezuela - I just found it by looking at reviews from people who liked same rums as I doQuorhum 15(somehow I feel I wont like it, but many people praise Quorhum, dont want to spend too much on 30) Maybe some Plantation area-oriented series (Trinidad, Fiji) -want to find something available, approachable. Β Funk: Worthy Park - not sure which Blackwell Fine Mezan Xo
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings
They have a similar profile. But Detente is more heavy, with more hazelnut and barrel aroma. Doorlys is more balanced and a little bit more mellow. I prefer Doorlys 14. Worthy park is fruity (banana) and spicy, more funky would be the WPE mark (it's high ester). Same with Hampden. Everything from LROK is funky. Hampden has often apple and pineapple aromas. Smith&Cross has the best value, there are not many good rums for that price. Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva? It has caramel, raisins and banana aromas, maybe you don't like the sweetness? Plantation XO, Wagemut or Maltecos have a lot of vanilla, also Malecons. You may have to try these rums first to know what you don't like about Diplomatico RE.
alseick πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 8 ratings Author
- What's the difference between Doorly's 14 and Detente? There aren't many detailed reviews, especially for Doorly's 14. Doorly's 14 is a little bit more expensive than Detente (Doorly's 60 euro, Detente 63 euro, Worthy Park: Single 53 euro, Special 70 euro). My gut tells me that I probably should go with 14, hoping that it will be stronger, and more available hopefully. I dont mind strong rums (Smith&Cross, OFTD), just for 2008 seems to not be for me. - Is Worthy Park as funky as Smith & Cross? While I feel like Smith & Cross has a lot of quality and it is a good rum, just for me I would prefer something more 'normal' (like OFTD or Appleton). Appleton 21 is super expensive, to be honest I would rather try a few cheaper ones :) I have updated the post with some plans, as I didnt try many popular rums. I tried to avoid vanilla ones except a few super popular cases, I hope I wont be dissapointed as with Diplomatico
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings
If you open a fresh bottle some rums are more alcoholic. These light substances evaporate after a month from the bottle. I do a second test after four weeks, the rums often get better. Pour it in the glas and wait around 45min. You can buy one with lower abv like Doorlys 14 -> 48% or Detente -> 51%. Doorlys, MG and Forgotten Cask are not bad, but they lack complexity. They have not enough different aromas, that's why they are not that interesting. These are not bad to get started with, but of course you will go further and find more interesting rums.
alseick πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 8 ratings Author
I usually sip it fresh, then let it sit for a while with ice, and at the end I add coke, so 3 tests. I know, blasphemy. Foursquare 2008 is indeed quite good after the alcohol evarporates, but I wondered if I could omit the problem by selecting other rum ;) Chairman 2005 is on my list, also some special edition. I find Doorly's 12, Forgotten Cask and Mount Gay XO a bit similar (chocolate), so Forgotten Cask was my favourite so far, even though it lacked flavour compared to the others (could be stronger). The cheaper ones are ok for the price imo, but woulnd't buy again
alseick πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 8 ratings Author
@Paul B I have updated it with some rating. This is my personal rating, for example I think Smith & Cross is amazing, but I am not into that style (not that much funk)
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings
Seems that you like Jamaica and Foursquare rums and you can enjoy high proof rums. Since you like Doorlys 12 try Doorlys 14. It's hard to say why you smell nail polish in Foursquare 2008. It's not a high ester rum. How do you drink this rums? Do you wait 30 minutes after you've poured it? The low abv Chairmans are not worth mentioning. You can try Chairmans 2005, it is the first one that is complex and balanced with some heavy aromas. You would also like Appleton 21 I think. It's not just a better Appleton 12, it has also more matured aromas. It's a much better rum overall. Try also a Worthy Park, because you liked Hampden (Smith&Cross). Worthy Park Estate for example, it's spicy and very fruity but with other aromas than Smith&Cross (more banana instead of baked apple).
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings
alseick: I already like your detailed spreadsheet analysis. However, I am a man of numbers and you have no numbers to separate the good from the not so good. Throw some numbers in there and then I can give recommendations. For me, flavor counts twice as much as price, plain and simple. Therefore, it is extremely important that I rank all of the rums that I have tried by flavor. Since price cannot be changed, my formula points me in the right direction as to repeat purchases. And I am so glad to hear that another one thinks that Foursquare ECS "rums" are over rated!!!!
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