
Facundo Exqisito

Earl Elliott avatar image
Earl Elliott 🇨🇦 | 236 ratings Author
I have read the reviews on the Facundo Exquisito and I am wondering if it’s worth buying. It’s $200 Canadian and an hours drive to get it. I have the Facundo Eximo which is good and rates at 8 but the economist in me is wondering if the Exquisito is worth the extra $100. Over to the studio audience for their input.
Jimmy Cliff avatar image
Jimmy Cliff (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 510 ratings
I enjoy it occasionally but not over $100 bottle. Get a good bottle of Havana Club Maestros for around $50.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
I would not pay so much money for that one. It's 7-23 years, so maybe anywhere between 12-14 years. It's also a multicolumn distillation, so we can't expect a complex profile. I would buy for that money a real >20y old aged rum. https://thefatrumpirate.com/bacardi-facundo-exquisito-rum "It’s not terribly complex or nuanced. The finish is fairly long but again it’s not really doing a great deal. It’s timid and uninspiring. There is nothing really other than some sweetness and some wood. It’s bland and insipid much like the Reserva Limitada. Bacardi clearly know their audience as they seem to have no problem producing and selling these high end rums. It’s all a bit to safe for me. It’s just unexciting and bland." The Reserva Limitada got almost the same rating. https://thefatrumpirate.com/bacardi-reserva-limitada
Earl Elliott avatar image
Earl Elliott 🇨🇦 | 236 ratings Author
Solid advice from a rum specialist. I will wait until I get back to Florida and see if it's available at a good bar by the shot.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
Earl: I tried both of those Facundos last year. I actually liked the Eximo a little better, and I rated both as an 8. My Eximo went for $65 US and the best price that I found for the Exquisito was $90 US. I am also not willing to drive 200 miles to get more of these in Florida. I would advise you to try and find a better price and a shorter drive.
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