
King Cake Daiquiris

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
The Cuban Daiquiri has taken on a new approach this year with Mardi Gras basically being cancelled due to the pandemic. So a few companies have created King Cake Syrup which can be used instead of simple syrup to make Cuban Daiquiris. One of the better ones is from Cocktail & Sons and lists for $15 for an 8 ounce bottle. It is basically simple syrup with lots of cinnamon, pecan extract, and a little bit of lemon. For those who do not know what a King Cake is, it is basically a very fine piece of dough mixed with cinnamon, shaped into a large donut, and then baked and topped with icing and pecans. Various fillings can also be included to add to the decadence. There is always a small plastic baby inside. This tradition started as a way to see who would be the next king or queen for each carnival krewe's parade or ball. This has now morphed into whomever gets the baby has to buy the next cake for the entire office. This has become a sorry excuse to fatten up the office even more after the Christmas holidays. So how did my King Cake Daiquiri turn out? I used the old adage of one of sour, two of sweet, three of strong, and four of weak. Using only this new King Cake Syrup, the flavors pretty much overwhelmed the white rum and even the lime juice. Yes, they did capture the essence of the King Cake, but in liquid form. For my next try, I will go with half and half for the sweet part, using plain simple syrup for the other half. You can probably order any of their syrups from them. Just Google "Cocktail & Sons King Cake Syrup". This stuff would also go great in coffee. It is not cheap, but is worth it.
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