
Seeking White Premium Sipping Rum

AdmanVan 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
New to Rum Ratings - looks like great source! I am 57 year vodka martini drinker. Looking for some variety in my old age. I am in search of a premium white rum that I can drink neat or on the rocks. I realize that most sipping rums are dark, but I gravitate to white. I also want to avoid sweet, or heavily flavored, just a white smooth sipping rum with presence. Please help if you can!
AdmanVan 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
Thank You! I’m headed to the liquor store today!!! If for some reason, my store doesn’t have some of these, does anyone have a feel for the best online source for rum/white rum?
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
You may also want to try the very tasty Plantation 3-Star Artisinal Rum. This is technically an aged rum with the color removed through filtration and then a small amount of sugar is added. It has morphed from being semi-dry when I first tried it 3 years ago (13 gpl of added sugar) to now being dry at 9 gpl of added sugar. The sugar police like to put it down, but this is one mighty tasty rum. And under the new EU rules forthcoming, this will easily be still classified as "Rum" instead of "Spirit Drink". If you happen to find a few remaining bottles of Cana Brava 3 Year, grab them!!! The inside of the front label is also priceless with old images from Panama. This rum has been discontinued because it is now part of the new blend of Selvarey White.
Mujuru avatar image
Mujuru 🇺🇸 | 157 ratings
I completely agree with Paul: Selvarey White is the best Cuban/Spanish style white rum, and Probitas/Veritas for a very high end cocktail rum. I keep both in stock for different purposes; both can also double as sipping rums.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
For a higher proof premium white rum, try Probitas by Foursquare at 47% ABV. I am sipping it neat now. No wonder it burns more than any other white rum and I actually had to check the fine print on the bottle. This white rum is so good that I would not dare mix it with anything. I still prefer the Selvarey over this one.
Fourrunner08 (TASTING CLUB) 🇺🇸 | 44 ratings
Try Don Facundo Neo, it’s not cheap but it’s good
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
AdamVan: My top rated white rum is Selvarey White from Panama and it is available almost everywhere.
AdmanVan 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
Thank you, Rene. But I don’t said “topic below: Good White Rum? I’m sure it’s me being new to the app. 🤪
Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Welcome to the world of rum! Have a look at the topic below: Good white rum ?
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